/******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /* (c) Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /* and */ /* Cedric Notredame */ /* 12 Aug 2014 - 22:07. */ /*All rights reserved. */ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*............................................... */ /* If you need some more information */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com */ /*............................................... */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" Alignment *clean_maln ( Alignment *A, Alignment *I, int T, int n_it) { Alignment *C=NULL; int a, b; int in_una, in_aln, in_gap, gap, una, aln; int Sstart,Rstate, Sstate; int n_segment=0; int **segment_list; add_warning ( stderr, "\nWARNING: -clean_aln is not supported anymore [PROGRAM:%s]\n", PROGRAM); return A; /*Initialization*/ a=0; in_una=a++;in_gap=a++;in_aln=a++; aln=a++;gap=a++;una=a++; segment_list=declare_int ( A->len_aln*A->nseq, 3); /*1: Identify the segments*/ C=copy_aln(A, C); for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { Sstate=in_aln; for ( b=0; blen_aln; b++) { if (is_gap(A->seq_al[a][b]))Rstate=gap; else if ( I->seq_al[a][b]<=T){Rstate=una;} else if ( I->seq_al[a][b]==NO_COLOR_RESIDUE)Rstate=una; else Rstate=aln; if (Rstate==una)C->seq_al[a][b]='-'; if (Sstate==in_aln) { if ( Rstate==gap) {Sstate=in_gap; Sstart=b; } else if ( Rstate==una) { Sstate=in_una; Sstart=b; } else if ( Rstate==aln) Sstate=in_aln; } else if ( Sstate==in_gap) { if ( Rstate==gap); else if ( Rstate==una)Sstate=in_una; else if ( Rstate==aln)Sstate=in_aln; } else if ( Sstate==in_una) { if ( Rstate==gap); else if ( Rstate==una); else if ( Rstate==aln) { segment_list[n_segment][0]=a; segment_list[n_segment][1]=Sstart; segment_list[n_segment][2]=b-Sstart; Sstate=in_aln; n_segment++; } } } if (Sstate==in_una) { segment_list[n_segment][0]=a; segment_list[n_segment][1]=Sstart; segment_list[n_segment][2]=b-Sstart; Sstate=in_aln; n_segment++; } } /*2 Realign the segments*/ for ( b=0; b< n_it; b++) { for ( a=0; a< n_segment; a++) { HERE ("1"); A=realign_segment ( segment_list[a][0], segment_list[a][1], segment_list[a][2], A, C); } } free_aln (C); free_int ( segment_list, -1); make_fast_generic_dp_pair_wise (NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); return A; } Alignment *realign_segment (int seq, int start, int len,Alignment *A, Alignment *C) { Alignment *S1=NULL, *S2=NULL, *S3=NULL; int *ns, **ls; int a,b; static Constraint_list *CL; /*1 Prepare the Constraint list*/ if ( !CL) { CL=(Constraint_list*)vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Constraint_list)); CL->extend_jit=0; CL->pw_parameters_set=1; CL->M=read_matrice ("blosum62mt"); CL->gop=-20; CL->gep=-1; CL->evaluate_residue_pair=evaluate_matrix_score; sprintf ( CL->dp_mode, "myers_miller_pair_wise"); } S1=copy_aln(A,S1); S1=extract_aln (S1,0,start); S2=copy_aln(A,S2); S2=extract_aln (S2, start, start+len); S3=copy_aln(A,S3); S3=extract_aln (S3, start+len,A->len_aln); /*for (a=0; anseq; a++){S2->order[a][1]=0;S2->order[a][0]=a;}*/ ungap ( S2->seq_al[seq]); CL->S=A->S;/*aln2seq(S2);*/ /*3 Prepare Sequence Presentation*/ ns=(int*)vcalloc (2, sizeof (int)); ls=declare_int (2,S2->nseq); ns[0]=A->nseq-1; for ( a=0,b=0; a< S2->nseq; a++)if (a!=seq)ls[0][b++]=a; ns[1]=1; ls[1][0]=seq; pair_wise (S2, ns, ls, CL); A=realloc_aln (A, strlen (S1->seq_al[0])+ strlen (S2->seq_al[0])+ strlen (S3->seq_al[0])+1); for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { sprintf ( A->seq_al[a], "%s%s%s", S1->seq_al[a], S2->seq_al[a], S3->seq_al[a]); } free_aln (S1); free_aln (S2); free_aln (S3); vfree(ns);free_int(ls, -1); return A; } Alignment *realign_segment_old (int seq, int start, int len,Alignment *A, Alignment *C) { Alignment *S=NULL; int *ns, **ls; char *sub_seq; static Dp_Model *M=NULL; static Constraint_list *CL=NULL; Dp_Result *R=NULL; int a,b, c; /*1 Prepare the Constraint list*/ if ( !CL) { CL=(Constraint_list*)vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Constraint_list)); CL->extend_jit=0; CL->pw_parameters_set=1; CL->M=read_matrice ("blosum62mt"); CL->gop=-20; CL->gep=-1; CL->evaluate_residue_pair=evaluate_matrix_score; } S=copy_aln(C,S); S=extract_aln (S, start, start+len); S->len_aln=strlen(S->seq_al[0]); sub_seq=extract_char (A->seq_al[seq], start, len); ungap(sub_seq); sprintf ( S->seq_al[seq],"%s", sub_seq); CL->S=aln2seq(S); /*2 Prepare the Model*/ M=initialize_seg2prf_model((start==0)?2:0,(start+len==A->len_aln)?2:0,CL); M->diag=(int*)vcalloc ( 2*len+1, sizeof (int)); M->diag[0]=len+strlen (sub_seq)-1; for ( a=1; a<=M->diag[0]; a++)M->diag[a]=a; /*3 Prepare Sequence Presentation*/ ns=(int*)vcalloc (2, sizeof (int)); ls=declare_int (2,A->nseq); ns[0]=A->nseq-1; for ( a=0,b=0; a< A->nseq; a++)if (a!=seq)ls[0][b++]=a; ns[1]=1; ls[1][0]=seq; if ( strlen (sub_seq)!=len) { R=make_fast_generic_dp_pair_wise(S, ns, ls, M); for (c=0, b=1,a=start; a< start+len; b++,a++) { if (R->traceback[b]==0) { A->seq_al[seq][a]=sub_seq[c]; C->seq_al[seq][a]=sub_seq[c]; c++; } else { A->seq_al[seq][a]='-'; C->seq_al[seq][a]='-'; } } } free_dp_model (M); free_aln (S); free_dp_result (R); vfree(sub_seq); vfree(ns); free_int (ls, -1); free_sequence (CL->S, (CL->S)->nseq); return A; } Dp_Model * initialize_seg2prf_model(int left_tg_mode, int right_tg_mode, Constraint_list *CL) { Dp_Model *M; int a, b, c,d; M=(Dp_Model*)vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Dp_Model)); M->nstate=2; M->START=M->nstate++; M->END =M->nstate++; M->TG_MODE=1; M->F_TG_MODE=0; M->gop=CL->gop*SCORE_K; M->gep=CL->gep*SCORE_K; M->bounded_model=declare_int (M->nstate+1, M->nstate+1); M->model=declare_int (M->nstate+1, M->nstate+1); for ( a=0; a<=M->nstate; a++) for ( b=0; b<= M->nstate; b++) M->model[a][b]=UNDEFINED; a=0; M->TYPE=a++;M->LEN_I=a++; M->LEN_J=a++; M->DELTA_I=a++;M->DELTA_J=a++; M->CODING0=a++;M->DELETION=a++; M->model_properties=declare_int ( M->nstate, 10); a=0; M->EMISSION=a++;M->TERM_EMISSION=a++;M->START_EMISSION=a++; M->model_emission_function=(int (***)(Alignment*, int**, int, int*, int, int**, int, int*, int, Constraint_list*))vcalloc(M->nstate, sizeof (int (**)(Alignment*, int **, int, int*, int, int **, int, int*, int, struct Constraint_list *))); for ( a=0; a< M->nstate; a++) M->model_emission_function[a]=(int (**)(Alignment*, int **, int, int*, int, int **, int, int*, int, struct Constraint_list *)) vcalloc(3, sizeof (int (*)(Alignment*, int **, int, int*, int, int **, int, int*, int, struct Constraint_list *))); /*Substitution*/ M->model_properties[0][M->TYPE]=M->CODING0; M->model_properties[0][M->LEN_I]=1; M->model_properties[0][M->LEN_J]=1; M->model_properties[0][M->DELTA_I]=-1; M->model_properties[0][M->DELTA_J]= 0; M->model_emission_function[0][M->EMISSION] =cw_profile_get_dp_cost; M->model_emission_function[0][M->START_EMISSION]=get_start_gep_cost; M->model_emission_function[0][M->TERM_EMISSION] =get_start_gep_cost; /*Deletions*/ M->model_properties[1][M->TYPE]=M->DELETION; M->model_properties[1][M->LEN_I]=1; M->model_properties[1][M->LEN_J]=0; M->model_properties[1][M->DELTA_I]=-1; M->model_properties[1][M->DELTA_J]=+1; M->model_emission_function[1][M->EMISSION]=get_gep_cost; if (left_tg_mode ==2) M->model_emission_function[1][M->START_EMISSION]=get_start_gep_cost; else M->model_emission_function[1][M->START_EMISSION]=get_gep_cost; if (right_tg_mode ==2) M->model_emission_function[1][M->TERM_EMISSION]=get_term_gep_cost; else M->model_emission_function[1][M->TERM_EMISSION]=get_gep_cost; /*Transitions*/ M->model[0][M->END]=M->model[M->START][0]=ALLOWED; M->model[0][1]=M->gop; M->model[0][0]=ALLOWED; M->model[1][M->END]= (right_tg_mode==0)?0:-M->gop; M->model[M->START][1]=( left_tg_mode==0)?M->gop:0; M->model[1][1]=ALLOWED; M->model[1][0]=ALLOWED; /*Prune the model*/ for (c=0,a=0, d=0; a< M->START; a++) for ( b=0; bSTART; b++, d++) { if (M->model[a][b]!=UNDEFINED) { M->bounded_model[b][1+M->bounded_model[b][0]++]=a; c++; } } M->CL=CL; return M; } int get_gep_cost (Alignment *A, int**pos1, int ns1, int*list1, int col1, int**pos2, int ns2, int*list2, int col2, Constraint_list *CL) { return CL->gep*SCORE_K; } int get_start_gep_cost (Alignment *A, int**pos1, int ns1, int*list1, int col1, int**pos2, int ns2, int*list2, int col2, Constraint_list *CL) { return 0; } int get_term_gep_cost (Alignment *A, int**pos1, int ns1, int*list1, int col1, int**pos2, int ns2, int*list2, int col2, Constraint_list *CL) { return CL->gep*SCORE_K*-1; }