# This is the master BIRCH menulist file. Any changes made here # will be lost the next time you update the BIRCH system. # You can add menu items in $BIRCH/local. See the BIRCH Administrator's # guide on "Adding locally-installed programs and documentation." File New SPLITDB Open_XYLEMGB Open_XYLEMPIR ImportForeign ImportFree ExportForeign PrettyPrint SaveSel PrintSel Documentation ViewDoc Edit Sort CopyOut PasteIn Extract ExtractSubset DNARNA AssembleContigs NUMSEQ BLrevcomp Translate Ribosome Findall Bachrest TACGrest SLl RNA_Struct MFOLD S LoopTool sho_helix Protein GREASE Ssl GARNIER Ssl PROT2NUC PROSTAT Similarity GGSEARCH GLSEARCH LALIGN SSEARCH ALIGN SHUFFLE DXHOM PXHOM Database FINDKEY FETCH FEATURES_KEY FEATURES_EXP DBINST DELILA BLASTP BLASTN BLASTX TBLASTN TBLASTX FASTADNA FASTAPROTEIN FASTXY TFASTA Patterns TESTCODE TACGpat SL GeneParser S Consensus S PATSER S GCMAT-INF-GC S Alignment clustalx SLl tcoffee dialign-tx mrtrans Degap MakeCons varpos reform jalview boxshade makelogo S Primers primer3b ospX S MWcalculator Phylogeny reticulate S Phylip_doc Phylip DNADIST PROTDIST DNAPARS PROTPARS DNAML PROML fastDNAml SLl Help Overview WindowsAndMenus Opening Selecting Grouping Properties EditMenu NewSequences Editing FAQ Index