A.1 -- The Application Defaults File

There are several paths that DNA/GUI looks for that are given in the application defaults file. They are the path of the colortables, gel-format files, template-definition files, comb-geometry files, sequence files, and on-line help. The app-defaults file dui.ad should be set up so that the directories are in the same path as the executable dui.

!                                               !
!  Files used by DNA/GUI.                       !
!                                               !

! Location of color maps
*colorPath:                             ./PALETTE
! Location of gel-format files
*gelformatPath:                         ./GEL-FORMAT
! Location of templates
*templatePath:                          ./TEMPLATE-DEFINITION
! Location of on-line comb-geometryfiles
*combPath:                              ./COMB
! Location of on-line help text files
*helptextPath:                          ./HELP
! Location of on-line sequence files
*sequencePath:                          ./SEQUENCE
! Routine for SSRP images
*lfastaCommand:                         ./bin/lfasta -a -n

Continue on to Appendix 2

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