EMBOSS: jembossctl _________________________________________________________________ Program jembossctl Function Jemboss Authentication Control Description jembossctl should not be run by typical users. It is a slave program for the Jemboss server. If this means nothing to you, then you do not need to know anything more, just ignore this program. If you are setting up a Jemboss server (This is not the Jemboss interface that anyone can download, it is the software that listens to the Jemboss interfaces and runs the EMBOSS programs for you), then this program should be 'chmod 4755' to get root. Details are to be found on the Jemboss web pages. Usage It is not used by normal users. It is only ever run by other programs. Command line arguments Mandatory qualifiers: [-sock] string Pipe file Optional qualifiers: (none) Advanced qualifiers: (none) General qualifiers: -help bool report command line options. More information on associated and general qualifiers can be found with -help -verbose Mandatory qualifiers Allowed values Default [-sock] (Parameter 1) Pipe file Any string is accepted /tmp/emboss Optional qualifiers Allowed values Default (none) Advanced qualifiers Allowed values Default (none) Input file format Not applicable. Output file format Not applicable. Data files None. Notes None. References None. Warnings None. Diagnostic Error Messages None. Exit status It always exits with status 0. Known bugs None. See also Program name Description embossdata Finds or fetches the data files read in by the EMBOSS programs embossversion Writes the current EMBOSS version number Author(s) This application was written by Alan Bleasby (ableasby@hgmp.mrc.ac.uk) History Written (March 2002) - Alan Bleasby. Target users Administrators of Jemboss servers only. Comments