Mase(Startup files) UNIX Programmer's Manual Mase(Startup files) NAME _M_A_S_E startup files SYNOPSIS _M_A_S_E will read a set of initialization files on startup files. This is done for maximal flexibility - you can configure _M_A_S_E to behave as _Y_O_U think it should. DESCRIPTION When _M_A_S_E starts, it reads several files in turn, using the same format and understanding the same commands as for _T_A_K_E (see _I_N_T_R_I_N_S_I_C _F_U_N_C_T_I_O_N_S). (Actually, it calls the same routine as _T_A_K_E.) _M_A_S_E generates some bindings and mappings internally. The first file to be read is the global system file; this file is shared by everyone and can be modified only by the _M_A_S_E administrator. It contains commands that are relevant for all users. The name of this file | is installation dependent. | The remainder of the initialization files have names that may be modified according to the name under which _M_A_S_E was invoked. This allows you to do some handy file-dependent initialization steps in a transparent way. This should become clear shortly. The next two files that are read are private for each user. First, the user's home directory initialization file ``~/.(program-name)rc'', then the initialization file in the current directory ``./.(program-name)rc'' are read. ``(program-name)'' is the name by which _M_A_S_E was invoked. Normally, you invoke _M_A_S_E via ``mase'', so it will read ``~/.maserc'' and ``./.maserc''. If you do something like ``ln -s /usr/local/bin/mase ~/bin/Icky'', then invoke _M_A_S_E via typing ``Icky'', it would read ``/usr/mbcrr/mase/Maserc'', ``~/.Ickyrc'', then ``./.Ickyrc''. Now, ``~/.Ickyrc'' might contain a line like ``LOAD Icky.seq'', and another like ``TAKE =keys.protein''. So, by typing only ``Icky'', _M_A_S_E will come up editing ``Icky.seq'' with keys mapped appropri- ately for editing protein sequence. One could create symbolic links for each of the pro- jects one will be editing - and have _M_A_S_E behaving rationally with a minimal frustration and key strokes. Remember that one can nest _T_A_K_E commands, so that one needn't duplicate commands across several initializa- tion files, but only _T_A_K_E a common file. Printed 11/1/88 DFCI 1 Mase(Startup files) UNIX Programmer's Manual Mase(Startup files) If this seems confusing, don't be overly concerned. If you use _M_A_S_E in a default way, it will read ``/usr/mbcrr/mase/Maserc'', ``~/.maserc'', and ``./maserc'', in that order. Not all _M_A_S_E functions may be called from within these initialization files. See _I_N_T_R_I_N_S_I_C _F_U_N_C_T_I_O_N_S _T_A_K_E for more information and syntax of those that are. EXAMPLES FILES SEE ALSO _I_N_T_R_I_N_S_I_C _F_U_N_C_T_I_O_N_S _T_A_K_E ln (1) BUGS Are you kidding? OF COURSE!! READ THIS Since the environment is flexible and easily config- ured, discussions regarding ``default'' bindings, map- pings, nor variable values will not be further enter- tained. Printed 11/1/88 DFCI 2