Mase(Mouse Support)MISC. REFERENCE MANUAL PAGESMase(Mouse Support) NAME _M_A_S_E Mouse Support SYNOPSIS _M_A_S_E has limited support for the use of a mouse. Basically, the character C-X (Control-X, or octal \030) is reserved as the mouse prefix character. This character runs a function that tries to interpret something useful from the mouse. The format of this string is: C-XC-@(button_number mouse_column mouse_row) The parenthesis are literal. The ``button_number'' should be ``1'' for left button, ``2'' for middle button, and ``4'' for right button. The mouse_column and mouse_row are digits indicating the mouse position in CHARACTERS, not in pixels. There are two mouse drivers available, one for use with Sun- Tools, and another for use with X-Windows. SUN-TOOLS The mouse driver from GNU-EMACS is employed. _M_A_S_E should be run under ``emacstool'' by running emacstool -rc mase from the command line. See the documentation on ``SunTools'' for information about sizing the win- dow. Alternately, you can run emacstool -rc csh then start _M_A_S_E in that shell win- dow. (With the emacstool -rc csh, you can resize the window BEFORE you run ``mase'' if you like.) X-WINDOWS I have written a mouse driver for X-Windows that attempts to mimic the GNU-EMACS driver for SunTools. It is called ``mouse_type''. To start this driver, put the mouse in the window where you will be run- ning _M_A_S_E. From the system command level, run mouse_type title if the xterm window has a title bar, or mouse_type no-title This process will fork off and leave a copy suspended. To kill it, ``fg'' it or log off. This process needs special privileges to be able to syn- thesize input, hence this weird way of starting and killing it. MBCRR Last change: DFCI 1 Mase(Mouse Support)MISC. REFERENCE MANUAL PAGESMase(Mouse Support) The Mouse Functions MOUSE LEFT BUTTON When you click the left mouse button, the _M_A_S_E cur- sor will be move to where the mouse was clicked. MOUSE MIDDLE BUTTON First, set the _M_A_S_E cursor to where the mouse was clicked. Then, insert ONE gap. MOUSE RIGHT BUTTON First, set the _M_A_S_E cursor to where the mouse was clicked. Then, delete ONE gap. SHIFT - MOUSE MIDDLE BUTTON Open a rectangle. Position mouse cursor at one corner of the rectangle you want to open (it will insert gaps to open it). Press and hold the ``SHIFT''. Press and hold the middle mouse button. Move to the diagonal corner of the ``box'' you want to open. Release the mouse button. Release the ``SHIFT''. This isn't as long and drawn out as I've made it seem! This is a mouse analog of the function of the _I_N_S-_C_O_L_U_M_N_S command. SHIFT - MOUSE RIGHT BUTTON Close a rectangle (delete columns of gaps) Position mouse cursor at one corner of the rectangle you want to zap. Press and hold the ``SHIFT''. Press and hold the right mouse button. Move to the diagonal corner of the ``box'' you want to delete. Release the mouse button. Release the ``SHIFT''. This is a mouse analog of the function of the _D_E_L- _C_O_L_U_M_N_S command. If _P_R_O_T_E_C_T is _O_F_F, the deletions will occur immediately. If _P_R_O_T_E_C_T is _O_N, you will be prompted case by case about protection viola- tions. BUGS _M_A_S_E does not recognize the signal SIGWINCH, which the operating system uses to notify programs that the size of their window has been changed. Therefore, the size of the _M_A_S_E window cannot be changed once _M_A_S_E has started. The mouse functions ignore the repeat, or _M_U_L_T factor. + ADDITIONAL NOTE + _X_T_E_R_M provides a way to generate mouse codes directly. For + more information on this, please contact Don Faulkner + directly. + MBCRR Last change: DFCI 2