A.3 -- Creating a Gel-Format File

The gel-format file contains the format of the gel. The file contains one comment line (the first line) and one line for each of the lanes contained in the image. The letter M is used to identify size-standard lanes. Any alphanumeric string can be used to identify each of the experimental lanes. The lane labels, which appear in a stripe above or below the cropped image, are taken from these strings. Figure A.1 shows the gel loading order (or gel-format file) for the CEPH family K102 to the left. An inheritance gel-format, with inheritance codes, is to the right.

                #Family Set1 K102           #Family Set2 K1347   
                M                           M
                102-02                      15     MM
                102-03                      14     MF
                102-04                      02     M
                102-05                      03     C
                102-06                      04     C   
                102-07                      05     C
                102-08                      06     C
                102-09                      07     C
                M                           08     C
                102-10                      09     C
                102-11                      10     C
                102-12                      11     C
                102-13                      01     F
                102-14                      13     FM
                102-15                      12     FF
                102-16                      M
Figure A.1: Examples of gel-format files.

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