An interface is provided to handle mouse events. Mouse drivers are available for SUN-TOOLS (``emacstool'' from GNU-EMACS) and for X-Windows (supplied mouse_type). The recognized mouse events are: Left Click: set text cursor. Middle Click: set text cursor, then insert a gap The mouse data should be presented as the following string: .sp ``\\030\\000(KeyCode MouseX MouseY)\\n'' .sp where ``\\030'' is octal character code 030 (CAN), ``\\000'' is the null character, and MouseX and MouseY reflect the mouse position in character units (upper left is 0,0). MouseX, MouseY, and KeyCode are reported as decimal numbers. The KeyCode is complex, made up of bit fields. the bits are: .RS 4 .PP .TP 8 Bit 0: Left Button Event Bit 1: Middle Button Event Bit 2: Right Button Event Bit 3: Shift key was down Bit 4: Control key was down Bit 5: Meta key was down Bit 6: Shift Lock key was down Bit 7: ``0'' when Button Pressed, ``1'' when Button Released .RE