/******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /* (c) Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /* and */ /* Cedric Notredame */ /* 12 Aug 2014 - 22:07. */ /*All rights reserved. */ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*............................................... */ /* If you need some more information */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com */ /*............................................... */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" int commonsextet( int *table, int *pointt ); void makecompositiontable( int *table, int *pointt ); int *code_seq (char *seq, char *type); int * makepointtable( int *pointt, int *n, int ktup ); static int tsize; /** * calculates the number of common tuples */ int commonsextet( int *table, int *pointt ) { int value = 0; int tmp; int point; static int *memo = NULL; static int *ct = NULL; static int *cp; if( !memo ) { memo =(int*) vcalloc( tsize+1, sizeof( int ) ); ct =(int*) vcalloc( tsize+1, sizeof( int ) ); } cp = ct; while( ( point = *pointt++ ) != END_ARRAY ) { tmp = memo[point]++; if( tmp < table[point] ) value++; if( tmp == 0 ) { *cp++ = point; } } *cp = END_ARRAY; cp = ct; while( *cp != END_ARRAY ) memo[*cp++] = 0; return( value ); } /** * calculates how many of each tuple exist */ void makecompositiontable( int *table, int *pointt ) { int point; while( ( point = *pointt++ ) != END_ARRAY ) { table[point]++; } } int *code_seq (char *seq, char *type) { static int *code; static int *aa, ng; int a, b, l; if (!aa) { char **gl; if ( strm (type, "DNA") || strm (type, "RNA")) { gl=declare_char (4,5); sprintf ( gl[ng++], "Aa"); sprintf ( gl[ng++], "Gg"); sprintf ( gl[ng++], "TtUu"); sprintf ( gl[ng++], "Cc"); } else { gl=make_group_aa ( &ng, "mafft"); } aa=(int*)vcalloc ( 256, sizeof (int)); for ( a=0; amaximise=1; sprintf ( CL->matrix_for_aa_group, "vasiliky"); CL->M=read_matrice ("blosum62mt"); CL->evaluate_residue_pair=evaluate_cdna_matrix_score; CL->get_dp_cost=slow_get_dp_cost; type=get_string_type(seq1); if ( strm (type, "CDNA")) CL->evaluate_residue_pair= evaluate_matrix_score; else if ( strm(type, "PROTEIN")) CL->evaluate_residue_pair=evaluate_matrix_score; else if ( strm (type, "DNA") || strm (type, "RNA")) CL->evaluate_residue_pair= evaluate_matrix_score; vfree(type); } else { in_cl=1; } if ( !gl) { gl=make_group_aa (&ng, CL->matrix_for_aa_group); ns=(int*)vcalloc (2, sizeof (int)); ns[0]=ns[1]=1; l_s=declare_int (2, 2); l_s[0][0]=0; l_s[1][0]=1; } A=strings2aln (2, "A",seq1,"B", seq2); ungap(A->seq_al[0]); ungap(A->seq_al[1]); CL->S=A->S; diag=evaluate_diagonals ( A,ns, l_s, CL,maximise, ng, gl, ktup); free_sequence (A->S, (A->S)->nseq); free_aln (A); if (!in_cl) { free_int (CL->M, -1); vfree (CL); } return diag; } int ** evaluate_diagonals ( Alignment *A, int *ns, int **l_s, Constraint_list *CL,int maximise,int n_groups, char **group_list, int ktup) { int **tot_diag; if ( CL->residue_index) { tot_diag=evaluate_diagonals_with_clist ( A, ns, l_s, CL, maximise,n_groups,group_list, ktup); } else if ( CL->use_fragments) { tot_diag=evaluate_segments_with_ktup ( A, ns, l_s, CL, maximise,n_groups,group_list, ktup); } else { tot_diag=evaluate_diagonals_with_ktup ( A, ns, l_s, CL, maximise,n_groups,group_list, ktup); } return tot_diag; } int ** evaluate_segments_with_ktup ( Alignment *A, int *ns, int **l_s, Constraint_list *CL,int maximise,int n_groups, char **group_list, int ktup) { /* Reads in an alignmnet A, with two groups of sequences marked. 1-Turn each group into a conscensus, using the group list identifier. -if the group list is left empty original symbols are used 2-hash groupc the two sequences 3-score each diagonal, sort the list and return it (diag_list) */ char *seq1, *seq2, *alphabet=NULL; int a,b,l1, l2, n_ktup,pos_ktup1, pos_ktup2, **pos; int *hasched_seq1, *hasched_seq2,*lu_seq1,*lu_seq2; int n_diag, **diag, current_diag, **dot_list, n_dots, cost; int l,delta_diag, delta_res; pos=aln2pos_simple ( A,-1, ns, l_s); seq1=aln2cons_seq (A, ns[0], l_s[0], n_groups, group_list); seq2=aln2cons_seq (A, ns[1], l_s[1], n_groups, group_list); alphabet=get_alphabet (seq1,alphabet); alphabet=get_alphabet (seq2,alphabet); l1=strlen ( seq1); l2=strlen ( seq2); n_diag=l1+l2-1; diag=declare_int ( n_diag+2, 3); n_ktup=(int)pow ( (double)alphabet[0]+1, (double)ktup); hasch_seq(seq1, &hasched_seq1, &lu_seq1,ktup, alphabet); hasch_seq(seq2, &hasched_seq2, &lu_seq2,ktup, alphabet); /*EVALUATE THE DIAGONALS*/ for ( a=0; a<= n_diag; a++)diag[a][0]=a; for ( n_dots=0,a=1; a<= n_ktup; a++) { pos_ktup1=lu_seq1[a]; while (TRUE) { if (!pos_ktup1)break; pos_ktup2=lu_seq2[a]; while (pos_ktup2) { n_dots++; pos_ktup2=hasched_seq2[pos_ktup2]; } pos_ktup1=hasched_seq1[pos_ktup1]; } } if ( n_dots==0) { vfree (seq1); vfree (seq2); vfree (alphabet); vfree (hasched_seq1); vfree (hasched_seq2); vfree (lu_seq1); vfree (lu_seq2); free_int (diag, -1); return evaluate_segments_with_ktup (A,ns,l_s,CL,maximise,n_groups, group_list,ktup-1); } dot_list=declare_int ( n_dots,3); for ( n_dots=0,a=1; a<= n_ktup; a++) { pos_ktup1=lu_seq1[a]; while (TRUE) { if (!pos_ktup1)break; pos_ktup2=lu_seq2[a]; while (pos_ktup2) { current_diag=(pos_ktup2-pos_ktup1+l1); dot_list[n_dots][0]=current_diag; dot_list[n_dots][1]=pos_ktup1; dot_list[n_dots][2]=pos_ktup2; pos_ktup2=hasched_seq2[pos_ktup2]; n_dots++; } pos_ktup1=hasched_seq1[pos_ktup1]; } } hsort_list_array ((void **)dot_list, n_dots, sizeof (int), 3, 0, 3); current_diag= (int)dot_list[0][0]; for ( b=0; b< ktup; b++)diag[current_diag][2]+=(CL->get_dp_cost) ( A, pos, ns[0], l_s[0], dot_list[0][1]+b-1, pos,ns[1], l_s[1], dot_list[0][2]+b-1, CL); for ( l=0,a=1; a< n_dots; a++) { delta_diag=dot_list[a][0]-dot_list[a-1][0]; delta_res =dot_list[a][1]-dot_list[a-1][1]; for ( cost=0, b=0; b< ktup; b++)cost++; /*=(CL->get_dp_cost) ( A, pos, ns[0], l_s[0], dot_list[a][1]+b-1, pos,ns[1], l_s[1], dot_list[a][2]+b-1, CL);*/ if (delta_diag!=0 || FABS(delta_res)>5) { l=0; diag[current_diag][1]=best_of_a_b(diag[current_diag][2], diag[current_diag][1], 1); if ( diag[current_diag][2]<0); else diag[current_diag][1]= MAX(diag[current_diag][1],diag[current_diag][2]); diag[current_diag][2]=0; current_diag=dot_list[a][0]; } l++; diag[current_diag][2]+=cost; } diag[current_diag][1]=best_of_a_b(diag[current_diag][2], diag[current_diag][1], 1); sort_int (diag+1, 3, 1,0, n_diag-1); vfree (seq1); vfree (seq2); vfree (alphabet); vfree (hasched_seq1); vfree (hasched_seq2); vfree (lu_seq1); vfree (lu_seq2); free_int (pos, -1); free_int (dot_list, -1); return diag; } int ** evaluate_diagonals_with_clist ( Alignment *A, int *ns, int **l_s, Constraint_list *CL,int maximise,int n_groups, char **group_list, int ktup) { /* Reads in an alignmnent A, with two groups of sequences marked. Weight the diagonals with the values read in the constraint list */ int l1, l2,n_diag, s1, s2, r1=0, r2=0; int a, b, c, d; int **diag; int **code; int **pos; static int *entry; if ( !entry)entry=(int*)vcalloc ( CL->entry_len+1, CL->el_size); l1=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]); l2=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]); n_diag=l1+l2-1; diag=declare_int ( n_diag+2, 3); for ( a=0; a<= n_diag; a++)diag[a][0]=a; A->S=CL->S; code=seq2aln_pos (A, ns, l_s); pos =aln2pos_simple ( A,-1, ns, l_s); for (a=0; aorder[l_s[0][a]][0]; for (b=0; border[l_s[1][b]][0]; for (r1=1; r1<=(A->S)->len[s1]; r1++) { int e; for (e=1; eresidue_index[s1][r1][0]; e+=ICHUNK) { if (CL->residue_index[s1][r1][e+SEQ2]==s2) { r2=CL->residue_index[s1][r1][e+R2]; diag[(r2-r1+l1)][1]+=(CL->get_dp_cost) ( A, pos, ns[0], l_s[0],r1-1, pos,ns[1], l_s[1], r2-1, CL); } } } } } sort_int (diag+1, 2, 1,0, n_diag-1); free_int (code,-1); free_int (pos, -1); return diag; } int * flag_diagonals (int l1, int l2, int **sorted_diag, float T, int window) { int a, b, up, low,current_diag,n_diag; int * slopes; int *diag_list; double mean; double sd; int use_z_score=1; n_diag=l1+l2-1; mean=return_mean_int ( sorted_diag, n_diag+1, 1); sd =return_sd_int ( sorted_diag, n_diag+1, 1, (int)mean); if ( T==0) { use_z_score=1; T=(((double)sorted_diag[n_diag][1]-mean)/sd)/25; } diag_list=(int*)vcalloc (l1+l2+1, sizeof (int)); slopes=(int*)vcalloc ( n_diag+1, sizeof (int)); for ( a=n_diag; a>0; a--) { current_diag=sorted_diag[a][0]; if ( !use_z_score && sorted_diag[a][1]>T) { up=MAX(1,current_diag-window); low=MIN(n_diag, current_diag+window); for ( b=up; b<=low; b++)slopes[b]=1; } else if (use_z_score && ((double)sorted_diag[a][1]-mean)/sd>T) { up=MAX(1,current_diag-window); low=MIN(n_diag, current_diag+window); for ( b=up; b<=low; b++)slopes[b]=1; } else break; } for ( a=1, b=0; a<=n_diag; a++) { b+=slopes[a]; } slopes[1]=1; slopes[l1+l2-1]=1; slopes[l2]=1; for (a=0; a<= (l1+l2-1); a++) if ( slopes[a]){diag_list[++diag_list[0]]=a;} vfree (slopes); return diag_list; } int * extract_N_diag (int l1, int l2, int **sorted_diag, int n_chosen_diag, int window) { int a, b, up, low,current_diag,n_diag; int * slopes; int *diag_list; n_diag=l1+l2-1; diag_list=(int*)vcalloc (l1+l2+1, sizeof (int)); slopes=(int*)vcalloc ( n_diag+1, sizeof (int)); for ( a=n_diag; a>0 && a>(n_diag-n_chosen_diag); a--) { current_diag=sorted_diag[a][0]; up=MAX(1,current_diag-window); low=MIN(n_diag, current_diag+window); for ( b=up; b<=low; b++)slopes[b]=1; } /*flag bottom right*/ up=MAX(1,1-window);low=MIN(n_diag,1+window); for ( a=up; a<=low; a++) slopes[a]=1; /*flag top left */ up=MAX(1,(l1+l2-1)-window);low=MIN(n_diag,(l1+l2-1)+window); for ( a=up; a<=low; a++) slopes[a]=1; /*flag MAIN DIAG SEQ1*/ up=MAX(1,l1-window);low=MIN(n_diag,l1+window); for ( a=up; a<=low; a++) slopes[a]=1; /*flag MAIN DIAG SEQ2*/ up=MAX(1,l2-window);low=MIN(n_diag,l2+window); for ( a=up; a<=low; a++) slopes[a]=1; for (a=0; a<= (l1+l2-1); a++) if ( slopes[a]){diag_list[++diag_list[0]]=a;} vfree (slopes); return diag_list; } int cfasta_gotoh_pair_wise (Alignment *A,int*ns, int **l_s,Constraint_list *CL) { /*TREATMENT OF THE TERMINAL GAP PENALTIES*/ /*TG_MODE=0---> gop and gep*/ /*TG_MODE=1---> --- gep*/ /*TG_MODE=2---> --- ---*/ int maximise; /*VARIABLES FOR THE MULTIPLE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT*/ int **tot_diag; int *diag; int ktup; static int n_groups; static char **group_list; int score, new_score; int n_chosen_diag=20; int step; int max_n_chosen_diag; int l1, l2; /********Prepare Penalties******/ maximise=CL->maximise; ktup=CL->ktup; /********************************/ if ( !group_list) { group_list=make_group_aa (&n_groups, CL->matrix_for_aa_group); } l1=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]); l2=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]); if ( !CL->fasta_step) { step=MIN(l1,l2); step=(int) log ((double)MAX(step, 1)); step=MAX(step, 20); } else { step=CL->fasta_step; } tot_diag=evaluate_diagonals ( A, ns, l_s, CL, maximise,n_groups,group_list, ktup); max_n_chosen_diag=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]])+strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]])-1; /*max_n_chosen_diag=(int)log10((double)(l1+l2))*10;*/ n_chosen_diag+=step; n_chosen_diag=MIN(n_chosen_diag, max_n_chosen_diag); diag=extract_N_diag (strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]),strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]), tot_diag, n_chosen_diag, 0); score =make_fasta_gotoh_pair_wise ( A, ns, l_s, CL, diag); new_score=0; vfree ( diag); while (new_score!=score && n_chosen_diag< max_n_chosen_diag ) { score=new_score; ungap_sub_aln ( A, ns[0], l_s[0]); ungap_sub_aln ( A, ns[1], l_s[1]); n_chosen_diag+=step; n_chosen_diag=MIN(n_chosen_diag, max_n_chosen_diag); diag =extract_N_diag (strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]),strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]), tot_diag, n_chosen_diag, 0); new_score=make_fasta_gotoh_pair_wise ( A, ns, l_s, CL, diag); vfree ( diag); } score=new_score; free_int (tot_diag, -1); return score; } int fasta_gotoh_pair_wise (Alignment *A,int*ns, int **l_s,Constraint_list *CL) { /*TREATMENT OF THE TERMINAL GAP PENALTIES*/ /*TG_MODE=0---> gop and gep*/ /*TG_MODE=1---> --- gep*/ /*TG_MODE=2---> --- ---*/ int maximise; /*VARIABLES FOR THE MULTIPLE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT*/ int **tot_diag; int *diag; int ktup; float diagonal_threshold; static int n_groups; static char **group_list; int score; /********Prepare Penalties******/ maximise=CL->maximise; ktup=CL->ktup; diagonal_threshold=CL->diagonal_threshold; /********************************/ if ( !group_list) { group_list=make_group_aa (&n_groups, CL->matrix_for_aa_group); } tot_diag=evaluate_diagonals ( A, ns, l_s, CL, maximise,n_groups,group_list, ktup); if ( !CL->fasta_step) { diag=flag_diagonals (strlen(A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]),strlen(A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]), tot_diag,diagonal_threshold,0); } else { diag=extract_N_diag (strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]),strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]), tot_diag,CL->fasta_step,0); } score=make_fasta_gotoh_pair_wise ( A, ns, l_s, CL, diag); free_int (tot_diag, -1); vfree (diag); return score; } int very_fast_gotoh_pair_wise (Alignment *A,int*ns, int **l_s,Constraint_list *CL) { /*TREATMENT OF THE TERMINAL GAP PENALTIES*/ /*TG_MODE=0---> gop and gep*/ /*TG_MODE=1---> --- gep*/ /*TG_MODE=2---> --- ---*/ int maximise; /*VARIABLES FOR THE MULTIPLE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT*/ int **tot_diag; int *diag; int ktup; static int n_groups; static char **group_list; int score; /********Prepare Penalties******/ maximise=CL->maximise; ktup=CL->ktup; /********************************/ if ( !group_list) { group_list=make_group_aa (&n_groups, CL->matrix_for_aa_group); } CL->use_fragments=0; tot_diag=evaluate_diagonals ( A, ns, l_s, CL, maximise,n_groups,group_list, ktup); /*Note: 20 diagonals. 5 shadows on each side: tunned on Hom39, 2/2/04 */ diag=extract_N_diag (strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]),strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]), tot_diag,20,5); score=make_fasta_gotoh_pair_wise ( A, ns, l_s, CL, diag); free_int (tot_diag, -1); vfree (diag); return score; } int make_fasta_gotoh_pair_wise (Alignment *A,int*ns, int **l_s,Constraint_list *CL, int *diag) { /*TREATMENT OF THE TERMINAL GAP PENALTIES*/ /*TG_MODE=0---> gop and gep*/ /*TG_MODE=1---> --- gep*/ /*TG_MODE=2---> --- ---*/ int TG_MODE, gop, l_gop, gep,l_gep, maximise; /*VARIABLES FOR THE MULTIPLE SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT*/ int a, b,c,k, t; int l1, l2,eg, ch, sub,score=0, last_i=0, last_j=0, i, delta_i, j, pos_j, ala, alb, LEN, n_diag, match1, match2; int su, in, de, tr; int **C, **D, **I, **trace, **pos0, **LD; int lenal[2], len; char *buffer, *char_buf; char **aln, **al; /********Prepare Penalties******/ gop=CL->gop*SCORE_K; gep=CL->gep*SCORE_K; TG_MODE=CL->TG_MODE; maximise=CL->maximise; /********************************/ n_diag=diag[0]; l1=lenal[0]=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]); l2=lenal[1]=strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]); if ( getenv ("DEBUG_TCOFFEE"))fprintf ( stderr, "\n\tNdiag=%d%% ", (diag[0]*100)/(l1+l2)); /*diag: diag[1..n_diag]--> flaged diagonal in order; diag[0]=0--> first diagonal; diag[n_diag+1]=l1+l2-1; */ /*numeration of the diagonals strats from the bottom right [1...l1+l2-1]*/ /*sequence s1 is vertical and seq s2 is horizontal*/ /*D contains the best Deletion in S2==>comes from diagonal N+1*/ /*I contains the best insertion in S2=> comes from diagonal N-1*/ C=declare_int (lenal[0]+lenal[1]+1, n_diag+2); D=declare_int (lenal[0]+lenal[1]+1, n_diag+2); LD=declare_int (lenal[0]+lenal[1]+1, n_diag+2); I=declare_int (lenal[0]+lenal[1]+1, n_diag+2); trace=declare_int (lenal[0]+lenal[1]+1, n_diag+2); al=declare_char (2,lenal[0]+lenal[1]+lenal[1]+1); len= MAX(lenal[0],lenal[1])+1; buffer=(char*)vcalloc ( 2*len, sizeof (char)); char_buf=(char*) vcalloc (2*len, sizeof (char)); pos0=aln2pos_simple ( A,-1, ns, l_s); C[0][0]=0; t=(TG_MODE==0)?gop:0; for ( j=1; j<= n_diag; j++) { l_gop=(TG_MODE==0)?gop:0; l_gep=(TG_MODE==2)?0:gep; if ( (diag[j]-lenal[0])<0 ) { trace[0][j]=UNDEFINED; continue; } C[0][j]=(diag[j]-lenal[0])*l_gep +l_gop; D[0][j]=(diag[j]-lenal[0])*l_gep +l_gop+gop; } D[0][j]=D[0][j-1]+gep; t=(TG_MODE==0)?gop:0; for ( i=1; i<=lenal[0]; i++) { l_gop=(TG_MODE==0)?gop:0; l_gep=(TG_MODE==2)?0:gep; C[i][0]=C[i][n_diag+1]=t=t+l_gep; I[i][0]=D[i][n_diag+1]=t+ gop; for ( j=1; j<=n_diag; j++) { C[i][j]=C[i][0]; D[i][j]=I[i][j]=I[i][0]; } for (eg=0, j=1; j<=n_diag; j++) { pos_j=diag[j]-lenal[0]+i; if (pos_j<=0 || pos_j>l2 ) { trace[i][j]=UNDEFINED; continue; } sub=(CL->get_dp_cost) ( A, pos0, ns[0], l_s[0], i-1, pos0, ns[1], l_s[1],pos_j-1, CL ); /*1 identify the best insertion in S2:*/ l_gop=(i==lenal[0])?((TG_MODE==0)?gop:0):gop; l_gep=(i==lenal[0])?((TG_MODE==2)?0:gep):gep; len=(j==1)?0:(diag[j]-diag[j-1]); if ( a_better_than_b(I[i][j-1], C[i][j-1]+l_gop, maximise))eg++; else eg=1; I[i][j]=best_of_a_b (I[i][j-1], C[i][j-1]+l_gop, maximise)+len*l_gep; /*2 Identify the best deletion in S2*/ l_gop=(pos_j==lenal[1])?((TG_MODE==0)?gop:0):gop; l_gep=(pos_j==lenal[1])?((TG_MODE==2)?0:gep):gep; len=(j==n_diag)?0:(diag[j+1]-diag[j]); delta_i=((i-len)>0)?(i-len):0; if ( a_better_than_b(D[delta_i][j+1],C[delta_i][j+1]+l_gop, maximise)){LD[i][j]=LD[delta_i][j+1]+1;} else {LD[i][j]=1;} D[i][j]=best_of_a_b (D[delta_i][j+1],C[delta_i][j+1]+l_gop, maximise)+len*l_gep; /*Identify the best way*/ /* score=C[i][j]=best_int ( 3, maximise, &fop, I[i][j], C[i-1][j]+sub, D[i][j]); fop-=1; if ( fop<0)trace[i][j]=fop*eg; else if ( fop>0 ) {trace[i][j]=fop*LD[i][j];} else if ( fop==0) trace[i][j]=0; */ su=C[i-1][j]+sub; in=I[i][j]; de=D[i][j]; /*HERE ("%d %d %d", su, in, de);*/ if (su>=in && su>=de) { score=su; tr=0; } else if (in>=de) { score=in; tr=-eg; } else { score=de; tr=LD[i][j]; } trace[i][j]=tr; C[i][j]=score; last_i=i; last_j=j; } } /* [0][Positive] ^ ^ | / | / | / | / |/ [Neg]<-------[*] */ i=last_i; j=last_j; ala=alb=0; match1=match2=0; while (!(match1==l1 && match2==l2)) { if ( match1==l1) { len=l2-match2; for ( a=0; a< len; a++) { al[0][ala++]=0; al[1][alb++]=1; match2++; } k=0; break; /*k=-(j-1);*/ } else if ( match2==l2) { len=l1-match1; for ( a=0; a< len; a++) { al[0][ala++]=1; al[1][alb++]=0; match1++; } k=0; break; /*k= n_diag-j;*/ } else { k=trace[i][j]; } if ( k==0) { if ( match2==l2 || match1==l1); else { al[0][ala++]=1; al[1][alb++]=1; i--; match1++; match2++; } } else if ( k>0) { len=diag[j+k]-diag[j]; for ( a=0; adeclared_len<=LEN)A=realloc_aln2 ( A,A->max_n_seq, 2*LEN); aln=A->seq_al; for ( c=0; c< 2; c++) { for ( a=0; a< ns[c]; a++) { ch=0; for ( b=0; b< LEN; b++) { if (al[c][b]==1) char_buf[b]=aln[l_s[c][a]][ch++]; else char_buf[b]='-'; } char_buf[b]='\0'; sprintf (aln[l_s[c][a]],"%s", char_buf); } } A->len_aln=LEN; A->nseq=ns[0]+ns[1]; free_int (pos0, -1); free_int (C, -1); free_int (D, -1); free_int (I, -1); free_int (trace, -1); free_int (LD, -1); free_char ( al, -1); vfree(buffer); vfree(char_buf); return score; } int hasch_seq(char *seq, int **hs, int **lu,int ktup,char *alp) { static int a[10]; int i,j,l,limit,code,flag; char residue; int alp_lu[10000]; int alp_size; alp_size=alp[0]; alp++; for ( i=0; i< alp_size; i++) { alp_lu[(int)alp[i]]=i; } l=strlen (seq); limit = (int) pow((double)(alp_size+1),(double)ktup); hs[0]=(int*)vcalloc ( l+1,sizeof (int)); lu[0]=(int*)vcalloc ( limit+1, sizeof(int)); if ( l==0)myexit(EXIT_FAILURE); for (i=1;i<=ktup;i++) a[i] = (int) pow((double)(alp_size+1),(double)(i-1)); for(i=1;i<=(l-ktup+1);++i) { code=0; flag=FALSE; for(j=1;j<=ktup;++j) { if (is_gap(seq[i+j-2])){flag=TRUE;break;} else residue=alp_lu[(int)seq[i+j-2]]; code+=residue*a[j]; } if ( flag)continue; ++code; if (lu[0][code])hs[0][i]=lu[0][code]; lu[0][code]=i; } return 0; } /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* KTUP_DP */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ /**************Hasch DAta Handling*******************************************************/ struct Hasch_data * free_ktup_hasch_data (struct Hasch_data *d); struct Hasch_data * declare_ktup_hasch_data (struct Hasch_entry *e); struct Hasch_data * allocate_ktup_hasch_data (struct Hasch_data *e, int action); struct Hasch_data { int *list; }; typedef struct Hasch_data Hasch_data; struct Hasch_data * free_ktup_hasch_data (struct Hasch_data *d) { return allocate_ktup_hasch_data (d, FREE); } struct Hasch_data * declare_ktup_hasch_data (struct Hasch_entry *e) { e->data=allocate_ktup_hasch_data (NULL,DECLARE); return e->data; } struct Hasch_data * allocate_ktup_hasch_data (struct Hasch_data *e, int action) { static struct Hasch_data **heap; static int heap_size, free_heap, a; if ( action == 100) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nHeap size: %d, Free Heap: %d", heap_size, free_heap); return NULL; } else if ( action==DECLARE) { if ( free_heap==0) { free_heap=100; heap_size+=free_heap; heap=(Hasch_data**)vrealloc (heap,heap_size*sizeof (struct Hasch_entry *)); for ( a=0; alist=(int*)vcalloc ( 10, sizeof (int)); (heap[a])->list[0]=10; } } return heap[--free_heap]; } else if ( action==FREE) { heap[free_heap++]=e; e->list[1]=0; return NULL; } return NULL; } /**************Hasch DAta Handling*******************************************************/ int precomputed_pair_wise (Alignment *A,int*ns, int **l_s,Constraint_list *CL) { int l1, l2, a, b, c; int nid=0, npos=0, id; int r1, r2, s1, s2; l1=strlen(A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]); l2=strlen(A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]); if (l1!=l2) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nERROR: improper use of the function precomputed pairwise:[FATAL:%s]", PROGRAM); crash (""); } else if ( l1==0) { A->score_aln=A->score=0; return 0; } for (npos=0, nid=0, a=0; a< ns[0]; a++) { s1=l_s[0][a]; for (b=0; b< ns[1]; b++) { s2=l_s[1][b]; for ( c=0; cseq_al[s1][c]; r2=A->seq_al[s2][c]; if ( is_gap(r1) || is_gap(r2)); else { npos++; nid+=(r1==r2); } } } } id=(npos==0)?0:((nid*100)/npos); A->score=A->score_aln=id; return A->score; } int ktup_comparison_str ( char *seq1, char *seq2, const int ktup); int ktup_comparison_hasch ( char *i_seq1, char *i_seq2, const int ktup); int ktup_pair_wise (Alignment *A,int*ns, int **l_s,Constraint_list *CL) { static char **gl; static int ng; char *seq1; char *seq2; int min_len=10; if ( !gl) gl=make_group_aa (&ng, "vasiliky"); if ( ns[0]>1)seq1=sub_aln2cons_seq_mat (A, ns[0], l_s[0],"blosum62mt"); else { seq1=(char*)vcalloc ( strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]])+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf ( seq1, "%s",A->seq_al[l_s[0][0]]); } if ( ns[1]>1)seq2=sub_aln2cons_seq_mat (A, ns[1], l_s[1],"blosum62mt"); else { seq2=(char*)vcalloc ( strlen (A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]])+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf ( seq2, "%s",A->seq_al[l_s[1][0]]); } if ( strlen (seq1)score=A->score_aln=aln2sim(B, "idmat"); free_aln (B); return A->score; } else { string_convert (seq1, ng, gl); string_convert (seq2, ng, gl); A->score=A->score_aln=ktup_comparison (seq1,seq2, CL->ktup); } vfree (seq1); vfree (seq2); return A->score; } int ktup_comparison( char *seq2, char *seq1, const int ktup) { return ktup_comparison_hasch ( seq2, seq1, ktup); } int ktup_comparison_str ( char *seq2, char *seq1, const int ktup) { int a,l1, l2,c1, c2, end, start; char *s1, *s2; double score=0; int max_dist=-1; if ( max_dist==-1)max_dist=MAX((strlen (seq1)),(strlen (seq2))); l1=strlen (seq1)-ktup; l2=strlen (seq2); for ( a=0; a< l1; a++) { c1=seq1[a+ktup];seq1[a+ktup]='\0'; s1=seq1+a; start=((a-max_dist)<0)?0:a-max_dist; end=((a+max_dist)>=l2)?l2:a+max_dist; c2=seq2[end];seq2[end]='\0'; s2=seq2+start; score+=(strstr(s2, s1)!=NULL)?1:0; seq1[a+ktup]=c1; seq2[end]=c2; } score/=(l1==0)?1:l1; score=((log(0.1+score)-log(0.1))/(log(1.1)-log(0.1))); return score*100; } int ktup_comparison_hasch ( char *i_seq1, char *i_seq2, const int ktup) { /*Ktup comparison adapted from Rob Edgar, NAR, vol32, No1, 381, 2004*/ /*1: hasch sequence 1 2: Count the number of seq2 ktup found in seq1 */ char c; int key; static HaschT*H1; static char *pseq; Hasch_entry *e; char *s; int l, ls; int p, a, max_dist=-1; double score=0; if (!strm (i_seq1, pseq)) { if (H1) { hdestroy (H1, declare_ktup_hasch_data, free_ktup_hasch_data); string2key (NULL, NULL); } H1=hasch_sequence ( i_seq1, ktup); vfree (pseq);pseq=(char*)vcalloc ( strlen (i_seq1)+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf ( pseq, "%s", i_seq1); } ls=l=strlen (i_seq2); s=i_seq2; p=0; while (ls>ktup) { c=s[ktup];s[ktup]='\0'; key=string2key (s, NULL); e=hsearch (H1,key,FIND, declare_ktup_hasch_data, free_ktup_hasch_data); if ( e==NULL); else if ( max_dist==-1)score++; else { for ( a=1; a<=(e->data)->list[1]; a++) if (FABS((p-(e->data)->list[a]))<=max_dist) {score++; break;} } s[ktup]=c;s++;p++;ls--; } score/=(l-ktup); score=(log(0.1+score)-log(0.1))/(log(1.1)-log(0.1)); if ( score>100) score=100; return (int)(score*100); } HaschT* hasch_sequence ( char *seq1, int ktup) { char c; int key, offset=0, ls; HaschT *H; Hasch_entry *e; H=hcreate ( strlen (seq1), declare_ktup_hasch_data, free_ktup_hasch_data); ls=strlen (seq1); while (ls>=(ktup)) { c=seq1[ktup];seq1[ktup]='\0'; key=string2key (seq1, NULL); e=hsearch (H,key,FIND, declare_ktup_hasch_data, free_ktup_hasch_data); if (e==NULL) { e=hsearch (H,key,ADD,declare_ktup_hasch_data,free_ktup_hasch_data); (e->data)->list[++(e->data)->list[1]+1]=offset; } else { if ((e->data)->list[0]==((e->data)->list[1]+2)){(e->data)->list[0]+=10;(e->data)->list=(int*)vrealloc ((e->data)->list,(e->data)->list[0]*sizeof (int));} (e->data)->list[++(e->data)->list[1]+1]=offset; } seq1[ktup]=c;seq1++;ls--; offset++; } return H; } char *dayhoff_translate (char *seq1) { int l, a, c; l=strlen (seq1); for ( a=0; a< l; a++) { c=tolower(seq1[a]); if ( strchr ("agpst", c))seq1[a]='a'; else if (strchr ("denq", c))seq1[a]='d'; else if (strchr ("fwy", c))seq1[a]='f'; else if (strchr ("hkr", c))seq1[a]='h'; else if (strchr ("ilmv", c))seq1[a]='i'; } return seq1; } int ** evaluate_diagonals_with_ktup ( Alignment *A, int *ns, int **l_s, Constraint_list *CL,int maximise,int n_groups, char **group_list, int ktup) { /*Ktup comparison as in Rob Edgar, NAR, vol32, No1, 381, 2004*/ char character; int key,ls; HaschT*H1, *H2; Hasch_entry *e1, *e2; char *s, *sb, *seq1, *seq2; int l1, l2; int score=0; int **diag,n_diag, ktup1, ktup2,a,b,c,d, **pos; int n_dots=0; pos=aln2pos_simple ( A,-1, ns, l_s); seq1=aln2cons_maj (A, ns[0], l_s[0], n_groups, group_list); seq2=aln2cons_maj (A, ns[1], l_s[1], n_groups, group_list); l1=strlen (seq1); l2=strlen (seq2); n_diag=l1+l2-1; diag=declare_int (n_diag+2, 3); for ( a=0; a=(ktup)) { character=s[ktup];s[ktup]='\0'; key=string2key (s, NULL); e1=hsearch (H1,key,FIND,declare_ktup_hasch_data, free_ktup_hasch_data); e2=hsearch (H2,key,FIND,declare_ktup_hasch_data, free_ktup_hasch_data); if ( !e2 || !e1); else { for (b=2; b<(e1->data)->list[1]+2; b++) for (c=2; c<(e2->data)->list[1]+2; c++) { ktup1=(e1->data)->list[b]; ktup2=(e2->data)->list[c]; diag[(ktup2-ktup1)+l1][2]++; for (score=0, d=0; dget_dp_cost) ( A, pos, ns[0], l_s[0], ktup1+d, pos,ns[1], l_s[1], ktup2+d, CL); diag[(ktup2-ktup1)+l1][1]+=score; n_dots++; } (e1->data)->list[1]=(e2->data)->list[1]=0; } s[ktup]=character;s++;ls--; } sort_int (diag+1, 2, 1,0,n_diag-1); hdestroy (H1,declare_ktup_hasch_data, free_ktup_hasch_data); hdestroy (H2,declare_ktup_hasch_data, free_ktup_hasch_data); vfree (seq1); vfree (seq2);vfree (sb);free_int (pos, -1); return diag; } /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* OLD FUNCTIONS */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ int ** evaluate_diagonals_with_ktup_1 ( Alignment *A, int *ns, int **l_s, Constraint_list *CL,int maximise,int n_groups, char **group_list, int ktup) { /* Reads in an alignmnent A, with two groups of sequences marked. 1-Turn each group into a conscensus, using the group list identifier. -if the group list is left empty original symbols are used 2-hasch the two sequences 3-score each diagonal, sort the list and return it (diag_list) diag_list: */ char *seq1, *seq2, *alphabet=NULL; int a,b,l1, l2, n_ktup,pos_ktup1, pos_ktup2, **pos; int *hasched_seq1, *hasched_seq2,*lu_seq1,*lu_seq2; int n_diag, **diag, current_diag, n_dots; static char *buf; pos=aln2pos_simple ( A,-1, ns, l_s); seq1=aln2cons_seq (A, ns[0], l_s[0], n_groups, group_list); seq2=aln2cons_seq (A, ns[1], l_s[1], n_groups, group_list); alphabet=get_alphabet (seq1,alphabet); alphabet=get_alphabet (seq2,alphabet); l1=strlen ( seq1); l2=strlen ( seq2); n_diag=l1+l2-1; diag=declare_int ( n_diag+2, 3); n_ktup=(int)pow ( (double)alphabet[0]+1, (double)ktup); hasch_seq(seq1, &hasched_seq1, &lu_seq1,ktup, alphabet); hasch_seq(seq2, &hasched_seq2, &lu_seq2,ktup, alphabet); /*EVALUATE THE DIAGONALS*/ for ( a=0; a<= n_diag; a++)diag[a][0]=a; for ( n_dots=0,a=1; a<= n_ktup; a++) { pos_ktup1=lu_seq1[a]; while (TRUE) { if (!pos_ktup1)break; pos_ktup2=lu_seq2[a]; while (pos_ktup2) { current_diag=(pos_ktup2-pos_ktup1+l1); for ( b=0; b< ktup; b++) { diag[current_diag][1]+=(CL->get_dp_cost) ( A, pos, ns[0], l_s[0], pos_ktup1+b-1, pos,ns[1], l_s[1], pos_ktup2+b-1, CL); n_dots++; } diag[current_diag][2]++; pos_ktup2=hasched_seq2[pos_ktup2]; } pos_ktup1=hasched_seq1[pos_ktup1]; } } if ( n_dots==0) { if ( !buf) { buf=(char*)vcalloc ( 30, sizeof (30)); sprintf ( buf, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); } vfree ( hasched_seq1); vfree ( hasched_seq2); vfree (lu_seq1); vfree (lu_seq2); return evaluate_diagonals_with_ktup ( A,ns,l_s, CL,maximise,1,&buf,1); } sort_int (diag+1, 2, 1,0, n_diag-1); vfree (seq1); vfree (seq2); vfree (alphabet); vfree ( hasched_seq1); vfree ( hasched_seq2); vfree (lu_seq1); vfree (lu_seq2); free_int (pos, -1); return diag; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Constraint_list * hasch2constraint_list (Sequence*S, Constraint_list *CL) { int a,b,c, n; SeqHasch h,*H=NULL; int *entry; int ktup=2; entry=(int*)vcalloc ( CL->entry_len+1, sizeof (int)); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { H=seq2hasch (a, S->seq[a],ktup,H); } n=1; while (H[n]) { h=H[n]; for (a=0; an-2; a+=2) { for (b=a+2; bn; b+=2) { if (h->l[a]==h->l[b])continue; else { for (c=0; cl[a]; entry[SEQ2]=h->l[b]; entry[R1]=h->l[a+1]+c; entry[R2]=h->l[b+1]+c; entry[WE]=100; add_entry2list (entry,CL); } } } } n++; } return CL; } SeqHasch *cleanhasch (SeqHasch *H) { int n=1; SeqHasch *N; N=(hseq**)vcalloc (2, sizeof (SeqHasch)); N[0]=H[0]; while (H[n]) { (H[n])->n=0; vfree ((H[n])->l); (H[n])->l=NULL; n++; } vfree (H); return N; } int hasch2sim (SeqHasch *H, int nseq) { int n=1; int a,cs, ps, ns; int id=0, tot=0; while (H[n]) { for (ps=-1,ns=0,a=0; a<(H[n])->n; a+=2) { //HERE ("%d--[%d %d]",n, (H[n])->l[a], (H[n])->l[a+1]); cs=(H[n])->l[a]; if (cs!=ps)ns++; ps=cs; } n++; if (ns==nseq)id++; tot++; } return (id*MAXID)/tot; } SeqHasch * seq2hasch (int i,char *seq, int ktup, SeqHasch *H) { int a,b,l, n=0; SeqHasch h; if (!H) { H=(hseq**)vcalloc (2, sizeof (SeqHasch)); H[0]=(hseq*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (hseq)); n=1; } else { n=0; while (H[++n]); } l=strlen (seq); for (a=0; ahl[r]) h->hl[r]=(hseq*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (hseq)); h=h->hl[r]; } if (!h->l) { h->n=2; h->l=(int*)vcalloc (2, sizeof (int)); H=(hseq**)vrealloc (H,(n+2)*sizeof (SeqHasch)); H[n]=h; n++; } else { h->n+=2; h->l=(int*)vrealloc (h->l, (h->n)*sizeof (int)); } h->l[h->n-2]=i; h->l[h->n-1]=a; } return H; }