#-------------------- Discrete data - RESTML (11/ 4/2009) ------------------ item: RFLP/RAPD/AFLP Max. Likelihood itemmethod:flat2phyl -s in1.tmp; rm in1; (restml.csh in1.tmp $UTREE $METHOD $BSEED $REPLICATES $PERCENT $ALLSITES n $GLOBAL $SITENUM $SITELEN $OUTGRP $JUMBLE $JSEED $NUMJUM $TERMOUT $PRINTDATA in1.outfile in1.outtree; rm in1.tmp; $WHERE) & itemhelp:doc/Phylip/restml.html itemopen:gde_help_viewer.csh # mbiolegato: If no file has been chosen for UFN, UFN will be blank. # Simply substituting $UFN into the command for restml.csh would # therefore result in a missing parameter. Here we concatenate # UTREE and UFN in the form UTREE_UFN. restml.csh has been # modified to read both parameters from the UTREE variable, # and UFN is no longer passed as a separate variable. arg:UTREE argtype:chooser argchoice:Search for best tree:n_$UFN argchoice:Evaluate user-supplied tree:y_$UFN argvalue:0 arg:UFN arglabel:_____User tree filename: argtype:text #@argtype:file_chooser argtext:none arg:METHOD argtype:choice_menu arglabel:RESAMPLING (SLOW!) argchoice:none:n argchoice:Bootstrap:b argchoice:Delete-half jackinfe:d argchoice:Permute species for each character:ps argchoice:Permute character order:po argchoice:Permute within species:pw argvalue:0 arg:BSEED argtype:slider arglabel:_____Bootstrap random number seed argmin:5 argmax:65535 argvalue:12345 arg:REPLICATES argtype:slider arglabel:_____Number of bootstrap replicates? argmin:1 argmax:1000 argvalue:100 arg:PERCENT argtype:slider arglabel:_____Percent of sites to sample argmin:1 argmax:100 argvalue:100 arg:ALLSITES arglabel:ARE ALL SITES DETECTED? argtype:chooser argchoice:Yes:y argchoice:No:n argvalue:1 # As of Phylip 3.63, there is a bug in RESTML that causes the program # to hang while adding species to a tree. This only occurs when # Speedier but rougher analysis is set to 'yes'. Therefore, the # variable $SPEEDY in the itemmethod has been replaced by 'n' # and this option will remain commmented out until RESTML is fixed. #arg:SPEEDY #arglabel:SPEEDIER BUT ROUGHER ANALYSIS? #argtype:chooser #argchoice:Yes:y #argchoice:No:n #argvalue:1 arg:GLOBAL arglabel:DO GLOBAL REARRANGEMENTS? argtype:chooser argchoice:Yes:y argchoice:No:n argvalue:0 arg:SITENUM arglabel:# of rest. enzymes (RFLP only) argtype:slider argmin:1 argmax:100 argvalue:1 arg:SITELEN arglabel:SITE LENGTH argtype:slider argmin:1 argmax:50 argvalue:6 arg:OUTGRP arglabel:SEQUENCE # OF OUTGROUP: argtype:slider argmin:1 argmax:1000 argvalue:1 arg:JUMBLE argtype:chooser arglabel:JUMBLE THE SEQUENCE ORDER? argchoice:Yes:J argchoice:No:n argvalue:0 arg:JSEED argtype:slider arglabel:_____Jumble random number seed argmin:5 argmax:65535 argvalue:12345 arg:NUMJUM argtype:slider arglabel:_____Number of times to jumble argmin:1 argmax:50 argvalue:1 arg:TERMOUT argtype:chooser arglabel:SHOW PROGRESS REPORT argchoice:none:/dev/null argchoice:on screen:/dev/tty argchoice:to .log file:../../$OUTNAME.log argvalue:0 arg:PRINTDATA argtype:chooser arglabel:PRINT SEQUENCE DATA TO OUTFILE? argchoice:Yes:y argchoice:No:n argvalue:1 arg:WHERE arglabel:WHERE TO SEND OUTPUT argtype:chooser argchoice:Tree editor:gde.treeoutput.csh -e in1.outtree in1.outfile $OUTNAME argchoice:Drawing program:gde.treeoutput.csh -d in1.outtree in1.outfile $OUTNAME argchoice:Output files:gde.treeoutput.csh -f in1.outtree in1.outfile $OUTNAME argvalue:0 #arg:WHERE #arglabel:WHERE TO SEND OUTPUT #argtype:chooser #argchoice:ATV: ($GDE_TEXTEDIT in1.outfile; rm in1.outfile)& (atv in1.outtree)& ($GDE_TEXTEDIT in1.outtree; rm in1.outtree)& #argchoice:Drawtree:($GDE_TEXTEDIT in1.outfile; rm in1.outfile)& (drawtree.csh in1.outtree yes f 0 360 IE 360 reg $DAT/Phylip/font1 0.333 l in1.plotfile; $GDE_PSVIEW in1.plotfile; rm in1.plotfile)& ($GDE_TEXTEDIT in1.outtree; rm in1.outtree) & #argchoice:Output files:mv in1.outfile $OUTNAME.outfile; mv in1.outtree $OUTNAME.treefile #argvalue:0 arg:OUTNAME arglabel:_____raw filename (no extension) argtype:text argtext:restml in:in1 informat:flat