#------------------- DNA - GenBank ( 1/23/06) -------------------------- # Note: This menu requires the script SHound.fixGenBank.py. # SHoundGetGenBankffList omits '//' characters from the end # of GenBank entries. Since these characters are required to # indicate the end of an entry, SHound.fixGenBank.py adds them # to the SHound output. When SHound is fixed, this script # can be deleted. item:DNA (GenBank) from GI itemmethod: ($METHOD; python $BIRCH/script/SHound.fixGenBank.py in1.tmp in1.gen; rm in1.tmp; $WHERE) & itemhelp:doc/dGDE/README.Leash arg:METHOD arglabel:Retrieval method argtype:choice_menu argchoice:SHoundGetGenBankffList (default,fast):python $BIRCH/script/flat2list.py in1 in1.list; leash -mn SHoundGetGenBankffList -mpf in1.list -of in1.tmp; rm in1 in1.list argchoice:SHoundGetGenBankff (slow,reliable):python $BIRCH/script/SHGetSeq.py in1 -f genbank in1.tmp argvalue:0 arg:WHERE arglabel:WHERE TO SEND OUTPUT argtype:chooser # If GenBank file, read directly, otherwise, convert to GenBank. argchoice:GDE:(gde in1.gen; rm in1.*)& argchoice:Textedit window:($GDE_TEXTEDIT in1.gen;rm in1.*) & argchoice:Output file:mv in1.gen $OUTFILE; echo ' SEQHOUND - GET completed' argvalue:0 arg:OUTFILE arglabel:Output file name argtype:text in:in1 informat:flat insave: