/******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /* (c) Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /* and */ /* Cedric Notredame */ /* 12 Aug 2014 - 22:07. */ /*All rights reserved. */ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*............................................... */ /* If you need some more information */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com */ /*............................................... */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" #define TOPOLOGY 1 #define WEIGHTED 2 #define LENGTH 3 #define RECODE 4 int distance_tree; int rooted_tree; int tot_nseq; static NT_node compute_fj_tree (NT_node T, Alignment *A, int limit, char *mode); static NT_node compute_cw_tree (Alignment *A); static NT_node compute_std_tree (Alignment *A, int n, char **arg); static NT_node tree2fj_tree (NT_node T); int tree_contains_duplicates (NT_node T); int display_tree_duplicates (NT_node T); static int compare_node1 ( int *b1, int *b2, int n); static int compare_node2 ( int *b1, int *b2, int n); static int find_seq_chain (Alignment *A, int **sim,int *used,int seq0,int seq1, int seq2,int chain_length, int limit, int max_chain, int *nseq); int new_display_tree (NT_node T, int n); NT_node display_code (NT_node T, int nseq, FILE *fp); NT_node display_dist (NT_node T, int n, FILE *fp); /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* dpa_tree_manipulation */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ static NT_node code_dpa_tree ( NT_node T, int **D); NT_node collapse_sub_tree ( NT_node T,int nseq, int *list, char *new_name); NT_node seq2dpa_tree (Sequence *S, char *mode) { Constraint_list *CL; NT_node **T; NT_node Tree; CL=declare_constraint_list_simple (S); CL->local_stderr=NULL; CL->DM=cl2distance_matrix (CL,NOALN,const_cast( (mode==NULL)?"ktup":mode), NULL, 0); T=int_dist2nj_tree ( (CL->DM)->similarity_matrix, S->name, S->nseq, vtmpnam (NULL)); Tree=T[3][0]; Tree=recode_tree (Tree, S); Tree=reset_dist_tree (Tree, -1); Tree=code_dpa_tree (Tree, (CL->DM)->similarity_matrix); free_distance_matrix (CL->DM); return Tree; } NT_node tree2dpa_tree (NT_node T, Alignment *A, char *mode) { /*This Function sets the branches with Length values used by DP*/ /*The tree must be rooted*/ Sequence *S; int **D; S=aln2seq (A); T=recode_tree (T, S); T=reset_dist_tree (T, -1); D=get_sim_aln_array (A,mode); T=code_dpa_tree (T, D); return T; } NT_node code_dpa_tree ( NT_node T, int **D) { if ( !T) return T; else if ( T->leaf==1) { T->dist=100; return T; } else { int nl, *ll; int nr, *lr; int a, b, min=100; float tot, n=0; nl=(T->left)->nseq;ll=(T->left)->lseq; nr=(T->right)->nseq;lr=(T->right)->lseq; for (tot=0,n=0, a=0; a< nl; a++) for ( b=0; b< nr; b++, n++) { tot+=D[ll[a]][lr[b]]; min=MIN(min,(D[ll[a]][lr[b]])); } /* T->dist=(mode==AVERAGE)?(tot/n):min:;*/ T->dist=(n>0)?tot/n:0; T->dist=min; code_dpa_tree ( T->right, D); code_dpa_tree ( T->left, D); return T; } } static int group_number; char *tree2Ngroup (Alignment *A, NT_node T, int max_n, char *fname, char *mat) { double top, bot, mid, pmid; Sequence *S; int n; if (!T) { char **list; list=declare_char ( 2, 100); sprintf (list[0], "%s",mat); fprintf ( stderr, "\nCompute Phylogenetic tree [Matrix=%s]", mat); T=compute_std_tree(A,1, list); fprintf ( stderr, "\nCompute dpa tree"); T=tree2dpa_tree (T,A, mat); } S=tree2seq(T, NULL); if ( max_n<0) { max_n*=-1; n=tree2group_file (T,S,0, max_n, fname); fprintf ( stderr, "\n#TrimTC: Split in %d Groups at a minimum of %d%% ID\n",n, (int)max_n); return fname; } else if ( max_n>0) { if ( max_n>S->nseq)max_n=S->nseq; top=100; bot=0; pmid=0; mid=50; n=tree2group_file(T, S,0, (int)mid,fname); mid=dichotomy((double)n, (double)max_n,(pmid=mid), &bot, &top); while (n!=max_n && (int)pmid!=(int)mid) { n=tree2group_file(T, S,0, (int)mid, fname); mid=dichotomy((double)n, (double)max_n,(pmid=mid), &bot, &top); } fprintf ( stderr, "\nDONE2"); fprintf ( stderr, "\n#TrimTC: Split in %d Groups at a minimum of %d%% ID\n",n, (int)mid); return fname; } return NULL; } int tree2group_file ( NT_node T,Sequence *S, int maxnseq, int minsim, char *name) { FILE *fp; fp=vfopen (name, "w"); vfclose (tree2group (T, S,maxnseq,minsim, "tree2ngroup",fp)); return count_n_line_in_file(name); } FILE * tree2group ( NT_node T,Sequence *S, int maxnseq, int minsim,char *name, FILE *fp) { if ( !T)return fp; else { int m,d; m=(maxnseq==0)?S->nseq:maxnseq; d=minsim; if ( T->nseq<=m && T->dist>=d) { int a; fprintf ( fp, ">%s_%d ", (name)?name:"", ++group_number); for ( a=0; a< T->nseq; a++) fprintf ( fp, "%s ", S->name[T->lseq[a]]); fprintf (fp, "\n"); if (!T->parent)group_number=0; return fp; } else { fp=tree2group (T->right, S, maxnseq, minsim, name,fp); fp=tree2group (T->left, S, maxnseq, minsim, name,fp); if (!T->parent)group_number=0; return fp; } } } NT_node tree2collapsed_tree (NT_node T, int n, char **string) { char ***list; Sequence *A; int a, *nlist; A=tree2seq(T, NULL); T=recode_tree(T, A); list=(char***)vcalloc (A->nseq, sizeof (char***)); nlist=(int*)vcalloc (A->nseq, sizeof (int)); if ( n==0)return T; else if (n>1) { int l; char *buf; for (l=0,a=0; a< n; a++)l+=strlen (string[a]); buf=(char*)vcalloc ( 2*n+l+1, sizeof (char)); for (a=0; a< n; a++){buf=strcat (buf,string[a]), buf=strcat ( buf, " ");} list[0]=string2list (buf); vfree (buf); } else if ( file_exists (NULL,string[0])) { list=read_group (string[0]); } else { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: file <%s> does not exist [FATAL:%s]\n",string[0], PROGRAM); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } a=0; while (list[a]) { int i, b; n=atoi (list[a][0]); for (b=0; bnseq; b++)nlist[b]=0; for (b=2; bname, A->nseq, MAXNAMES); nlist[i]=1; } T=collapse_sub_tree ( T,A->nseq,nlist,list[a][1]); free_char (list[a], -1); a++; } vfree (list); return T; } NT_node collapse_sub_tree ( NT_node T,int nseq, int *list, char *new_name) { if (!T) return T; else { int a=0; while (alseq2[a]){a++;} if (a==nseq) { sprintf ( T->name, "%s", new_name); T->leaf=T->isseq=1; T->left=T->right=NULL; return T; } else { collapse_sub_tree (T->right, nseq, list, new_name); collapse_sub_tree (T->left, nseq, list, new_name); return T; } } } NT_node collapse_tree (NT_node T, Sequence *S, char *string) { char *r, *p; int a; int collapse; if (!T) return NULL; if (!S) { S=tree2seq(T, NULL); T=recode_tree (T,S); } for (a=0; anseq; a++) { p=strstr((S->name[T->lseq[a]]),string); if (p && strm (p, string)); else { collapse_tree (T->left, S, string); collapse_tree (T->right, S, string); return T; } } T->isseq=1; T->right=T->left=NULL; T->nseq=1; sprintf ( T->name, "%s",string); return T; } /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* tree pruning */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ NT_node remove_leaf ( NT_node T); NT_node prune_root (NT_node T); NT_node main_prune_tree ( NT_node T, Sequence *S) { T=prune_tree ( T, S); return T; } NT_node prune_tree ( NT_node T, Sequence *S) { if (!T ) return T; if (T->leaf && T->isseq && name_is_in_list (T->name,S->name, S->nseq, 100)==-1) { NT_node C, P, PP; P=T->parent; if ( !P) { int a; for (a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) { HERE ("prune pb ---%s", S->name[a]); } myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } C=(P->right==T)?P->left:P->right; PP=C->parent=P->parent; if (PP && PP->right==P)PP->right=C; else if (PP)PP->left=C; else { if (T==P->right)P->right=NULL; else P->left=NULL; T=C; } } else { prune_tree (T->left, S); prune_tree (T->right, S); } return prune_root(T); } NT_node prune_root (NT_node T) { //This function prunes the root if needed (and frees it). if (T->parent)return T; if (!T->right && T->left) { return prune_root (T->left); } else if (T->right && !T->left) { return prune_root (T->right); } else { return T; } } /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* tree comparison */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ int main_compare_cog_tree (NT_node T1, char *cogfile) { char ***array; int a, nbac, n=0, p, c, b; Alignment *A; array=file2list(cogfile, ";\n"); nbac=atoi(array[0][0])-2; A=declare_aln2 (nbac+1, 10); for (a=0; aname[a], "%s", array[0][a+2]); A->seq_al[a][0]='a'; A->seq_al[a][1]='\0'; } sprintf ( A->name[nbac], "cons"); A->nseq=nbac+1; A->len_aln=1; n=3; while (array[n]!=NULL) { for (b=0; bseq_al[b][0]=p; A->seq_al[b][1]=c; A->seq_al[b][2]='\0'; } sprintf (A->file[0], "%s", array[n][1]); A->len_aln=2; main_compare_aln_tree (T1, A, stdout); n++; } return n; } int main_compare_aln_tree (NT_node T1, Alignment *A, FILE *fp) { int n=0; fprintf ( fp, "\nTOT_CLASH COG %s N %d", A->file[0], compare_aln_tree (T1, A, &n, fp)); vfclose (fp); return n; } int compare_aln_tree (NT_node T, Alignment *A, int *n, FILE *fp) { if (T->leaf) { int i; i=name_is_in_list (T->name, A->name, A->nseq, 100); T->seqal=A->seq_al[i]; return 0; } else { char *seq1, *seq2; if (!(T->left )->seqal)compare_aln_tree (T->left, A,n, fp); if (!(T->right)->seqal)compare_aln_tree (T->right, A,n, fp); seq1=(T->left)->seqal; seq2=(T->right)->seqal; (T->left)->seqal=(T->right)->seqal=NULL; if ( seq1 && seq2) { if (strm (seq1, seq2)) { T->seqal=seq1; } else { if (seq1[0]!=seq2[0] && seq1[1]!=seq2[1]) { fprintf ( fp, "\nNODE_CLASH: COG %s (%s,%s):(",A->file[0],seq1,seq2 ); display_leaf_below_node (T->left, fp); fprintf ( fp, ");("); display_leaf_below_node (T->right, fp); fprintf ( fp, ")"); n[0]++; } } } } return n[0]; } //********************************************************************** int compare_split (int *s1, int *s2, int l); int get_split_size (int *s, int l); int main_compare_splits ( NT_node T1, NT_node T2, char *mode,FILE *fp) { Sequence *S1, *S2, *S; int a, b; int **sl1, n1; int **sl2, n2; if ( tree_contains_duplicates (T1)) { display_tree_duplicates (T1); printf_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, stderr, "\nFirst Tree Contains Duplicated Sequences [main_compare_trees][FATAL:%s]", PROGRAM); } else if ( tree_contains_duplicates (T2)) { display_tree_duplicates (T2); printf_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, stderr, "\nSecond Tree Contains Duplicated Sequences [main_compare_trees]"); } //Identify the commom Sequence Set S1=tree2seq(T1, NULL); S2=tree2seq(T2, NULL); S=trim_seq ( S1, S2); //Prune the trees and recode the subtree list T1=prune_tree (T1, S); T1=recode_tree(T1, S); T2=prune_tree (T2, S); T2=recode_tree(T2, S); sl1=declare_int (10*S->nseq, S->nseq); sl2=declare_int (10*S->nseq, S->nseq); n1=n2=0; tree2split_list (T1, S->nseq, sl1, &n1); tree2split_list (T2, S->nseq, sl2, &n2); for (a=0; anseq); for (best=0,b=0; bnseq); best=MAX(s,best); } fprintf ( fp, "\n%4d %4d ", MIN(n,(S->nseq)), best); for (b=0; bnseq; b++)fprintf ( fp, "%d", sl1[a][b]); } free_sequence (S, -1); free_sequence (S1, -1); free_sequence (S2, -1); myexit (EXIT_SUCCESS); return 1; } int compare_split (int *s1, int *s2, int l) { int n1, n2, score1, score2, a; n1=get_split_size (s1, l); n2=get_split_size (s2, l); for (score1=0,a=0; a< l; a++) { score1+=(s1[a]==1 && s2[a]==1)?1:0; } score1=(score1*200)/(n1+n2); for ( score2=0, a=0; a SCORE_MAX) SCORE_MAX = score[i]; } for(i = 0; i < len; i++) score[i] = (9*(score[i]-SCORE_MIN)/(SCORE_MAX-SCORE_MIN)); } int new_compare_trees ( NT_node T1, NT_node T2, int nseq, Tree_sim *TS); NT_node new_search_split (NT_node T, NT_node B, int nseq); int new_compare_split ( int *b1, int *b2, int n); Tree_sim* tree_scan_pos (Alignment *A, int start, int end, char *ptree, NT_node RT); Tree_sim* tree_scan_pos_woble (Alignment *A, int center, int max, char *ptree, NT_node RT, int *br, int *bl ); Tree_sim* tree_scan_pair_pos (Alignment *A, int start, int end, int start2, int end2,char *ptree, NT_node RT); Tree_sim* tree_scan_multiple_pos (int *poslist, int *wlist,int nl, Alignment *A, char *ptree, NT_node RT); NT_node aln2std_tree(Alignment *A, int ipara1, int ipara2, char *mode); NT_node tree_scan (Alignment *A,NT_node RT, char *pscan, char *ptree) { int l, a,ax, c, cx, b; char mode[100]; int start, w; int nl, *poslist; char posfile[100]; char *pcFileName = A->file[0]; char prefix[200] ={0}; int len = (strrchr(pcFileName,'.')?strrchr(pcFileName,'.')-pcFileName:strlen(pcFileName)); strncpy(prefix, pcFileName, len); float *fascore; char out_format[100]; char *score_csv_file =(char*)vcalloc(200, sizeof (char)); char *score_html_file =(char*) vcalloc(200, sizeof (char)); char *hit_matrix_file =(char*) vcalloc(200, sizeof (char)); char *hit_html_file =(char*) vcalloc(200, sizeof (char)); char *tree_file =(char*) vcalloc(200, sizeof (char)); sprintf(score_csv_file, "%s%s", prefix, ".score_csv"); sprintf(score_html_file, "%s%s", prefix, ".ts_html"); sprintf(hit_matrix_file, "%s%s", prefix, ".hit_matrix"); sprintf(hit_html_file, "%s%s", prefix, ".hit_html"); sprintf(tree_file, "%s%s", prefix, ".trees_txt"); if ( pscan && strstr ( pscan, "help")) { fprintf ( stdout, "\n+tree_scan| _W_ : Window size for the tree computation|STD size in norscan mode"); fprintf ( stdout, "\n+tree_scan| _MODE_ : Mode for the number of windows (single, double, list, scan, pairscan, norscan, hit, norhit)"); fprintf ( stdout, "\n+tree_scan| _MINW_ : Minimum Window size when using the scan mode (4)"); fprintf ( stdout, "\n+tree_scan| _OUTTREE_ : specify the format of outputing tree in every position (default: not ouput)"); myexit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } strget_param (pscan, "_W_", "5", "%d",&w); strget_param (pscan, "_MODE_", "single", "%s",mode); strget_param (pscan, "_MINW_", "1", "%d",&start); strget_param (pscan, "_POSFILE_", "NO", "%s", posfile); strget_param (pscan, "_OUTTREE_", "", "%s", &out_format); if(strlen(out_format) > 1) unlink(tree_file); l=intlen (A->len_aln); poslist=(int*)vcalloc ( A->len_aln, sizeof (int)); nl=0; fascore =(float*) vcalloc(A->len_aln, sizeof (float)); if ( strm (posfile, "NO")) { for ( a=0; a< A->len_aln; a++)poslist[nl++]=a+1; } else { int *p; p=file2pos_list (A,posfile); poslist=pos2list (p, A->len_aln, &nl); for (a=0; auw); vfree (TS); } } else if ( strm (mode, "single")) { for (b=0,ax=0; axA->len_aln)continue; if (pend<1 || pend>A->len_aln)continue; TS=tree_scan_pos (A, pstart,pend, ptree, RT); fprintf ( stdout, "P: %*d I: %*d %*d SIM: %6.2f L: %2d\n", l,a,l,pstart,l,pend,TS->uw, (w*2)+1); vfree (TS); } } else if (strm (mode, "scan")||strm (mode, "hit")) { FILE *fp_ts; fp_ts=vfopen (score_csv_file, "w"); fprintf ( fp_ts, "Position,Win_Beg,Win_End,Similarity,Win_Len\n"); for ( ax=0; axA->len_aln)continue; if (pend<1 || pend>A->len_aln)continue; TS=tree_scan_pos (A, pstart,pend, ptree, RT); if (TS->uw>=best_score) {best_score=TS->uw;best_w=b;best_start=pstart; best_end=pend;} vfree (TS); } fprintf (fp_ts, "%*d,%*d,%*d,%6.2f,%2d\n", l,best_pos, l,best_start, l,best_end, best_score,(best_w*2)+1); fascore[ax]=(float)best_score; if(strlen(out_format) > 1) vfclose (print_tree (aln2std_tree(A, best_start, best_end, mode), out_format, vfopen (tree_file, "a+"))); if(strm (mode, "hit")) TreeArray[ax] = aln2std_tree(A, best_start, best_end, mode); } vfclose(fp_ts); } //tree scan by using normal distribution window //or //generate hit matrix else if ( strm (mode, "norscan")||strm (mode, "norhit")) { FILE *fp_ts; ptree=(char*)vcalloc(100, sizeof (char)); fp_ts=vfopen (score_csv_file, "w"); fprintf ( fp_ts, "Position,Similarity,STD_Len\n"); for ( ax=0; axuw>=best_score) {best_score=TS->uw;best_STD=b;} vfree (TS); } fascore[ax]=best_score; fprintf ( fp_ts, "%*d,%6.2f,%d\n", l,a, fascore[ax], best_STD); if(strlen(out_format) > 1) vfclose (print_tree (aln2std_tree(A, best_STD, a, mode), out_format, vfopen (tree_file, "a+"))); if(strm (mode, "norhit")) TreeArray[ax] = aln2std_tree(A, best_STD, a, mode); } vfclose(fp_ts); } //generate hit matrix if (strm (mode, "hit")||strm (mode, "norhit")) { //Compute the pair score of tree scan segqtion fprintf (stdout, "[STRAT] Calculate the hit matrix of the tree scan\n"); float **ffpHitScoreMatrix; ffpHitScoreMatrix=(float**)vcalloc (nl, sizeof (float*)); int i, j; for(i = 0; i < nl; i++) ffpHitScoreMatrix[i]=(float*)vcalloc (nl-i, sizeof (float)); fprintf (stdout, "Process positions\n", i); for(i = 0; i < nl; i++) { fprintf (stdout, "%d, ", i); for(j = i; j < nl; j++) { Tree_sim *TS; TS=tree_cmp (TreeArray[i], TreeArray[j]); ffpHitScoreMatrix[i][j-i] = TS->uw; vfree (TS); } } vfree(TreeArray); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); output_hit_matrix(hit_matrix_file, ffpHitScoreMatrix, nl); fprintf (stdout, "[END]Calculate the hit matrix of the tree scan\n"); //Output Hit Score into color html output_hit_color_html (A, ffpHitScoreMatrix, nl, hit_html_file); vfree(ffpHitScoreMatrix); } else if ( strm (mode, "pairscan")) { int d, set; for ( ax=0; axA->len_aln)continue; if (pend<1 || pend>A->len_aln)continue; if (p2start<1 || p2start>A->len_aln)continue; if (p2end<1 || p2end>A->len_aln)continue; if (pstart<=p2start && pend>=p2start) continue; if (pstart<=p2end && pend>=p2end) continue; TS=tree_scan_pair_pos (A, pstart,pend,p2start, p2end, ptree, RT); if (TS->uw>=best_score){best_score=TS->uw; best_pos=a;best_w=b;best_start=pstart; best_end=pend; best_pos2=c, best_w2=d, best_start2=p2start, best_end2=p2end;set=1;} vfree (TS); } } if (set)fprintf ( stdout, "P1: %*d I1: %*d %*d P2: %*d I2: %*d %*d SIM: %6.2f L: %2d\n", l,best_pos, l,best_start, l,best_end, l, best_pos2, l, best_start2, l, best_end2, best_score,(best_w*2)+1 ); set=0; } } } else if ( strm (mode, "multiplescan")) { int n, **wlist, best_pos; float best_score; Tree_sim *TS; wlist=generate_array_int_list (nl*2,start, w,1, &n, NULL); HERE ("Scan %d Possibilities", n); for (best_score=best_pos=0,a=0; auw>best_score) { best_score=TS->uw; fprintf ( stdout, "\n"); for (b=0; bS; ST=copy_aln (A, NULL); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { i=name_is_in_list (ST->name[a],S->name, S->nseq, 100); if ( i!=-1) { for (b=0; blen_aln; b++) { r1=ST->seq_al[a][b]; if ( r1!='-') r1 = (int)fascore[b] + 48; ST->seq_al[a][b]=r1; } } } output_color_html ( A, ST, score_html_file); //free memory free_aln(ST); vfree(fascore); vfree(score_csv_file); vfree(score_html_file); vfree(hit_matrix_file); vfree(hit_html_file); myexit(EXIT_SUCCESS);return NULL; } NT_node aln2std_tree(Alignment *A, int ipara1, int ipara2, char *mode) { Alignment *B; NT_node T; char *cpSet =(char*) vcalloc(100, sizeof (char)); if(strm (mode, "norhit")) { B=extract_aln (A, 1, A->len_aln); sprintf ( cpSet, "+aln2tree _COMPARE_nordisaln__STD_%d__CENTER_%d_", ipara1, ipara2); } else B=extract_aln (A, ipara1, ipara2); T=compute_std_tree (B, (cpSet)?1:0, (cpSet)?&cpSet:NULL); free_aln(B); return T; } Tree_sim* tree_scan_multiple_pos (int *poslist, int *wlist,int nl, Alignment *A, char *ptree, NT_node RT) { static Alignment *B; static int *pos; int a, b, n, s, p, left, right; Tree_sim *TS; NT_node T=NULL; //poslist positions come [1..n] vfree(pos); free_aln (B); pos=(int*)vcalloc ( A->len_aln+1, sizeof (int)); B=copy_aln (A, NULL); for (a=0; aA->len_aln) return NULL; else pos[b]++; if (pos[b]>1) return NULL; } } for (s=0; snseq; s++) { for (n=0,a=1; a<=A->len_aln; a++) { if (pos[a])B->seq_al[s][n++]=A->seq_al[s][a-1]; } } B->len_aln=n; for (s=0; snseq; s++)B->seq_al[s][B->len_aln]='\0'; T=compute_std_tree (B, (ptree)?1:0, (ptree)?&ptree:NULL); TS=tree_cmp (T, RT); free_tree(T); return TS; } Tree_sim* tree_scan_pair_pos (Alignment *A, int start, int end, int start2, int end2,char *ptree, NT_node RT) { Tree_sim *TS; Alignment *B,*B1, *B2; NT_node T=NULL; int a; B=copy_aln (A, NULL); B1=extract_aln (A,start,end); B2=extract_aln (A,start2, end2); for ( a=0; a< B->nseq;a++) sprintf (B->seq_al[a], "%s%s", B1->seq_al[a], B2->seq_al[a]); B->len_aln=strlen (B->seq_al[0]); T=compute_std_tree (B, (ptree)?1:0, (ptree)?&ptree:NULL); TS=tree_cmp (T, RT); free_tree(T); free_aln (B);free_aln(B1); free_aln(B2); return TS; } Tree_sim* tree_scan_pos (Alignment *A, int start, int end, char *ptree, NT_node RT) { Tree_sim *TS; Alignment *B; NT_node T; if ( start<1 || start>A->len_aln) return NULL; if ( end<1 || end>A->len_aln) return NULL; B=extract_aln (A,start,end); T=compute_std_tree (B, (ptree)?1:0, (ptree)?&ptree:NULL); TS=tree_cmp (T, RT); free_tree(T);free_aln (B); return TS; } Tree_sim* tree_scan_pos_woble (Alignment *A, int center, int max, char *ptree, NT_node RT, int *br, int *bl ) { Tree_sim *TS,*BTS; int left, right; float best_score=0; int start, end; br[0]=bl[0]=0; BTS=(Tree_sim*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (Tree_sim)); for (left=0; leftuw >best_score) { best_score=TS->uw; BTS[0]=TS[0]; br[0]=right; bl[0]=left; vfree(TS); } } return BTS; } Tree_sim* tree_cmp( NT_node T1, NT_node T2) { Sequence *S1, *S2, *S; int n; int a; Tree_sim *TS1, *TS2; if ( tree_contains_duplicates (T1)) { display_tree_duplicates (T1); printf_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, stderr, "\nFirst Tree Contains Duplicated Sequences [main_compare_trees][FATAL:%s]", PROGRAM); } else if ( tree_contains_duplicates (T2)) { display_tree_duplicates (T2); printf_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, stderr, "\nSecond Tree Contains Duplicated Sequences [main_compare_trees]"); } //Identify the commom Sequence Set S1=tree2seq(T1, NULL); S2=tree2seq(T2, NULL); S=trim_seq ( S1, S2); if ( S->nseq<=2) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nERROR: Your two do not have enough common leaf to be compared [FATAL:PROGRAM]"); } //Prune the trees and recode the subtree list T1=prune_tree (T1, S); T1=recode_tree(T1, S); T2=prune_tree (T2, S); T2=recode_tree(T2, S); TS1=(Tree_sim*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (Tree_sim)); TS2=(Tree_sim*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (Tree_sim)); new_compare_trees ( T1, T2, S->nseq, TS1); new_compare_trees ( T2, T1, S->nseq, TS2); TS1->n=tree2nnode (T1); TS1->nseq=S->nseq; TS2->n=tree2nnode (T2); /*if (TS1->n !=TS2->n) printf_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, stderr,"\nERROR: Different number of Nodes in the two provided trees after prunning [FATAL: %s]", PROGRAM); */ free_sequence (S, -1); free_sequence (S1, -1); free_sequence (S2, -1); TS1->uw=(TS1->uw+TS2->uw)*100/(TS1->max_uw+TS2->max_uw); TS1->w=(TS1->w+TS2->w)*100/(TS1->max_w+TS2->max_w); TS1->d=(TS1->d+TS2->d)*100/(TS1->max_d+TS2->max_d); TS1->rf=(TS1->rf+TS2->rf)/2; vfree (TS2); return TS1; } int print_node_list (NT_node T, Sequence *RS) { NT_node *L; Sequence *S; int *nlseq2; S=tree2seq(T, NULL); L=tree2node_list (T, NULL); if (!RS)RS=S; nlseq2=(int*)vcalloc ( RS->nseq, sizeof (int)); while (L[0]) { int d,b; d=MIN(((L[0])->nseq), (S->nseq-(L[0])->nseq)); fprintf ( stdout, "Bootstrap: %5.2f Depth: %5d Splits: ", (L[0])->bootstrap, d); for (b=0; bnseq; b++)nlseq2[b]='-'; for (b=0; bnseq; b++) { int p; p=name_is_in_list (S->name[b], RS->name, RS->nseq, 100); if (p!=-1)nlseq2[p]=(L[0])->lseq2[b]+'0'; } for (b=0; bnseq; b++) fprintf ( stdout, "%c", nlseq2[b]); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); L++; } return 1; } NT_node main_compare_trees_list ( NT_node RT, Sequence *S, FILE *fp) { Tree_sim *T; NT_node *TL; Sequence *RS; int a; T=(Tree_sim*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (Tree_sim)); RS=tree2seq(RT, NULL); TL=read_tree_list (S); reset_boot_tree (RT,0.0001); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { TL[a]=prune_tree(TL[a],RS); TL[a]=recode_tree (TL[a],RS); new_compare_trees (RT, TL[a], RS->nseq,T); } vfree (T); return RT; } NT_node main_compare_trees ( NT_node T1, NT_node T2, FILE *fp) { Tree_sim *T; T=tree_cmp (T1, T2); fprintf ( fp, "\n#tree_cmp|T: %.f W: %.2f L: %.2f RF: %d N: %d S: %d", T->uw, T->w, T->d, T->rf, T->n, T->nseq); fprintf ( fp, "\n#tree_cmp_def|T: ratio of identical nodes"); fprintf ( fp, "\n#tree_cmp_def|W: ratio of identical nodes weighted with the min Nseq below node"); fprintf ( fp, "\n#tree_cmp_def|L: average branch length similarity"); fprintf ( fp, "\n#tree_cmp_def|RF: Robinson and Foulds"); fprintf ( fp, "\n#tree_cmp_def|N: number of Nodes in T1 [unrooted]"); fprintf ( fp, "\n#tree_cmp_def|S: number of Sequences in T1\n"); vfree (T); return T1; } int new_compare_trees ( NT_node T1, NT_node T2, int nseq, Tree_sim *TS) { int n=0; NT_node N; float t1, t2; if (!T1 || !T2) return 0; n+=new_compare_trees (T1->left, T2, nseq,TS); n+=new_compare_trees (T1->right, T2, nseq,TS); //Exclude arbitrary splits (dist==0) if ((T1->dist==0) && !(T1->parent))return n; N=new_search_split (T1, T2, nseq); t1=FABS(T1->dist); t2=(N)?FABS(N->dist):0; TS->max_d+=MAX(t1, t2); if (!N)TS->rf++; if (T1->nseq>1) { int w; w=MIN((nseq-T1->nseq),T1->nseq); TS->max_uw++; TS->max_w+=w; if (N) { TS->uw++; TS->w+=w; TS->d+=MIN(t1, t2); T1->bootstrap++; //T1->dist=T1->nseq; } else { //T1->dist=T1->nseq*-1; ; } } else { TS->d+=MIN(t1, t2); //T1->dist=1; } return ++n; } NT_node new_search_split (NT_node T, NT_node B, int nseq) { NT_node N; if (!T || !B) return NULL; else if ( new_compare_split (T->lseq2, B->lseq2, nseq)==1)return B; else if ( (N=new_search_split (T, B->right, nseq)))return N; else return new_search_split (T, B->left, nseq); } int new_compare_split ( int *b1, int *b2, int n) { int a, flag; for (flag=1, a=0; aparent && T1->nseq>1)n+=search_node ( T1, T2, nseq, mode); n+=compare_trees ( T1->left, T2, nseq, mode); n+=compare_trees ( T1->right, T2, nseq, mode); return n; } float search_node ( NT_node B, NT_node T, int nseq, int mode) { int n=0; if ( !B || !T) return -1; if (getenv4debug("DEBUG_TREE_COMPARE"))display_node ( T, "\n\t", nseq); n=compare_node ( B->lseq2, T->lseq2, nseq ); if ( n==1) { if (getenv4debug("DEBUG_TREE_COMPARE"))fprintf ( stderr, "[1][%d]", (int)evaluate_node_similarity ( B, T, nseq, mode)); if (mode==RECODE)B->dist=B->leaf; return evaluate_node_similarity ( B, T, nseq, mode); } else if ( n==-1) { if (getenv4debug("DEBUG_TREE_COMPARE"))fprintf ( stderr, "[-1]"); if (mode==RECODE)B->dist=-B->leaf; return 0; } else { if (getenv4debug("DEBUG_TREE_COMPARE"))fprintf ( stderr, "[0]"); n=search_node ( B, T->left, nseq, mode); if ( n>0) return n; n=search_node ( B, T->right, nseq, mode); if ( n>0) return n; n=search_node ( B, T->bot, nseq, mode); if ( n>0) return n; } return n; } float evaluate_node_similarity ( NT_node B, NT_node T, int nseq, int mode) { int a, c; if ( mode==TOPOLOGY || mode ==RECODE) { for ( a=0; a< nseq; a++) if ( B->lseq2[a]!=T->lseq2[a]) return 0; return 1; } else if ( mode == WEIGHTED) { for (c=0, a=0; a< nseq; a++) { if ( B->lseq2[a]!=T->lseq2[a]) return 0; else c+=B->lseq2[a]; } return (float)(MIN(c,nseq)); } else if ( mode == LENGTH ) { float d1, d2; for (c=0, a=0; a< nseq; a++) { if ( B->lseq2[a]!=T->lseq2[a]) return 0; } d1=FABS((B->dist-T->dist)); d2=MAX(B->dist, T->dist); return (d2>0)?(d1*100)/d2:0; } else { return 0; } } int compare_node ( int *b1, int *b2, int nseq) { int n1, n2; n1=compare_node1 ( b1, b2, nseq); /*fprintf ( stderr, "[%d]", n1);*/ if ( n1==1) return 1; n2=compare_node2 ( b1, b2, nseq); /* fprintf ( stderr, "[%d]", n2);*/ if ( n2==1)return 1; else if ( n2==-1 && n1==-1) return -1; else return 0; } int compare_node1 ( int *b1, int *b2, int n) { int a; int l1, l2; int r=1; for ( a=0; a< n; a++) { l1=b1[a]; l2=b2[a]; if ( l1==1 && l2==0) return -1; if ( l1!=l2)r=0; } return r; } int compare_node2 ( int *b1, int *b2, int n) { int a; int l1, l2; int r=1; for ( a=0; a< n; a++) { l1=1-b1[a]; l2=b2[a]; if ( l1==1 && l2==0) return -1; if ( l1!=l2) r=0; } return r; } void display_node (NT_node N, char *string,int nseq) { int a; fprintf ( stderr, "%s", string); for (a=0; a< nseq; a++)fprintf ( stderr, "%d", N->lseq2[a]); } /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* FJ_tree Computation */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ NT_node tree_compute ( Alignment *A, int n, char ** arg_list) { if (n==0 || strm (arg_list[0], "cw")) { return compute_cw_tree (A); } else if ( strm (arg_list[0], "fj")) { return compute_fj_tree ( NULL, A, (n>=1)?atoi(arg_list[1]):8, (n>=2)?arg_list[2]:NULL); } else if ( ( strm (arg_list[0], "nj"))) { return compute_std_tree (A, n, arg_list); } else return compute_std_tree (A, n, arg_list); } NT_node compute_std_tree (Alignment *A, int n, char **arg_list) { return compute_std_tree_2 (A, NULL, list2string (arg_list, n)); } NT_node compute_std_tree_2 (Alignment *A, int **s, char *cl) { NT_node T, **BT=NULL; char *tree_name; char matrix[100]; char score [100]; char compare[100]; char tmode[100]; int free_s=0; tree_name =vtmpnam (NULL); if (strstr (cl, "help")) { fprintf ( stdout, "\n+aln2tree| _MATRIX_ : matrix used for the comparison (idmat, sarmat, pam250mt..)\n"); fprintf ( stdout, "\n+aln2tree| _SCORE_ : score mode used for the distance (sim, raw)\n"); fprintf ( stdout, "\n+aln2tree| _COMPARE_: comparison mode (aln, ktup, align, nordisaln)\n"); fprintf ( stdout, "\n+aln2tree| _TMODE_ : tree mode (nj, upgma)\n"); myexit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } //matrix: idmat, ktup,sarmat, sarmat2 strget_param (cl, "_MATRIX_", "idmat", "%s",matrix); //score: sim, raw strget_param (cl, "_SCORE_", "sim", "%s",score); //compare: aln, ktup, align strget_param (cl, "_COMPARE_", "aln", "%s",compare); //compare: aln, ktup, align strget_param (cl, "_TMODE_", "nj", "%s",tmode); int STD, CENTER; if ( strm (compare, "nordisaln")) { strget_param (cl, "_STD_", "1", "%d", &STD); strget_param (cl, "_CENTER_", "5", "%d", &CENTER); } //Use external msa2tree methods if ( strm (tmode, "cw")) { free_int (s, -1); return compute_cw_tree (A); } //compute distance matrix if needed if ( !s) { free_s=1; if ( strm (compare, "ktup")) { ungap_array (A->seq_al, A->nseq); s=get_sim_aln_array ( A,cl); } else if ( strm ( compare, "aln")) { if (strm (score, "sim")) s=get_sim_aln_array(A, matrix); else if ( strm (score, "raw")) { s=get_raw_sim_aln_array (A,matrix); } } else if ( strm ( compare, "nordisaln")) { s=get_sim_aln_array_normal_distribution(A, matrix, &STD, &CENTER); } s=sim_array2dist_array(s, 100); } //Compute the tree if (strm (tmode, "nj")) { BT=int_dist2nj_tree (s, A->name, A->nseq, tree_name); T=main_read_tree (tree_name); free_read_tree(BT); } else if (strm (tmode, "upgma")) { BT=int_dist2upgma_tree (s,A, A->nseq, tree_name); T=main_read_tree (tree_name); free_read_tree(BT); } if ( strm ( cl, "dpa")) { s=dist_array2sim_array(s, 100); T=code_dpa_tree (T,s); } if (free_s)free_int (s, -1); return T; } NT_node similarities_file2tree (char *mat) { int **s; Alignment *A; char *tree_name; NT_node T; tree_name =vtmpnam (NULL); s=input_similarities (mat,NULL, NULL); A=similarities_file2aln(mat); s=sim_array2dist_array(s, 100); int_dist2nj_tree (s, A->name, A->nseq, tree_name); T=main_read_tree(tree_name); free_int (s, -1); return T; } NT_node compute_cw_tree (Alignment *A) { char *tmp1, *tmp2, tmp3[1000]; tmp1=vtmpnam (NULL); tmp2=vtmpnam (NULL); sprintf ( tmp3, "%s.ph", tmp1); output_clustal_aln (tmp1, A); printf_system ("clustalw -infile=%s -tree -newtree=%s %s ", tmp1,tmp3, TO_NULL_DEVICE); printf_system("mv %s %s", tmp3, tmp2); return main_read_tree(tmp2); } NT_node compute_fj_tree (NT_node T, Alignment *A, int limit, char *mode) { static int in_fj_tree; if (!in_fj_tree)fprintf ( stderr, "\nComputation of an NJ tree using conserved positions\n"); in_fj_tree++; if (T && T->leaf<=2); else { T=aln2fj_tree(T,A,limit, mode); T->right=compute_fj_tree ( T->right, A, limit, mode); T->left=compute_fj_tree ( T->left, A, limit, mode); } in_fj_tree--; return T; } NT_node aln2fj_tree(NT_node T, Alignment *A, int limit_in, char *mode) { NT_node NT; Sequence *S=NULL; Alignment *subA=NULL; int fraction_gap; int l, limit; if (T) S=tree2seq (T,NULL); else S=aln2seq (A); l=0; for ( fraction_gap=100; fraction_gap<=100 && l<1; fraction_gap+=10) for ( limit=limit_in; limit>0 && l<1; limit--) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n%d %d", limit, fraction_gap); free_aln (subA); subA=extract_sub_aln2 (A,S->nseq,S->name); subA=filter_aln4tree (subA,limit,fraction_gap, mode); l=subA->len_aln; } /* while ( subA->len_aln<1) { subA=extract_sub_aln2 (A,S->nseq,S->name); subA=filter_aln4tree (subA,limit,fraction_gap,mode); free_aln (subA); subA=extract_sub_aln2 (A,S->nseq,S->name); subA=filter_aln4tree (subA,--limit,fraction_gap, mode); } */ NT=aln2tree (subA); NT=tree2fj_tree (NT); NT=realloc_tree (NT,A->nseq); fprintf ( stderr, "Limit:%d Gap: %d Columns: %4d Left: %4d Right %4d BL:%4.2f\n",limit,fraction_gap, subA->len_aln, (NT->right)->leaf,(NT->left)->leaf, (NT->left)->dist+(NT->right)->dist); if ( T) { NT->dist=T->dist; NT->parent=T->parent; } free_tree(T); free_aln (subA); free_sequence (S, -1); return NT; } Alignment * filter_aln4tree (Alignment *A, int n,int fraction_gap,char *mode) { char *aln_file; char *ungaped_aln_file; char *scored_aln_file; char *filtered_aln_file; aln_file=vtmpnam(NULL); ungaped_aln_file=vtmpnam (NULL); scored_aln_file=vtmpnam (NULL); scored_aln_file=vtmpnam(NULL); filtered_aln_file=vtmpnam(NULL); output_clustal_aln (aln_file, A); /* 1: remove columns with too many gaps*/ printf_system ("t_coffee -other_pg seq_reformat -in %s -action +rm_gap %d -output clustalw > %s", aln_file,fraction_gap, ungaped_aln_file); /* 2: evaluate the alignment*/ printf_system ("t_coffee -other_pg seq_reformat -in %s -action +evaluate %s -output clustalw > %s", ungaped_aln_file,(mode)?mode:"categories", scored_aln_file); /*3 extract the high scoring columns*/ printf_system("t_coffee -other_pg seq_reformat -in %s -struc_in %s -struc_in_f number_aln -action +use_cons +keep '[%d-8]' +rm_gap -output clustalw > %s", ungaped_aln_file, scored_aln_file,n, filtered_aln_file); free_aln (A); A=main_read_aln ( filtered_aln_file, NULL); print_aln (A); return A; } NT_node tree2fj_tree (NT_node T) { NT_node L; return T; L=find_longest_branch (T, NULL); T=reroot_tree (T, L); return T; } /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Tree Filters and MAnipulation */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ int tree2star_nodes (NT_node R, int n_max) { if ( !R) return 0; else if (!R->left && !R->right) { if (n_max>=1)R->dist=0; return 1; } else { int n=0; n+=tree2star_nodes (R->right, n_max); n+=tree2star_nodes (R->left, n_max); if (ndist=0; return n; } } NT_node aln2tree (Alignment *A) { NT_node **T=NULL; T=make_nj_tree (A, NULL, 0, 0, A->seq_al, A->name, A->nseq, NULL, NULL); tree2nleaf (T[3][0]); return T[3][0]; } NT_node realloc_tree ( NT_node R, int n) { if ( !R)return R; R->right=realloc_tree (R->right,n); R->left=realloc_tree (R->left,n); R->bot=realloc_tree (R->bot,n); R->lseq=(int*)vrealloc (R->lseq, n*sizeof (int)); R->lseq2=(int*)vrealloc (R->lseq2, n*sizeof (int)); return R; } NT_node reset_boot_tree ( NT_node R, int n) { if ( !R)return R; R->right=reset_boot_tree (R->right,n); R->left=reset_boot_tree (R->left,n); R->bot=reset_boot_tree (R->bot,n); R->bootstrap=(float)n; return R; } NT_node tree_dist2normalized_tree_dist ( NT_node R, float max) { if (!R)return R; else { tree_dist2normalized_tree_dist ( R->right, max); tree_dist2normalized_tree_dist ( R->left, max); R->bootstrap=(int)((R->dist*100)/max); } return R; } NT_node reset_dist_tree ( NT_node R, float n) { if ( !R)return R; R->right=reset_dist_tree (R->right,n); R->left=reset_dist_tree (R->left,n); R->bot=reset_dist_tree (R->bot,n); if (R->parent && !(R->parent)->parent && !(R->parent)->bot)R->dist=n/2; else R->dist=n; return R; } NT_node* free_treelist (NT_node *L) { int n=0; while (L[n])free_tree (L[n++]); vfree (L); return NULL; } NT_node free_tree ( NT_node R) { if ( !R)return R; if(R->right) R->right=free_tree (R->right); if(R->left) R->left=free_tree (R->left); if(R->bot) R->bot=free_tree (R->bot); free_tree_node (R); return R; } NT_node free_tree_node ( NT_node R) { if (!R)return NULL; vfree (R->seqal); vfree (R->idist); vfree (R->ldist); vfree (R->file); vfree ( R->name); vfree ( R->lseq); vfree ( R->lseq2); vfree (R); return NULL; } int decode_seq_in_tree (NT_node R, char **name) { //seq are expected to be named 1--N in the order of **name //returns the number of sequences effectively decoded int t=0; if (!R) return 0; if (R->leaf!=1) { t+=decode_seq_in_tree (R->right,name); t+=decode_seq_in_tree (R->left, name); } else { int s=atoi (R->name); vfree (R->name);R->name=(char*)vcalloc ( strlen (name[s-1])+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf (R->name, "%s", name[s-1]); t=1; } return t; } NT_node rename_seq_in_tree ( NT_node R, char ***list) { if ( !R || !list) return R; if ( R->leaf!=1) { R->right=rename_seq_in_tree (R->right, list); R->left=rename_seq_in_tree (R->left, list); R->bot=rename_seq_in_tree (R->bot, list); } else { int n=0; while ( list[n][0][0]) { if ( strm (list[n][0], R->name))sprintf (R->name, "%s",list[n][1]); n++; } } return R; } Sequence * tree2seq (NT_node R, Sequence *S) { if ( !R)return S; if ( !S) { S=declare_sequence (10, 10, tree2nseq (R)); S->nseq=0; } if (R->leaf==1) { sprintf ( S->name[S->nseq++], "%s", R->name); } else { S=tree2seq (R->left, S); S=tree2seq (R->right, S); } return S; } NT_node balance_tree (NT_node T) { static int **list; NT_node NL[3]; if ( !T) return T; else if ( T->leaf<=2)return T; else { if (!list)list=declare_int (3, 2); NL[0]=T->left; NL[1]=T->right; NL[2]=T->bot; list[0][0]=(T->left)?(T->left)->leaf:0; list[0][1]=0; list[1][0]=(T->right)?(T->right)->leaf:0; list[1][1]=1; list[2][0]=(T->bot)?(T->bot)->leaf:0; list[2][1]=2; sort_int (list,2,0,0,2); T->left=NL[list[2][1]]; T->right=NL[list[1][1]]; T->bot=NL[list[0][1]]; T->left=balance_tree (T->left); T->right=balance_tree (T->right); T->bot=balance_tree (T->bot); return T; } } FILE * display_tree (NT_node R, int nseq, FILE *fp) { int a; if ( !R); else { /* if ( R->nseq==1)fprintf (stderr,"\n[%s] ", R->name); else fprintf ( stderr, "\n[%d Node] ",R->nseq); for ( a=0; a< R->nseq; a++) fprintf ( stderr, "[%d]", R->lseq[a]); */ fprintf (fp, "\n %10s N ", R->name); for ( a=0; a< nseq; a++)fprintf (fp, "%d", R->lseq2[a]); fprintf (fp, "\n %10s D ", R->name); for ( a=0; a< nseq; a++)fprintf (fp, "%d", R->idist[a]); if (R->leaf==1) fprintf (fp, " %s", R->name); fprintf (fp, " :%.4f", R->dist); HERE ("\nGo Left");fp=display_tree (R->left, nseq, fp); HERE ("\nGo Right");fp=display_tree (R->right, nseq, fp); HERE ("\nGo Bot");fp=display_tree (R->bot, nseq, fp); } return fp; } int tree2nnode_unresolved (NT_node R, int *l) { if ( !R)return 0; else if (R->leaf && R->dist==0){return 1;} else { int n=0; n+=tree2nnode_unresolved (R->right, l); n+=tree2nnode_unresolved (R->left, l); if (R->dist==0) { return n; } else { if (n)l[n]++; return 0; } } } int tree2nnode ( NT_node R) { int n; if ( !R)n=0; else if ( R->leaf==1){R->node=1;n=1;} else { n=1; n+=tree2nnode (R->right); n+=tree2nnode (R->left); n+=tree2nnode (R->bot); R->node=n; } return n; } int tree2nleaf (NT_node R) { if ( !R)return 0; else if (R->leaf==1){return 1;} else if (R->right==NULL && R->left==NULL && R->bot==NULL){R->leaf=1; return 1;} else { int n=0; n+=tree2nleaf (R->right); n+=tree2nleaf (R->left); n+=tree2nleaf (R->bot); R->leaf=n; return n; } } int tree2nseq ( NT_node R) { return tree2nleaf(R); } int tree_file2nseq (char *fname) { FILE *fp; char *string; int p, a, b, c, n; string=(char*)vcalloc (count_n_char_in_file(fname)+1, sizeof (char)); fp=vfopen (fname, "r"); n=0; while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF){if (c=='(' || c==')' || c==',' || c==';') string[n++]=c;} vfclose (fp);string[n]='\0'; for (n=0, p=1; pvisited=0; if ( R->leaf==1); else { clear_tree ( R->right); clear_tree ( R->left); clear_tree ( R->bot); } } int display_leaf_below_node (NT_node T, FILE *fp) { int n=0; if ( !T)return 0; if ( T->leaf==1) { fprintf (fp, " %s", T->name); return 1; } else { n+=display_leaf_below_node ( T->right, fp); n+=display_leaf_below_node ( T->left, fp); return n; } } int display_leaf ( NT_node T, FILE *fp) { int n=0; if ( !T)return 0; else if ( T->visited)return 0; else T->visited=1; if ( T->leaf==1) { fprintf (fp, " %s", T->name); return 1; } else { n+=display_leaf ( T->right, fp); n+=display_leaf ( T->left, fp); n+=display_leaf ( T->bot, fp); return n; } } NT_node find_longest_branch ( NT_node T, NT_node L) { if ( !L || T->dist>L->dist) { L=T; } if ( T->leaf==1)return L; else { L=find_longest_branch ( T->right, L); L=find_longest_branch ( T->left, L); return L; } } int node2side (NT_node N); int test_print (NT_node T); NT_node straighten_node (NT_node N); NT_node EMPTY; NT_node Previous; NT_node reroot_tree ( NT_node TREE, NT_node Right) { /*ReRoots the tree between Node R and its parent*/ NT_node NR; int n1, n2; if (!EMPTY)EMPTY=(NT_node)vcalloc (1, sizeof (NT_node)); if ( !Right->parent)return Right; TREE=unroot_tree (TREE); if (Right->parent==NULL && Right->bot) Right=Right->bot; n1=tree2nleaf (TREE); NR=declare_tree_node(TREE->maxnseq); NR->right=Right; NR->left=Right->parent; Right->parent=NR; Right->dist=Right->dist/2; if ((NR->left)->right==Right)(NR->left)->right=EMPTY; else if ( (NR->left)->left==Right) (NR->left)->left=EMPTY; Previous=NULL; NR->left=straighten_node (NR->left); (NR->left)->parent=NR; (NR->left)->dist=Right->dist; n2=tree2nleaf(NR); if ( n1!=n2){fprintf ( stderr, "\n%d %d", n1, n2);myexit (EXIT_FAILURE);} return NR; } NT_node straighten_node ( NT_node N) { NT_node Child; if ( N->parent) { if (N->right==EMPTY)N->right=N->parent; else if ( N->left==EMPTY) N->left=N->parent; Child=N->parent; if (Child->right==N) { Child->right=EMPTY; } else if (Child->left==N) { Child->left=EMPTY; } Previous=N; Child=straighten_node (Child); Child->parent=N; Child->dist=N->dist; return N; } else if ( N->bot && N->bot!=Previous) { if ( N->right==EMPTY)N->right=N->bot; else if ( N->left==EMPTY)N->left=N->bot; N->bot=NULL; return N; } else { N->bot=NULL; return N; } } int test_print (NT_node T) { if ( !T) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nEMPTY"); } else if ( !T->left && !T->right) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n%s",T->name); } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\nGoing Right"); test_print (T->right); fprintf ( stderr, "\nGoing Left"); test_print (T->left); } return 1; } int node2side (NT_node C) { if ( !C->parent) return UNKNOWN; else if ( (C->parent)->left==C)return LEFT; else if ( (C->parent)->right==C)return RIGHT; else return UNKNOWN; } NT_node straighten_tree ( NT_node P, NT_node C, float new_dist) { float dist; if ( C==NULL)return NULL; dist=C->dist; C->dist=new_dist; C->bot=NULL; if (C->left && C->right) { C->parent=P; } else if (!C->left) { C->left=C->parent; C->parent=P; } if ( C->parent==P); else if ( C->left==NULL && C->right==NULL) { C->parent=P; } else if ( C->right==P) { C->right=C->parent; C->parent=P; C=straighten_tree(C, C->right, dist); } else if ( C->left==P) { C->left=C->parent; C->parent=P; C=straighten_tree (C, C->left, dist); } else if ( C->parent==NULL) { C->parent=P; } return C; } NT_node unroot_tree ( NT_node T) { if (!T || T->visited) return T; else T->visited=1; if (T->parent==NULL) { (T->right)->dist=(T->left)->dist=(T->right)->dist+(T->left)->dist; (T->right)->parent=T->left; (T->left)->parent=T->right; T=T->left; T->leaf=0; vfree (T->parent); } else { T->parent=unroot_tree (T->parent); T->right=unroot_tree (T->right); T->left=unroot_tree (T->left); } T->visited=0; return T; } FILE * print_tree_list ( NT_node *T, char *format,FILE *fp) { int a=0; while ( T[a]) { fp=print_tree (T[a], format, fp); a++; } return fp; } char * tree2string (NT_node T) { if (!T) return NULL; else { static char *f; FILE *fp; if (!f)f=vtmpnam (NULL); fp=vfopen (f, "w"); print_tree (T, "newick", fp); vfclose (fp); return file2string (f); } } char * tree2file (NT_node T, char *name, char *mode) { if (!name)name=vtmpnam (NULL); string2file (name, mode, tree2string(T)); return name; } FILE * print_tree ( NT_node T, char *format,FILE *fp) { Sequence *S; tree2nleaf(T); S=tree2seq(T, NULL); recode_tree (T, S); free_sequence (S, -1); if ( format && strm (format, "binary")) fp=display_tree ( T,S->nseq, fp); else if ( ! format || strm2 (format, "newick_tree","newick")) { /*T=balance_tree (T);*/ fp=rec_print_tree (T, fp); fprintf ( fp, ";\n"); } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\nERROR: %s is an unknown tree format [FATAL:%s]\n", format, PROGRAM); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } return fp; } int print_newick_tree ( NT_node T, char *name) { FILE *fp; fp=vfopen (name, "w"); fp=rec_print_tree (T,fp); fprintf (fp, ";\n"); vfclose (fp); return 1; } FILE * rec_print_tree ( NT_node T, FILE *fp) { if (!T)return fp; if ( T->isseq) { fprintf ( fp, "%s:%.5f",T->name, T->dist); } else { if (T->left && T->right) { fprintf ( fp, "(");fp=rec_print_tree ( T->left, fp); fprintf ( fp, ",");fp=rec_print_tree ( T->right, fp); fprintf ( fp, ")"); if (T->parent || T->dist) { if ( T->bootstrap!=0)fprintf (fp, " %d", (int)T->bootstrap); fprintf (fp, ":%.5f", T->dist); } } else if (T->left)fp=rec_print_tree (T->left, fp); else if (T->right)fp=rec_print_tree(T->right, fp); } return fp; } /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Tree Functions */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ int ** make_sub_tree_list ( NT_node **T, int nseq, int n_node) { /*This function produces a list of all the sub trees*/ /* /A */ /* -* */ /* \ /B */ /* \ / */ /* ---* */ /* \ */ /* *--C */ /* \ */ /* \D */ /* Contains 4 i_nodes */ /* 8 nodes (internal nodes +leaves) */ /* 8 sub trees: */ /* ABCD */ /* 1111 */ /* 0111 */ /* 1000 */ /* 0100 */ /* 0011 */ /* 0001 */ /* 0010 */ int **sub_tree_list; int a, n=0; if (T) { sub_tree_list=declare_int ( (n_node), nseq); make_all_sub_tree_list (T[3][0],sub_tree_list, &n); } else { sub_tree_list=declare_int (nseq, nseq); for ( a=0; a< nseq; a++)sub_tree_list[a][a]=1; } return sub_tree_list; } void make_all_sub_tree_list ( NT_node N, int **list, int *n) { make_one_sub_tree_list (N, list[n[0]++]); if (N->leaf!=1) { make_all_sub_tree_list (N->left , list, n); make_all_sub_tree_list (N->right, list, n); } return; } void make_one_sub_tree_list ( NT_node T,int *list) { if (T->leaf==1) { list[T->seq]=1; } else { make_one_sub_tree_list(T->left , list); make_one_sub_tree_list(T->right, list); } return; } NT_node old_main_read_tree(char *treefile) { /*Reads a tree w/o needing the sequence file*/ NT_node **T; T=simple_read_tree (treefile); return T[3][0]; } NT_node** simple_read_tree(char *treefile) { int tot_node=0; NT_node **T; T=read_tree ( treefile, &tot_node,tree_file2nseq (treefile),NULL); return T; } void free_read_tree ( NT_node **BT) { int a, s; if (!BT) return; for (s=0,a=0; a<3; a++) { vfree (BT[a]); } free_tree (BT[3][0]); vfree (BT); return; } NT_node** read_tree(char *treefile, int *tot_node,int nseq, char **seq_names) { /*The Tree Root is in the TREE[3][0]...*/ /*TREE[0][ntot]--> pointer to each node and leave*/ char ch; int a,b; FILE *fp; int nseq_read = 0; int nnodes = 0;/*Number of Internal Nodes*/ int ntotal = 0;/*Number of Internal Nodes + Number of Leaves*/ int flag; int c_seq; NT_node **lu_ptr; NT_node seq_tree, root,p; tot_nseq=nseq; rooted_tree=distance_tree=TRUE; fp = vfopen(treefile, "r"); fp=skip_space(fp); ch = (char)getc(fp); if (ch != '(') { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Wrong format in tree file %s\n", treefile); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } rewind(fp); lu_ptr=(NT_node **)vcalloc(4,sizeof(NT_node*)); lu_ptr[0] = (NT_node *)vcalloc(10*nseq,sizeof(NT_node)); lu_ptr[1] = (NT_node *)vcalloc(10*nseq,sizeof(NT_node)); lu_ptr[2] = (NT_node *)vcalloc(10*nseq,sizeof(NT_node)); lu_ptr[3] =(NT_node *) vcalloc(1,sizeof(NT_node)); seq_tree =(NT_node) declare_tree_node(nseq); set_info(seq_tree, NULL, 0, " ", 0.0, 0); fp=create_tree(seq_tree,NULL,&nseq_read, &ntotal, &nnodes, lu_ptr, fp); fclose (fp); if (nseq != tot_nseq) { fprintf(stderr," Error: tree not compatible with alignment (%d sequences in alignment and %d in tree\n", nseq,nseq_read); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if (distance_tree == FALSE) { if (rooted_tree == FALSE) { fprintf(stderr,"Error: input tree is unrooted and has no distances, cannot align sequences\n"); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (rooted_tree == FALSE) { root = reroot(seq_tree, nseq,ntotal,nnodes, lu_ptr); lu_ptr[1][nnodes++]=lu_ptr[0][ntotal++]=root; } else { root = seq_tree; } lu_ptr[3][0]=root; tot_node[0]=nnodes; for ( a=0; a< ntotal; a++) { (lu_ptr[0][a])->isseq=(lu_ptr[0][a])->leaf; (lu_ptr[0][a])->dp=(lu_ptr[0][a])->dist; } for ( a=0; a< nseq; a++) { if (!seq_names) { flag=1; (lu_ptr[2][a])->order=(lu_ptr[2][a])->seq=a; } else { for ( flag=0,b=0; bname, seq_names[b], MAXNAMES)==0) { flag=1; (lu_ptr[2][a])->order=(lu_ptr[2][a])->seq=b; /*vfree ( (lu_ptr[2][a])->name);*/ sprintf ((lu_ptr[2][a])->name, "%s", seq_names[b]); } } } /* if ( flag==0 && (lu_ptr[0][a])->leaf==1) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n%s* not in tree",(lu_ptr[2][a])->name); for ( a=0; a< ntotal; a++) { fprintf ( stderr, "\n%d %s",(lu_ptr[2][a])->leaf, (lu_ptr[2][a])->name); } } */ } if (seq_names) { int tnseq; char *s; char **tree_names; int fail_flag=0; tnseq=tree_file2nseq(treefile); tree_names=(char**)vcalloc ( tnseq, sizeof (char*)); for (a=0; aname; tree_names[a]=s; if ( name_is_in_list(s, seq_names, nseq, MAXNAMES+1)==-1) { fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: Sequence %s in the tree [%s] is not in the alignment[FATAL:%s]\n", s, treefile, PROGRAM); fail_flag=1; } } for (a=0; aseq; while ( p!=NULL) { p->lseq[p->nseq]=c_seq; p->nseq++; p=p->parent; } } return lu_ptr; } FILE * create_linear_tree ( char **name, int n, FILE *fp) { if (!name || n==0 ||!fp) return NULL; if (n==2) fprintf ( fp, "(%s,%s);",name[0],name[1]); else if ( n==3) fprintf ( fp, "((%s,%s),%s);",name[0],name[1], name[2]); else { int a; for (a=0; aleft, ptree, nseq,ntotal,nnodes,lu,fp); ch = (char)getc(fp); if ( ch == ',') { fp=create_tree(ptree->right, ptree,nseq,ntotal,nnodes,lu,fp); ch = (char)getc(fp); if ( ch == ',') { ptree = insert_tree_node(ptree); lu[0][ntotal[0]] = lu[1][nnodes[0]] = ptree; ntotal[0]++; nnodes[0]++; fp=create_tree(ptree->right, ptree,nseq,ntotal,nnodes,lu,fp); rooted_tree = FALSE; if ( getenv4debug ( "DEBUG_TREE")){fprintf ( stderr, "\n[DEBUG_TREE:create_tree] Unrooted Tree");} } } fp=skip_space(fp); ch = (char)getc(fp); } else { type=LEAF; lu[0][ntotal[0]] = lu[2][nseq[0]] = ptree; ntotal[0]++; nseq[0]++; name[0] = ch; i=1; ch = (char)getc(fp); if ( name[0]=='\'') { /*This protects names that are between single quotes*/ while ( ch!='\'') { if (i < MAXNAMES) name[i++] = ch; ch = (char)getc(fp); } if (i < MAXNAMES) name[i++] = ch; while ((ch != ':') && (ch != ',') && (ch != ')'))ch = (char)getc(fp); } else { while ((ch != ':') && (ch != ',') && (ch != ')')) { if (i < MAXNAMES) name[i++] = ch; ch = (char)getc(fp); } } name[i] = '\0'; if ( i>=(MAXNAMES+1)){fprintf (stderr, "\nName is too long");myexit (EXIT_FAILURE);} if (ch != ':' && !isdigit(ch)) { /*distance_tree = FALSE*/; } } if (ch == ':') { fp=skip_space(fp); fscanf(fp,"%f",&dist); fp=skip_space(fp); bootstrap=0; } /*Tree with Bootstrap information*/ else if (isdigit (ch)) { ungetc(ch,fp); fscanf(fp,"%f",&bootstrap); if ( fscanf(fp,":%f",&dist)==1); else dist=0; fp=skip_space(fp); } else { ungetc ( ch, fp); skip_space(fp); } set_info(ptree, parent, type, name, dist, bootstrap); vfree (name); return fp; } NT_node declare_tree_node (int nseq) { NT_node p; p= (NT_node)vcalloc (1, sizeof ( Treenode)); p->left = NULL; p->right = NULL; p->parent = NULL; p->dist = 0.0; p->leaf = 0; p->order = 0; p->maxnseq=nseq; p->name=(char*)vcalloc (MAXNAMES+1,sizeof (char)); p->name[0]='\0'; p->lseq=(int*)vcalloc ( nseq, sizeof (int)); return p; } void set_info(NT_node p, NT_node parent, int pleaf, char *pname, float pdist, float bootstrap) { p->parent = parent; p->leaf = pleaf; p->dist = pdist; p->bootstrap=bootstrap; p->order = 0; sprintf (p->name, "%s", pname); if (pleaf ==1) { p->left = NULL; p->right = NULL; } } NT_node insert_tree_node(NT_node pptr) { NT_node newnode; newnode = declare_tree_node( pptr->maxnseq); create_tree_node(newnode, pptr->parent); newnode->left = pptr; pptr->parent = newnode; set_info(newnode, pptr->parent, 0, "", 0.0, 0); return(newnode); } void create_tree_node(NT_node pptr, NT_node parent) { pptr->parent = parent; pptr->left =declare_tree_node(pptr->maxnseq) ; (pptr->left)->parent=pptr; pptr->right =declare_tree_node(pptr->maxnseq) ; (pptr->right)->parent=pptr; } FILE * skip_space(FILE *fp) { int c; do c = getc(fp); while(isspace(c)); if ( c==EOF) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nEOF"); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } ungetc(c, fp); return fp; } NT_node reroot(NT_node ptree, int nseq, int ntotal, int nnodes, NT_node **lu) { NT_node p, rootnode, rootptr; float diff, mindiff=0, mindepth = 1.0, maxdist; int i; int first = TRUE; rootptr = ptree; for (i=0; iparent == NULL) diff = calc_root_mean(p, &maxdist, nseq, lu); else diff = calc_mean(p, &maxdist, nseq, lu); if ((diff == 0) || ((diff > 0) && (diff < 2 * p->dist))) { if ((maxdist < mindepth) || (first == TRUE)) { first = FALSE; rootptr = p; mindepth = maxdist; mindiff = diff; } } } if (rootptr == ptree) { mindiff = rootptr->left->dist + rootptr->right->dist; rootptr = rootptr->right; } rootnode = insert_root(rootptr, mindiff); diff = calc_root_mean(rootnode, &maxdist, nseq, lu); return(rootnode); } float calc_root_mean(NT_node root, float *maxdist, int nseq, NT_node **lu) { float dist , lsum = 0.0, rsum = 0.0, lmean,rmean,diff; NT_node p; int i; int nl, nr; int direction; dist = (*maxdist) = 0; nl = nr = 0; for (i=0; i< nseq; i++) { p = lu[2][i]; dist = 0.0; while (p->parent != root) { dist += p->dist; p = p->parent; } if (p == root->left) direction = LEFT; else direction = RIGHT; dist += p->dist; if (direction == LEFT) { lsum += dist; nl++; } else { rsum += dist; nr++; } if (dist > (*maxdist)) *maxdist = dist; } lmean = lsum / nl; rmean = rsum / nr; diff = lmean - rmean; return(diff); } float calc_mean(NT_node nptr, float *maxdist, int nseq,NT_node **lu) { float dist , lsum = 0.0, rsum = 0.0, lmean,rmean,diff; NT_node p, *path2root; float *dist2node; int depth = 0, i,j , n; int nl , nr; int direction, found; path2root = (NT_node *)vcalloc(nseq,sizeof(Treenode)); dist2node = (float *)vcalloc(nseq,sizeof(float)); depth = (*maxdist) = dist = 0; nl = nr = 0; p = nptr; while (p != NULL) { path2root[depth] = p; dist += p->dist; dist2node[depth] = dist; p = p->parent; depth++; } /*************************************************************************** *nl = *nr = 0; for each leaf, determine whether the leaf is left or right of the node. (RIGHT = descendant, LEFT = not descendant) ****************************************************************************/ for (i=0; i< nseq; i++) { p = lu[2][i]; if (p == nptr) { direction = RIGHT; dist = 0.0; } else { direction = LEFT; dist = 0.0; found = FALSE; n = 0; while ((found == FALSE) && (p->parent != NULL)) { for (j=0; j< depth; j++) if (p->parent == path2root[j]) { found = TRUE; n = j; } dist += p->dist; p = p->parent; } if (p == nptr) direction = RIGHT; } if (direction == LEFT) { lsum += dist; lsum += dist2node[n-1]; nl++; } else { rsum += dist; nr++; } if (dist > (*maxdist)) *maxdist = dist; } vfree(dist2node); vfree(path2root); if ( nl==0 || nr==0) { myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } lmean = lsum / nl; rmean = rsum / nr; diff = lmean - rmean; return(diff); } NT_node insert_root(NT_node p, float diff) { NT_node newp, prev, q, t; float dist, prevdist,td; newp = declare_tree_node( p->maxnseq); t = p->parent; prevdist = t->dist; p->parent = newp; dist = p->dist; p->dist = diff / 2; if (p->dist < 0.0) p->dist = 0.0; if (p->dist > dist) p->dist = dist; t->dist = dist - p->dist; newp->left = t; newp->right = p; newp->parent = NULL; newp->dist = 0.0; newp->leaf = NODE; if (t->left == p) t->left = t->parent; else t->right = t->parent; prev = t; q = t->parent; t->parent = newp; while (q != NULL) { if (q->left == prev) { q->left = q->parent; q->parent = prev; td = q->dist; q->dist = prevdist; prevdist = td; prev = q; q = q->left; } else { q->right = q->parent; q->parent = prev; td = q->dist; q->dist = prevdist; prevdist = td; prev = q; q = q->right; } } /* remove the old root node */ q = prev; if (q->left == NULL) { dist = q->dist; q = q->right; q->dist += dist; q->parent = prev->parent; if (prev->parent->left == prev) prev->parent->left = q; else prev->parent->right = q; prev->right = NULL; } else { dist = q->dist; q = q->left; q->dist += dist; q->parent = prev->parent; if (prev->parent->left == prev) prev->parent->left = q; else prev->parent->right = q; prev->left = NULL; } return(newp); } /*********************************************************************/ /* */ /* TrimTC3 */ /* */ /* */ /*********************************************************************/ int *aln2seq_chain (Alignment *A, int **sim,int seq1, int seq2, int limit, int max_chain); Alignment *seq2seq_chain (Alignment *A,Alignment*T, char *arg) { int **sim=NULL; int *buf=NULL, *seq2keep, *list, *tname; int a, b, c, nl; int sim_limit; int min_sim=15; int max_chain=20; /*Estimate Similarity within the incoming sequences*/ sim=seq2comp_mat (aln2seq(A), "blosum62mt", "sim2"); /*Read and store the list of sequences to keep*/ seq2keep=(int*)vcalloc (A->nseq, sizeof (int)); tname=(int*)vcalloc (T->nseq, sizeof (int)); for ( a=0; a< T->nseq; a++) { tname[a]=name_is_in_list ( T->name[a], A->name, A->nseq, 100); if (tname[a]>=0)seq2keep[tname[a]]=1; } /*Consider Every Pair of Sequences within the list of sequences to keep*/ fprintf ( stderr, "\n"); for ( a=0; a< T->nseq-1; a++) { if (tname[a]<0) continue; for ( b=a+1;bnseq; b++) { if (tname[b]<0) continue; buf=NULL;sim_limit=90; while (!buf && sim_limit>min_sim) { buf=aln2seq_chain ( A, sim,tname[a],tname[b],sim_limit, max_chain); sim_limit-=5; } if ( buf) { for (c=0; c< A->nseq; c++)seq2keep[c]+=buf[c]; vfree (buf); } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n#Could Not Find any Intermediate sequence [MAx chain %d MinID %d\n", max_chain, min_sim); } } } list=(int*)vcalloc (A->nseq, sizeof (int)); for ( nl=0,a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) if ( seq2keep[a]) list[nl++]=a; A=extract_sub_aln (A, nl, list); free_int (sim, -1); vfree (list); return A; } int max_explore=10000000;/*Limits the number of explorations that tends to increase when id is small*/ int n_explore; int *aln2seq_chain (Alignment *A, int **sim, int seq1, int seq2, int limit, int max_chain) { int *used; int **chain; char output1[10000]; char output2[10000]; int a; int *list; int n, nseq=0; output1[0]=output2[0]='\0'; used=(int*)vcalloc (A->nseq, sizeof(int)); used[seq1]=1; if (find_seq_chain ( A, sim,used,seq1,seq1, seq2,1,limit, max_chain, &nseq)) { list=(int*)vcalloc (A->nseq, sizeof (int)); chain=declare_int (A->nseq, 2); for (n=0, a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { if ( used[a]) { chain[n][0]=used[a]; chain[n][1]=a; list[used[a]-1]=a;n++; } } sprintf ( output2, "#%s %s N: %d Lower: %d Sim: %d DELTA: %d\n", A->name[list[0]], A->name[list[n-1]],n, limit,sim[list[0]][list[n-1]],limit-sim[list[0]][list[n-1]]);strcat (output1, output2); sort_int ( chain, 2, 0, 0, n-1); sprintf ( output2, "#");strcat(output1, output2); for ( a=0; a< n-1; a++) { sprintf (output2, "%s -->%d -->", A->name[chain[a][1]],sim[chain[a][1]][chain[a+1][1]]);strcat ( output1, output2); } sprintf ( output2, "%s\n", A->name[chain[n-1][1]]);strcat (output1, output2); free_int (chain, -1); vfree (list); } else { vfree (used); used=NULL; } /* fprintf ( stdout, "%s", output1);*/ fprintf ( stderr, "%s", output1); n_explore=0; return used; } static int ***pw_sim; int find_seq_chain (Alignment *A, int **sim,int *used,int seq0,int seq1, int seq2,int chain_length, int limit, int max_chain, int *nseq) { int a,b, seq, seq_sim; n_explore++; if ( n_explore>=max_explore) { return 0; } if (!pw_sim) { pw_sim=(int***)declare_arrayN(3, sizeof (int), A->nseq, A->nseq, 3); for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { for ( b=0; bnseq; b++) { pw_sim[a][b][0]=b; pw_sim[a][b][1]=sim[a][b]; pw_sim[a][b][2]=sim[b][seq2]; } sort_int_inv ( pw_sim[a],3, 1, 0, A->nseq-1); } } if ( chain_length>max_chain)return 0; else if ( sim[seq1][seq2]>=limit) { used[seq2]=chain_length+1; nseq[0]++; return 1; } else { int delta_seq2; for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { seq=pw_sim[seq1][a][0]; seq_sim=pw_sim[seq1][a][1]; delta_seq2=pw_sim[seq1][a][2]-sim[seq1][seq2]; if ( used[seq])continue; else if ( seq_sim=max_i) { max_i+=1000; lu=(char**)vrealloc (lu, sizeof (char*)*max_i); } lu[i]=buf2; if (i>n)n=i; } while((buf=vfgets (buf, fpin)) && !strstr(buf, "tree")); if (buf) { char *tree=(char*)vcalloc ( strlen (buf)+1, sizeof (char)); char index[5]; sscanf (buf, "tree PAUP_1 = [&U] %s", tree); for (i=n; i>0; i--) { if (lu[i]) { sprintf (index, "%d", i); tree=substitute (tree, index, lu[i]); vfree (lu[i]);lu[i]=NULL; } } fprintf (fpout, ">tree_%d\n%s", ++nt,tree); vfree (tree); } } } vfclose (fpin); vfclose (fpout); vfree (lu); return get_fasta_tree (fasta, NULL); } Sequence * get_treelist (char *fname) { FILE *fpin; FILE *fpout; int n=0; char *buf=NULL; char *seq=vtmpnam (NULL); fpin=vfopen (fname, "r"); fpout=vfopen(seq, "w"); while ((buf=vfgets(buf, fpin))) { if (buf[0]!='(' && check_file_exists (buf)) { char *tree=file2string(buf); fprintf (fpout, ">Tree_%d\n%s", ++n,tree); vfree (tree); } else fprintf (fpout, ">Tree_%d\n%s", ++n,buf); } vfclose (fpin); vfclose (fpout); return get_fasta_tree(seq, NULL); } Sequence*get_fasta_tree (char *fname, char *comment_out) { Sequence *LS; char *buffer; FILE *fp; int a; int c; char *name; int clen=0; int current=0; int p=0; int max; int max_len_seq=0; int min_len_seq=0; int nseq=0, l=0; int *sub; buffer=(char*)vcalloc (1000, sizeof (char)); name=(char*)vcalloc ( 100, sizeof (char)); nseq=count_n_char_x_in_file(fname, '>'); min_len_seq=max=count_n_char_in_file(fname); sub=(int*)vcalloc (max+1, sizeof (int)); fp=vfopen (fname,"r"); c=fgetc(fp); while (c!=EOF) { if (c=='>') { fscanf_seq_name (fp,name); while ((c=fgetc(fp))!='\n' && c!=EOF); while ((c=fgetc(fp))!='>' && c!=EOF) if (isgraph(c)) clen++; max_len_seq=(clen> max_len_seq)?clen: max_len_seq; min_len_seq=(clen< min_len_seq)?clen: min_len_seq; clen=0; } else c=fgetc (fp); } vfclose (fp); LS=declare_sequence ( min_len_seq, max_len_seq,nseq); LS->nseq=nseq; fp=vfopen (fname,"r"); current=0; c=fgetc(fp); while (c!=EOF) { if (c=='>') { fscanf_seq_name (fp,LS->name[current]); l=strlen ( LS->name[current]); if ( LS->name[current][l-1]==','||LS->name[current][l-1]==';')LS->name[current][l-1]='\0'; LS->name[current]=translate_name ( LS->name[current]); a=0; while ((c=fgetc(fp))!='\n' && c!=EOF && a<(COMMENT_SIZE-1))LS->seq_comment[current][a++]=c; LS->seq_comment[current][a]='\0'; p=0; while ((c=fgetc(fp))!='>' && c!=EOF) { LS->seq[current][p++]=c; } LS->seq[current][p]='\0'; LS->len[current]=strlen ( LS->seq[current]); current++; } else c=fgetc ( fp); } vfclose (fp); vfree (sub); vfree (name); vfree (buffer); return LS; } void output_fasta_tree (char *fname, Alignment*A) { int a; FILE *fp; if ( !A || !A->nseq) return; if (A->Tree)return output_fasta_tree (fname, A->Tree); fp=vfopen ( fname, "w"); for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { A->seq_al[a]=substitute (A->seq_al[a], "\n", ""); fprintf ( fp, ">%s %s\n%s\n", A->name[a], A->seq_comment[a], A->seq_al[a]); } vfclose (fp); } void output_treelist (char *fname, Alignment*A) { int a; FILE *fp; if ( !A || !A->nseq) return; if (A->Tree)return output_treelist (fname, A->Tree); fp=vfopen ( fname, "w"); for ( a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { A->seq_al[a]=substitute (A->seq_al[a], "\n", ""); fprintf ( fp, "%s\n",A->seq_al[a]); } vfclose (fp); } NT_node check_tree (NT_node T); NT_node main_read_tree (char *treefile) { FILE *fp; Sequence *S; NT_node T; fp=vfopen (remove_charset_from_file (treefile, " \t\n\r"), "r"); T=new_get_node (NULL,fp); vfclose (fp); S=tree2seq(T, NULL); T=recode_tree(T, S); free_sequence (S,S->nseq); vfree (T->file); T->file=(char*)vcalloc ( strlen (treefile)+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf ( T->file, "%s", treefile); return T; } //This function codes the tree into lseq and lseq2 //lseq: list of the N->nseq child sequences of the node //lsseq2:Array of size Nseq, with lseq[a]=1 if sequence a is child of node N static int node_index; NT_node index_tree_node (NT_node T) { if (!T)return T; if (!T->parent){node_index=tree2nseq (T)+1;} index_tree_node(T->left); index_tree_node(T->right); if (!T->left && !T->right)T->index=T->lseq[0]+1; else T->index=node_index++; return T; } NT_node simple_recode_tree (NT_node T, int nseq) { //recodes atree wher the leafs are already coded if (!T) return T; T->nseq=0; if ( T->isseq) { ; } else { NT_node R,L; int a; vfree (T->lseq); T->lseq=(int*)vcalloc (nseq, sizeof (int)); vfree (T->lseq2); T->lseq2=(int*)vcalloc (nseq, sizeof (int)); vfree (T->idist); T->idist=(int*)vcalloc (nseq, sizeof (int)); vfree (T->ldist); T->ldist=(int*)vcalloc (nseq, sizeof (int)); R=simple_recode_tree (T->left,nseq); L=simple_recode_tree (T->right,nseq); if (R)for (a=0; anseq; a++) { T->lseq2[R->lseq[a]]=1; } if (L)for (a=0; anseq; a++) { T->lseq2[L->lseq[a]]=1; } for (a=0; alseq2[a])T->lseq[T->nseq++]=a; if (T->lseq2[a])T->idist[a]=(!R)?0:R->idist[a]+((!L)?0:L->idist[a])+1; if (T->lseq2[a])T->ldist[a]=(!R)?0:R->ldist[a]+((!L)?0:L->ldist[a])+(int)(T->dist*10000); } } return T; } NT_node recode_tree (NT_node T, Sequence *S) { if (!T) return T; vfree (T->lseq); T->lseq=(int*)vcalloc (S->nseq, sizeof (int)); vfree (T->lseq2); T->lseq2=(int*)vcalloc (S->nseq, sizeof (int)); vfree (T->idist); T->idist=(int*)vcalloc (S->nseq, sizeof (int)); vfree (T->ldist); T->ldist=(int*)vcalloc (S->nseq, sizeof (int)); T->nseq=0; if ( T->isseq) { int i; i=name_is_in_list (T->name, S->name, S->nseq, -1); if (i!=-1) { T->lseq[T->nseq++]=i; T->lseq2[i]=1; T->idist[i]=1; T->ldist[i]=(int)(T->dist*10000);; } else { printf_exit ( EXIT_FAILURE, stderr, "\nERROR: Sequence %s is in the Tree but Not in the Sequence dataset [code_lseq][FATAL:%s]", T->name, PROGRAM); } } else { NT_node R,L; int a; R=recode_tree (T->left, S); L=recode_tree (T->right, S); if (R) for (a=0; anseq; a++) { T->lseq2[R->lseq[a]]=1; } if (L)for (a=0; anseq; a++) { T->lseq2[L->lseq[a]]=1; } for (a=0; anseq; a++) { //don't count the root int d; if ( !(T->parent) || !(T->parent)->parent)d=0; else if ( T->dist==0)d=0; else d=1; if (T->lseq2[a])T->lseq[T->nseq++]=a; if (T->lseq2[a])T->idist[a]=(!R)?0:(R->idist[a]+((!L)?0:L->idist[a])+d); if (T->lseq2[a])T->ldist[a]=(!R)?0:R->ldist[a]+((!L)?0:L->ldist[a])+(int)(T->dist*10000); } } return T; } int tree2split_list (NT_node T, int ns,int **sl, int* n) { if (!T) return 0; if (!sl) return 0; tree2split_list (T->right, ns, sl, n); tree2split_list (T->left , ns, sl, n); if (!T->right) return 1; else if (T->parent && !(T->parent)->parent)return 1; else if ( T->dist==0)return 1; else { int t=0,t2=0, c=0, a; for (a=0; a< ns; a++) { t2+=(a+1)*T->lseq2[a]; t+=T->lseq2[a]; } if (t2==0) HERE ("0"); c=(t>(ns-t))?1:0; sl[n[0]][ns]=t2;//Hash value for quick comparison; for (a=0; a< ns; a++)sl[n[0]][a]=(c==0)?T->lseq2[a]:(1-T->lseq2[a]); n[0]++; } return 1; } NT_node display_splits (NT_node T,Sequence *S, FILE *fp, char *name) { int a; if (!T) return T; if (!S)S=tree2seq (T,NULL); display_splits (T->right,S, fp, name); display_splits (T->left, S, fp, name); if (!T->right); else if (!T->left); else if (!T->parent ); //else if (T->parent && !(T->parent)->parent); //Removed because it prevents some splits to be reported replaced with !T-Parent test. else { int t=0; for (a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) { fprintf (fp, "%d", T->lseq2[a]); t+=T->lseq2[a]; } fprintf ( fp, " %d", MIN(t,((S->nseq)-t))); if (name)fprintf (fp, " %s", name); fprintf (fp, "\n"); } return T; } NT_node display_leaf_nb (NT_node T, int n, FILE *fp, char * name) { int a; if (!T) return T; display_leaf_nb (T->right, n, fp, name); display_leaf_nb (T->left, n, fp, name); if (!T->isseq); else { NT_node P; P=T->parent; fprintf (fp, "%s ", T->name); for (a=0; a< n; a++)fprintf (fp, "%d", P->lseq2[a]); fprintf ( fp," %s\n", name); } return T; } static int root4dc; NT_node display_code (NT_node T, int n, FILE *fp) { int a, debug=0, t=0; if (!T) return T; if (!T->parent) root4dc=0; if (!T->parent && debug) fprintf ( fp, "\nDISPLAY TREE: START"); display_code (T->right, n, fp); display_code (T->left, n, fp); fprintf ( fp, "\n"); if (!T->parent) return T; else if ( !(T->parent)->parent && root4dc==1)return T; else if ( !(T->parent)->parent && root4dc==0)root4dc=1; for (a=0; a< n; a++) t+=T->lseq2[a]; if ( t<=n/2) for (a=0; a< n; a++)fprintf (fp, "%d", T->lseq2[a]); else for (a=0; a< n; a++)fprintf (fp, "%d", 1-T->lseq2[a]); if (T->isseq && debug)fprintf (fp, "%s", T->name); if (!T->parent && debug) fprintf (fp, "\nDISPLAY TREE: FINISHED"); return T; } NT_node display_dist (NT_node T, int n, FILE *fp) { int a; if (!T) return T; if (!T->parent) root4dc=0; display_dist (T->right, n, fp); display_dist (T->left, n, fp); fprintf ( stdout, "\n"); for ( a=0; a< n; a++) fprintf ( stdout, " %2d ", T->idist[a]); fprintf ( stdout, "\n"); return T; } NT_node check_tree (NT_node T) { if (T) HERE("CHECK %s", T->name); if (!T) { HERE ("ERROR: Empty Group"); } else if (T->isseq)return T; else { HERE ("R"); check_tree (T->right); HERE ("L"); check_tree (T->left); return NULL; } return 0;} NT_node new_reroot_tree( NT_node T) { T=unroot_tree (T); return T; } NT_node new_get_node (NT_node T, FILE *fp) { NT_node NN; int c; static int n; c=fgetc (fp); if (!T)T=declare_tree_node (100); if ( c==';') { if (!T->right)T=T->left; else if (!T->left)T=T->right; vfree (T->parent);T->parent=NULL; return T; } else if ( c==')') { --n; scan_name_and_dist (fp, T->name, &T->dist); if (T->name && T->name [0])T->bootstrap=atof (T->name); return new_get_node (T->parent, fp); } else if ( c==',') { return new_get_node (T, fp); } else { NN=new_insert_node (T); if ( c=='(') { ++n; return new_get_node (NN, fp); } else { ungetc (c, fp); scan_name_and_dist (fp, NN->name, &NN->dist); NN->leaf=1; NN->isseq=1; return new_get_node (T, fp); } } } int scan_name_and_dist ( FILE *fp, char *name, float *dist) { int a, c; char number [1000]; a=0; c=fgetc (fp);ungetc (c, fp); if ( c==';')return 0; while ((c=fgetc(fp))!=':' && c!=EOF && c!=')' && c!=';' && c!=',') { name[a++]=c; } name [a]='\0'; if ( c!=':') { ungetc (c, fp); dist[0]=FLT_MIN; return 1; } a=0; while (isdigit((c=fgetc(fp))) || c=='.' || c=='-' || c=='e') { number[a++]=c; } ungetc (c, fp); number[a]='\0'; dist[0]=atof (number); return 2; } NT_node new_insert_node (NT_node T) { NT_node NN; NN=new_declare_tree_node (); NN->parent=T; if (!T) { return NN; } else if (T->left==NULL) { T->left=NN; } else if ( T->right==NULL) { T->right=NN; } else { NT_node NN2; NN2=new_declare_tree_node (); NN2->left=T->left; NN2->right=T->right; NN2->parent=T; T->left=NN2; T->right=NN; } /* else { NN->right=T->right; (T->right)->parent=NN; NN->parent=T; T->right=NN; NN->left=new_declare_tree_node (); (NN->left)->parent=NN; return NN->left; } */ /* This caused a crash when internal undefined nodes, removed 19/02/08 else { NT_node P; NN->right=T; P=NN->parent=T->parent; T->parent=NN; if (P && P->right==T)P->right=NN; else if ( P && P->left==T)P->left=NN; NN->left=new_declare_tree_node (); (NN->left)->parent=NN; return NN->left; } */ return NN; } NT_node new_declare_tree_node () { NT_node p; static int node_index; p= (NT_node)vcalloc (1, sizeof ( Treenode)); p->left = NULL; p->right = NULL; p->parent = NULL; p->dist = 0.0; p->leaf = 0; p->order = 0; p->index=++node_index; p->maxnseq=1000; p->name=(char*)vcalloc (MAXNAMES+1,sizeof (char)); p->name[0]='\0'; return p; } int new_display_tree (NT_node T, int n) { int in; in=n; if ( T->parent)fprintf (stdout, "\nNode %d: has parents)", in); else fprintf (stdout, "\nNode %d: NO parents)", in); if ( T->right) { fprintf (stdout, "\nNode %d has Right Child", in); n=new_display_tree (T->right, n+1); } else fprintf ( stdout, "\nNode %d No Right\n", in); if ( T->left) { fprintf (stdout, "\nNode %d has Left Child", in); n=new_display_tree (T->left, n+1); } else fprintf ( stdout, "\nNode %d No Left\n", in); if ( T->bot) { fprintf (stdout, "\nNode %d has Bot Child", in); n=new_display_tree (T->bot, n+1); } else fprintf ( stdout, "\nNode %d No Bot\n", in); if (T->isseq) { fprintf (stdout, "\nNode %d is %s", in, T->name); return in; } else return 0;} int display_tree_duplicates (NT_node T) { static Sequence *S; static int *dup; int a, b; free_sequence (S, -1); vfree (dup); S=tree2seq (T, NULL); dup=(int*)vcalloc ( S->nseq, sizeof (int)); for (a=0; a< S->nseq-1; a++) for ( b=a+1; bnseq; b++) { if ( strm (S->name[a], S->name[b])) { dup[a]++; } } for (a=0; a< S->nseq-1; a++) for ( b=a+1; bnseq; b++) { if ( strm (S->name[a], S->name[b]) && dup[a]) { fprintf ( stderr, "\nSequence %s is duplicated %d Times in the tree", S->name[a], dup[a]); dup[a]=0; } } return 0; } int tree_contains_duplicates (NT_node T) { static Sequence *S; int a, b; free_sequence (S, -1); S=tree2seq (T, NULL); for (a=0; a< S->nseq-1; a++) for ( b=a+1; bnseq; b++) { if ( strm (S->name[a], S->name[b]))return 1; } return 0; } float newick2avg_bs (char *string) { return tree2avg_bs (newick_string2tree(string)); } float tree2avg_bs ( NT_node T) { float tot; int n; if (!T) return 0; tot=tree2tot_dist (T, BOOTSTRAP); n=tree2n_branches (T, BOOTSTRAP); return (n>0)?tot/n:0; } int tree2n_branches(NT_node T, int mode) { int n=0; if (!T) return 0; if (!T->parent); else if ((T->isseq && mode !=BOOTSTRAP) || !T->isseq) { n++; } n+=tree2n_branches(T->right, mode); n+=tree2n_branches(T->left, mode); return n; } float tree2tot_dist ( NT_node T, int mode) { float t=0; if ( !T)return 0; if ( !T->parent); else if ((T->isseq && mode !=BOOTSTRAP) || !T->isseq) { if ( mode == BOOTSTRAP && T->bootstrap!=0)t+=T->bootstrap; else t+=T->dist; } t+=tree2tot_dist(T->right, mode); t+=tree2tot_dist(T->left, mode); return t; } //This function displays all the sequences within the tree sorted by node label int cmp_tree_array ( const void *vp, const void *vq); int node_sort ( char *name, NT_node T) { NT_node N; int nseq; int **array, a; Sequence *S; while (T->parent)T=T->parent; nseq=tree2nseq (T); array=declare_int (nseq, 2); N=tree2node (name, T); if (N==NULL)printf_exit (EXIT_FAILURE, stderr, "ERROR: %s is not in the tree [FATAL:%s]\n", name, PROGRAM); array=display_tree_from_node (N,0,0, array); qsort ( array, nseq, sizeof (int**), cmp_tree_array); S=tree2seq(T, NULL); for (a=0; a%s %d %d\n", S->name[array[a][0]], array[a][1], array[a][2]); myexit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } NT_node tree2root ( NT_node R) { if (R)while (R->parent)R=R->parent; return R; } NT_node tree2node (char *name, NT_node T) { NT_node T1, T2; if ( !T) return T; else if (T->leaf && strm (T->name, name)) return T; else { T1=tree2node ( name, T->right); T2=tree2node ( name, T->left); return (T1>T2)?T1:T2; } } static int ni; NT_node * tree2node_list (NT_node T, NT_node *L) { if (!T) return NULL; if (!L) {ni=0;L=(NT_node*)vcalloc (tree2nnode(T)+1, sizeof (NT_node));} tree2node_list (T->left, L); tree2node_list (T->right, L); L[ni++]=T; return L; } int ** display_tree_from_node (NT_node T, int up, int down, int **array) { if (!T || T->visited)return array; T->visited=1; if (T->isseq) { array[T->lseq[0]][0]=T->lseq[0]; array[T->lseq[0]][1]=up; array[T->lseq[0]][2]=down; } else { array=display_tree_from_node ( T->left ,up, down+1, array); array=display_tree_from_node ( T->right,up, down+1, array); } array=display_tree_from_node ( T->parent,up+1, 0, array); T->visited=0; return array; } int cmp_tree_array ( const void *p, const void *q) { const int **vp=(const int**)p; const int **vq=(const int**)q; if (vp[0][1]>vq[0][1])return 1; else if ( vp[0][1]vq[0][2]) return 1; else if ( vp[0][2]nseq+1, sizeof (NT_node)); for ( a=0; anseq; a++) { char *fname; if (S->seq && S->seq[a] && strlen (S->seq[a])<2) fname=S->name[a]; else string2file ((fname=vtmpnam(NULL)), "w", S->seq[a]); T[a]=main_read_tree (fname); T[a]->file=(char*)vcalloc (strlen (S->name[a])+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf (T[a]->file, "%s", S->name[a]); } return T; } int treelist2dmat ( Sequence *S) { NT_node *T; int n=0, a, b; float v; Sequence *TS; n=S->nseq; T=read_tree_list (S); TS=tree2seq(T[0], NULL); fprintf (stdout, "\n%d", S->nseq); for (a=0; aname[a]); for ( b=0; bnseq*10, sizeof (char)); ref_group=(char*)vcalloc (TS->nseq*10, sizeof (char)); list=(char*)vcalloc (100*S->nseq, sizeof (char)); split_file=vtmpnam (NULL); sorted_split_file =vtmpnam (NULL); n=S->nseq; used=(int*)vcalloc (n, sizeof (int)); T=read_tree_list (S); if (!TS)TS=tree2seq(T[0], NULL); nseq=TS->nseq; fp=vfopen (split_file, "w"); for ( a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) { T[a]=prune_tree (T[a], TS); T[a]=recode_tree (T[a], TS); display_leaf_nb (T[a], TS->nseq,fp, S->name[a]); } vfclose (fp); for (s=0; s< TS->nseq; s++) { int i; if (taxon && !(strm (taxon, TS->name[s]) ))continue; else printf_system ( "cat %s | grep %s| sort > %s::IGNORE_FAILURE::", split_file,TS->name[s], sorted_split_file); vfopen (sorted_split_file, "r"); ref_group[0]=group[0]='\0'; while ( (c=fgetc (fp))!=EOF) { ungetc (c, fp); buf=vfgets (buf, fp); sscanf (buf, "%s %s %s\n", name, group, fname); if ( !ref_group[0]|| !strm (group, ref_group)) { if (ref_group[0]) {fprintf (stdout, "%s %6.2f %s",name, (((float)n*100)/(float)S->nseq), ref_group); for (i=0,a=0; aname[a]); fprintf ( stdout, "\n"); fprintf (stdout, "\nLIST: %s\n", list); } list[0]='\0'; sprintf ( ref_group, "%s", group); list=strcatf (list, " %s", fname); n=1; } else { list=strcatf (list, " %s", fname); n++; } } fprintf (stdout, "%s %6.2f %s",name, (((float)n*100)/(float)S->nseq), group); for (i=0,a=0; aname[a]); fprintf (stdout, "\nLIST %s\n", list); fprintf ( stdout, "\n"); vfclose (fp); } myexit (0); } int count_tree_groups( Sequence *LIST, char *group_file) { NT_node *T; Sequence *S; int a, b, c,n, w, wo, ng=0; int **list, ***rlist, **blist; char ***l; int *gs; T=read_tree_list (LIST); S=tree2seq(T[0], NULL); for ( a=0; a< LIST->nseq; a++) { T[a]=prune_tree (T[a], S); T[a]=recode_tree (T[a], S); } gs=(int*)vcalloc (2, sizeof (int)); list=declare_int (LIST->nseq*S->nseq*2, S->nseq+1); blist=declare_int (2, S->nseq+1); for ( n=0, a=0; a< LIST->nseq; a++) { int n2=0; tree2split_list (T[a], S->nseq, list+n, &n2); n+=n2; for (b=0; bnseq; c++) list[n+b][c]=1-list[n-n2+b][c]; } n+=n2; } if ( group_file) { rlist=(int***)declare_arrayN(3, sizeof (int), 2,LIST->nseq*S->nseq, S->nseq+1); l=file2list (group_file, " "); while (l[ng]) { int i, b, g; if (!strstr (l[ng][1], "group")){ng++;continue;} g=(strm (l[ng][1], "group2"))?0:1; for (b=2; bname, S->nseq, 100))!=-1)rlist[g][gs[g]][i]=1; } gs[g]++; ng++; } } else { rlist=(int***)vcalloc ( 2, sizeof (int**)); rlist[1]=count_int_strings (list, n, S->nseq); gs[1]=read_array_size_new (rlist[1]); rlist[0]=declare_int (S->nseq, S->nseq); gs[0]=S->nseq; for ( a=0; anseq; a++)rlist[0][a][a]=1; } for (wo=w=0,a=0; anseq; b++) { blist[0][b]=blist[1][b]=rlist[1][c][b]; blist[0][b]=(rlist[0][a][b]==1)?1:blist[0][b]; //WITH GROUP 1 blist[1][b]=(rlist[0][a][b]==1)?0:blist[1][b]; //wiTHOUT gROUP 1 } for (b=0; bnseq)==0)?1:0; w+=x1; x2=(memcmp (blist[1], list[b], sizeof (int)*S->nseq)==0)?1:0; wo+=x2; } fprintf ( stdout, "\n%d ", MIN(wo, w)); fprintf ( stdout, "("); for (b=0; bnseq; b++)if (rlist[1][c][b])fprintf ( stdout, "%s ",S->name[b]); fprintf ( stdout, ") +/- ("); for (b=0; bnseq; b++)if (rlist[0][a][b])fprintf ( stdout, "%s ",S->name[b]); fprintf (stdout , ") + %d - %d Delta %d", w, wo, FABS((wo-w))); } } myexit (0); } Split * print_split ( int n, int **list, Sequence *LIST, Sequence *S, char *buf, char *file); NT_node split2tree ( NT_node RT,Sequence *LIST, char *param) { Split **S; Alignment *A; S=count_splits (RT, LIST, param); A=seq2aln ((S[0])->S,NULL, KEEP_GAP); return split2upgma_tree (S,A, A->nseq, "no"); } Split** count_splits( NT_node RT,Sequence *LIST, char *param) { NT_node *T, OrderT; Sequence *S=NULL; int a, b, c, d, n1, n2; int **list1, **list2; Split **SL; int nb, tlist; char *main_buf; char *in=NULL,*in2=NULL, *out=NULL, order[100], filter[100]; FILE *fp, *fp2; static char *def_param; char *cache=NULL; //+count_splits _NB_x_FILTER_ //_ if (!def_param)def_param=(char*)vcalloc ( 10, sizeof (char)); if (!param)param=def_param; strget_param (param, "_NB_", "0", "%d", &nb); strget_param (param, "_TLIST_", "0", "%d", &tlist); strget_param (param, "_ORDER_", "NO", "%s", order); strget_param (param, "_FILTER_", "NO", "%s", filter); fprintf ( stderr, "\nREAD TREE LIST [%d Trees...", LIST->nseq); T=read_tree_list (LIST); fprintf ( stderr, "..]"); if ( !(strm (order, "NO"))) { if (is_newick (order)) { OrderT=main_read_tree (order); } else { S=main_read_seq (order); } } else { OrderT=(RT)?RT:T[0]; } fprintf ( stderr, "\nTrees Ordered according to: %s", (strm (order, "NO"))?"First Tree":order); if (!S)S=tree2seq(OrderT, NULL); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { fprintf ( stdout, "\n#ORDER %15s : %3d", S->name[a], a+1); } if ( !strm (filter, "NO")) { Sequence *F; int i; F=main_read_seq (filter); cache=(char*)vcalloc (S->nseq, sizeof (int)); for ( a=0; anseq; a++) { if ( (i=name_is_in_list (F->name[a], S->name, S->nseq, 100))!=-1) cache[i]=1; } free_sequence (F, -1); } main_buf=(char*)vcalloc ( S->nseq*(STRING+1), sizeof(int)); list1=declare_int (S->nseq*3, S->nseq+1); list2=declare_int (S->nseq*3, S->nseq+1); for ( a=0; a< LIST->nseq; a++) { T[a]=prune_tree (T[a], S); T[a]=recode_tree (T[a], S); } if (!RT) { char *buf; int i,nl; in=vtmpnam (NULL);in2=vtmpnam(NULL); out=vtmpnam (NULL); fp=vfopen (in, "w"); fp2=vfopen (in2, "w"); for ( a=0; a< LIST->nseq; a++) { n2=0; tree2split_list (T[a], S->nseq, list2, &n2); for ( b=0; bnseq; c++) {fprintf (fp, "%d", list2[b][c]);} fprintf (fp, "\n"); for (c=0; c< S->nseq; c++) {fprintf (fp, "%d", 1-list2[b][c]);} fprintf (fp, "\n"); for (c=0; c< S->nseq; c++) {fprintf (fp2, "%d", list2[b][c]);} fprintf (fp2, " "); for (c=0; c< S->nseq; c++) {fprintf (fp2, "%d", 1-list2[b][c]);} fprintf (fp2, " %s\n",LIST->name[a]); } } vfclose (fp2); vfclose (fp); count_strings_in_file (in, out); nl=count_n_line_in_file(out); list1=declare_int (nl+1, S->nseq+2); fp=vfopen (out, "r"); n1=0; buf=(char*)vcalloc (measure_longest_line_in_file (out)+1, sizeof (char)); while ( fscanf (fp, "%s %d",buf, &i)==2) { for (a=0; anseq; a++)list1[n1][a]=buf[a]-'0'; list1[n1++][S->nseq+1]=i; } vfclose (fp); vfree (buf); } else { RT=prune_tree (RT, S); RT=recode_tree (RT, S); n1=0; tree2split_list (RT, S->nseq, list1,&n1); for ( a=0; a< LIST->nseq; a++) { n2=0; tree2split_list (T[a], S->nseq, list2, &n2); for (b=0; bnseq; d++) { if (list1[b][d]!=list2[c][d])di++; } list1[b][S->nseq+1]+=(di==0 || di== S->nseq)?1:0; } } } } SL=(Split**)vcalloc ( n1+1, sizeof (Split*)); for (a=0; anseq; b++)if (cache[b]!=list1[a][b])cont=0; if (!cont) continue; SL[a]=print_split (a, list1, LIST, S, main_buf, (tlist==1)?in2:NULL); for (b=0; bnseq; c++) { s1+=list1[b][c]; s2+=list1[a][c]; d+=(list1[a][c]!=list1[b][c])?1:0; } } if (d<=nb &&((s1==s2)|| ((S->nseq-s1)==s2)))print_split (b, list1, LIST, S, main_buf, (tlist==1)?in2:NULL); } } a=0; vfree (cache); return SL; } Split * declare_split (int nseq, int ntrees); Split* print_split ( int a, int **list1, Sequence *LIST, Sequence *S, char *buf, char *split_file) { int f1,t,b; Split *SP=NULL; SP=declare_split (S->nseq, LIST->nseq); fprintf ( stdout, "\n>"); for (t=0,b=0; bnseq; b++){fprintf ( stdout, "%d", list1[a][b]);t+=list1[a][b];SP->split[b]='0'+list1[a][b];} fprintf ( stdout, " NumberSplit %5d SplitSize %5d Score %5.2f %s ", list1[a][S->nseq+1],t, (float)(list1[a][S->nseq+1]*100)/LIST->nseq, (buf)?buf:""); SP->n= list1[a][S->nseq+1]; SP->score=(float)(list1[a][S->nseq+1]*100)/LIST->nseq; SP->S=S; for (f1=1,b=0; b< S->nseq; b++) { if (list1[a][b]) { if (f1==1)fprintf ( stdout, "("); else fprintf (stdout, ","); f1=0; fprintf ( stdout, "%s", S->name [b]); } } fprintf ( stdout, ")"); if (split_file) { char *buf=NULL; FILE *fp; char c; fp=vfopen (split_file, "r"); while ( (c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) { c=ungetc (c, fp); buf=vfgets (buf, fp); if ( strstr (buf, SP->split)) { char **list; list=string2list (buf); fprintf ( stdout, "\n\t%s %s", SP->split, list[3]); free_char (list, -1); } } vfclose (fp); } return SP; } Split * declare_split (int nseq, int ntrees) { Split *S; S=(Split*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (Split)); S->split=(char*)vcalloc ( nseq+1, sizeof (char)); return S; } int treelist2splits( Sequence *S, Sequence *TS) { NT_node *T; int n=0,nseq, a, c; int *used; char *split_file, *sorted_split_file; char *buf=NULL, *ref_spl=NULL; char *spl; char *fname; char **wl; FILE *fp; char file_list[100000]; split_file=vtmpnam (NULL); sorted_split_file =vtmpnam (NULL); n=S->nseq; used=(int*)vcalloc (n, sizeof (int)); T=read_tree_list (S); if (!TS)TS=tree2seq(T[0], NULL); nseq=TS->nseq; fp=vfopen (split_file, "w"); for ( a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) { T[a]=prune_tree (T[a], TS); T[a]=recode_tree (T[a], TS); display_splits (T[a], TS,fp, S->name[a]); } vfclose (fp); printf_system ("cp %s split_file::IGNORE_FAILURE::", split_file); printf_system ( "cat %s | grep 1| sort > %s::IGNORE_FAILURE::", split_file, sorted_split_file); fp=vfopen (sorted_split_file, "r"); for ( a=0; anseq; a++)fprintf ( stdout, "SEQ_INDEX %d %s\n", a+1, TS->name[a]); fprintf(stdout, "#Legend: <1: minimum split size>\t<2: number of occurences>\t<3: coded split>\t<4: File list ####>\t<5: Group 1 ####>\t<6: Group 2 ####>\n"); while ( (c=fgetc (fp))!=EOF) { ungetc (c, fp); buf=vfgets (buf, fp); buf [strlen(buf)-1]='\0'; wl=string2list (buf); spl=wl[1]; fname=wl[3]; if (!ref_spl) { ref_spl=(char*)vcalloc (strlen (spl)+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf ( ref_spl, "%s", spl); file_list[0]='\0'; n=1; } else if ( !strm (spl, ref_spl)) { int i; int n0=0, n1=0; for (i=0; i1 && strstr (file_list, fname))n--; else { if (n>1)strcat (file_list, "####"); strcat (file_list, fname); } fprintf ( stdout, "%d\t%d\t%s\t%s\t",((n0>n1)?n1:n0),n,ref_spl, file_list); for (i=0,a=0; aname[a]); i=1; } fprintf ( stdout, ",GROUP2::,"); for (i=0,a=0; aname[a]); i=1; } fprintf (stdout, "\n"); file_list[0]='\0'; sprintf ( ref_spl, "%s", spl); n=1; } else { if (n>1)strcat (file_list, "####"); strcat (file_list, fname); n++; } free_char (wl, -1); } vfclose (fp); myexit (0); } int treelist2splits_old ( Sequence *S, Sequence *TS) { NT_node *T; int n=0,nseq, a,c; int *used; char *split_file, *sorted_split_file; char *buf=NULL, *ref_buf=NULL; FILE *fp; split_file=vtmpnam (NULL); sorted_split_file =vtmpnam (NULL); n=S->nseq; used=(int*)vcalloc (n, sizeof (int)); T=read_tree_list (S); if (!TS)TS=tree2seq(T[0], NULL); nseq=TS->nseq; fp=vfopen (split_file, "w"); for ( a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) { T[a]=prune_tree (T[a], TS); T[a]=recode_tree (T[a], TS); display_leaf_nb (T[a], TS->nseq,fp, S->name[a]); } vfclose (fp); printf_system ("cp %s split_file::IGNORE_FAILURE::", split_file);myexit (0); printf_system ( "cat %s | grep 1| sort > %s::IGNORE_FAILURE::", split_file, sorted_split_file); vfopen (sorted_split_file, "r"); while ( (c=fgetc (fp))!=EOF) { ungetc (c, fp); buf=vfgets (buf, fp); buf [strlen(buf)-1]='\0'; if ( ref_buf==NULL) { ref_buf=(char*)vcalloc (strlen (buf)+1, sizeof (char)); sprintf ( ref_buf, "%s", buf); n=1; } else if ( !strm (buf, ref_buf)) { int i; fprintf ( stdout, "%3d %s(", n, ref_buf); for (i=0,a=0; aname[a]); i=1; } fprintf ( stdout, "),("); for (i=0,a=0; aname[a]); i=1; } fprintf (stdout, ")\n"); sprintf ( ref_buf, "%s", buf); n=1; } else { n++; } } vfclose (fp); myexit (0); } NT_node *treelist2prune_treelist (Sequence *S, Sequence *TS, FILE *out) { NT_node *T; int a, b, c; T=read_tree_list (S); T=(NT_node*)vrealloc (T, (S->nseq+1)*sizeof (NT_node)); for (b=0,a=0; anseq; a++) { T[a]=prune_tree (T[a], TS); if (tree2nleaf(T[a])nseq) { ; } else { char *s; T[b]=T[a]; T[b]=recode_tree (T[b], TS); sprintf ( S->name[b], "%s", S->name[a]); s=tree2string (T[a]); S->seq[b]=(char*)vrealloc (S->seq[b], (strlen (s)+1)*sizeof (char)); sprintf (S->seq[b], "%s",s); sprintf (S->seq_comment[b], " NSPECIES: %d", TS->nseq); vfree (s); b++; } } S->nseq=b; T[S->nseq]=NULL; if (out) { for (a=0; anseq; a++) { print_tree (T[a], "newick", out); } } return T; } int** treelist2lti2 ( Sequence *S, Sequence *TS, int ngb, FILE *out); int treelist2frame (Sequence *S, Sequence *TS) { int n, a, b, c,d, **r, **order; Sequence *temp; temp=duplicate_sequence (S); order= treelist2lti (temp, TS,0,stdout); TS=reorder_seq_2 (TS, order, 0, TS->nseq); n=TS->nseq; for (a=3; anseq=a+1; temp=duplicate_sequence (S); r=treelist2groups (temp,TS, NULL, NULL); fprintf ( stdout, "\n>Tree_%d [%d %%]\n ", a+1,r[0][1]); tree=main_read_tree (temp->name[r[0][0]]); tree=prune_tree (tree, TS); print_tree (tree, "newick",stdout); free_int (r, -1); free_sequence (temp,-1); } myexit (EXIT_SUCCESS); } int** treelist2lti2 ( Sequence *S, Sequence *TS, int ngb, FILE *out) { NT_node *T; int a,b, c, d, ****dist, i; int **score, **order; score=declare_int (TS->nseq, 3); order=declare_int (TS->nseq, 2); vsrand (0); for (a=0; a<50; a++) { Sequence *seq, *trees; int **r; trees=duplicate_sequence (S); seq=duplicate_sequence (TS); for (b=0; bnseq; b++){order[b][0]=b;order[b][1]=rand()%10000;} sort_int (order, 2, 1, 0, TS->nseq-1); seq=reorder_seq_2(seq, order, 0,5); r=treelist2groups (trees,seq, NULL, NULL); for (b=0; b<5; b++) { score[order[b][0]][1]+=r[0][1]; score[order[b][0]][2]++; } HERE ("Score=%d", r[0][1]); free_int (r, -1); free_sequence (seq, -1); free_sequence (trees, -1); } for ( a=0; a< TS->nseq; a++) { score[a][0]=a; HERE ("%s => %d [%d]",TS->name[a], score[a][1]/score[a][2], score[a][2]); score[a][1]/=(score[a][2])?score[a][2]:1; } sort_int_inv (score, 3, 1, 0, TS->nseq-1); return score; } int** treelist2lti ( Sequence *S, Sequence *TS, int ngb, FILE *out) { NT_node *T; int a,b, c, d, ****dist, i; float score0=0, score1=0; int **result; i=S->nseq; T=treelist2prune_treelist (S, TS,NULL); if (!ngb)ngb=TS->nseq*2; dist=(int****)vcalloc ( S->nseq, sizeof (int****)); result=declare_int (TS->nseq, 2); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { float score_seq=0; float n_seq=0; for (b=0; bnseq;b++) { float score_pair=0; float n_pair=0; for (c=0; cnseq; c++) { if (!dist[c])dist[c]=tree2dist(T[c], TS, NULL); for (d=0; dnseq; d++) { float score, d1, d2; if (!dist[d])dist[d]=tree2dist(T[d], TS, NULL); d1=dist[c][0][a][b]; d2=dist[d][0][a][b]; score=FABS((d1-d2)); if (d1>ngb || d2>ngb); else { score_seq+=score; score_pair+=score; n_seq++; n_pair++; } // if (d1 && d2) HERE ("%d %d", (int)d1, (int)d2); } } score_pair=(score_pair*100)/(float)n_pair; if (out)fprintf ( stdout, "\n>%-20s %-20s LTI: %7.3f [Kept %d Trees Out of %d] ", TS->name[a],TS->name[b], score_pair, S->nseq,i); } score_seq=(score_seq*100)/n_seq; result[a][0]=a; result[a][1]=(int)(100*score_seq); if (out)fprintf ( stdout, "\n>%-20s %-20s LTI: %7.3f [Kept %d Trees Out of %d] ", TS->name[a],"*", score_seq, S->nseq, i); } sort_int (result,2,1,0, TS->nseq-1); return result; } int ***tree2dist (NT_node T, Sequence *S, int ***d) { int *l0, *r0,*l1, *r1, a, b; if (!T) return d; if (!S)S=tree2seq(T, NULL); if (!d) { d=(int***)declare_arrayN (3, sizeof (float),2, S->nseq, S->nseq); T=prune_tree(T, S); T=recode_tree (T, S); } if (!T->left)return d; if (!T->right) return d; l0=(T->left)->idist; r0=(T->right)->idist; l1=(T->left)->ldist; r1=(T->right)->ldist; for (a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) for (b=0; bnseq; b++) { if (l0[a]>0 && r0[b]>0)d[0][a][b]=d[0][b][a]=l0[a]+r0[b]; if (l0[a]>0 && r0[b]>0)d[1][a][b]=d[1][b][a]=l1[a]+r1[b]; } d=tree2dist (T->left, S, d); d=tree2dist (T->right, S, d); return d; } int **tree2dist_split ( NT_node T, Sequence *S, int **dist) { FILE *fp; int a, b, c, n=0; char *buf=NULL, **list=NULL, *split_file; if (!S)S=tree2seq(T, NULL); T=prune_tree (T, S); T=recode_tree (T, S); split_file=vtmpnam (NULL); fp=vfopen (split_file, "w"); display_code (T, S->nseq,fp); vfclose (fp); list=declare_char (2*S->nseq, S->nseq+1); fp=vfopen (split_file, "r"); while ((buf=vfgets (buf,fp))!=NULL) { if (buf[0]=='1' || buf[0]=='0')sprintf (list[n++], "%s", buf); } vfclose (fp); dist=declare_int ( S->nseq, S->nseq); for (a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) for ( b=0; bnseq; b++) for (c=0; cnseq; T=treelist2prune_treelist (S, TS,NULL); nsn=(star_node)?atoi(star_node):0; results=declare_int (S->nseq+1, 2); if (nsn) { for (a=0; a< S->nseq; a++)tree2star_nodes(T[a],nsn); } used=(int*)vcalloc (S->nseq, sizeof (int)); for (ntop=0,a=0; anseq; a++) { if (used[a]==0) { ntop++; if (out)fprintf ( out, "\nTree %s:",S->name[a]); used[a]=1; } else continue; tot=1; for ( b=0; bnseq; b++) { v=0; v=(int)simple_tree_cmp (T[a], T[b], TS, 1); if ( v==100) { used[b]=1; used[a]++; if (out)fprintf (stdout," %s ", S->name[b]); tot++; } } if (out)fprintf ( stdout, "__ N=%d\n", tot-1); } for (n=0,a=0; anseq; a++) { if ( used[a]>1) { if (out)fprintf ( out, "\n>%-15s %4d %6.2f TOPOLOGY_LIST\n", S->name[a], used[a]-1, (float)(((float)used[a]-1)*100/(float)S->nseq)); if (out)print_tree (T[a], "newick_tree", out); results[n][0]=a; results[n][1]=((used[a]-1)*100)/i; n++; } } for (a=0; anseq; a++) free_tree(T[a]); vfree (T); if (out)fprintf ( stdout, "\nTotal Number of different topologies: %d\n", ntop); results[n][0]=-1; sort_int_inv (results,2,1,0, n-1); for (a=0; anseq; a++) free_tree(T[a]); vfree (T); return results; } float simple_tree_cmp (NT_node T1, NT_node T2,Sequence *S, int mode) { Tree_sim *TS1, *TS2; float t, w, l, n; TS1=(Tree_sim*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (Tree_sim)); TS2=(Tree_sim*)vcalloc (1, sizeof (Tree_sim)); T1=recode_tree(T1, S); T2=recode_tree(T2, S); n=new_compare_trees ( T1, T2, S->nseq, TS1); new_compare_trees ( T2, T1, S->nseq, TS2); t=(TS1->uw+TS2->uw)*100/(TS1->max_uw+TS2->max_uw); w=(TS1->w+TS2->w)*100/(TS1->max_w+TS2->max_w); l=(TS1->d+TS2->d)*100/(TS1->max_d+TS2->max_d); vfree (TS1); vfree (TS2); if ( mode ==1)return t; else if (mode ==2) return w; else return l; } int treelist2n (NT_node *L) { int n=0; while (L[n])n++; return n; } int **treelist2avg_treecmp (NT_node *L, char *file) { int a, b, n; int **score; if (file) L=read_tree_list (main_read_seq(file)); n=treelist2n (L); score=declare_int (n, 2); for (a=0; auw; score[b][1]+=ts->uw; vfree (ts); } } sort_int_inv (score, 2, 1, 0, n-1); if (file)free_treelist(L); return score; } int treelist_file2consense (char *tree_file, char *outtree, char *outfile) { static char *command; static char *tmp_outtree; static char *tmp_outfile; FILE *fp; int flag1=0; int flag2=0; if (!command) { command=vtmpnam (NULL); tmp_outtree=vtmpnam (NULL); tmp_outfile=vtmpnam (NULL); } if (!check_program_is_installed ("consense",NULL,NULL,"www.phylip.com",NO_REPORT))return 0; fp=vfopen (command, "w");fprintf ( fp, "%s\nY\n", tree_file);fclose (fp); if ( check_file_exists ("outtree")){flag1=1;printf_system ("mv outtree %s::IGNORE_FAILURE::", tmp_outtree);} if ( check_file_exists ("outfile")){flag2=1;printf_system ("mv outfile %s::IGNORE_FAILURE::", tmp_outfile);} printf_system ("consense <%s > /dev/null 2>/dev/null::IGNORE_FAILURE::", command); if ( outtree)printf_system ("mv outtree %s::IGNORE_FAILURE::", outtree); remove ("outtree"); if ( outfile)printf_system ("mv outfile %s::IGNORE_FAILURE::", outfile); remove ("outfile"); if (flag1)printf_system ("mv %s outtree::IGNORE_FAILURE::", tmp_outtree); if (flag2)printf_system ("mv %s outfile::IGNORE_FAILURE::", tmp_outfile); return 1; } NT_node treelist2filtered_bootstrap ( NT_node *L,char *file, int **score, float t) { NT_node BT, *L2; int n,a; if (t==1 || t==0 || !score)return treelist2bootstrap (L, file); if (file)L=read_tree_list (main_read_seq(file)); n=treelist2n(L)*t; if (n==0) return NULL; L2=(NT_node*)vcalloc ( n+1, sizeof (NT_node)); for (a=0; aTree)return treelist2cons (T->Tree); fp=vfopen (infile, "w"); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { fprintf (fp, "%s\n", T->seq_al[a]); } vfclose (fp); printf_system( "msa2bootstrap.pl -i %s -o %s -input tree >/dev/null 2>/dev/null", infile, outfile); vfree (T->seq_al[0]); T->seq_al[0]=file2string(outfile); sprintf (T->name[0], "MajorityConsensusTree"); sprintf (T->seq_comment[0], "Raplicates: %d Source: consense", T->nseq); T->nseq=1; return T; } float group2tree_score (Sequence *G, char *nwtree) { //returns the fraction of G sequences in the node containing at least all the G sequences float bs=0; NT_node T, *L, *iL; Sequence *S; int a, b; int *l1, *bl2; if (!nwtree || !nwtree[0]) return -1; bl2=NULL; T=newick_string2tree(nwtree); S=tree2seq(T, NULL); l1=(int*)vcalloc (S->nseq, sizeof (int)); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { if ((b=name_is_in_list (G->name[a], S->name, S->nseq, 100))!=-1) l1[b]=1; } iL=L=tree2node_list (T, NULL); while (L && L[0]) { float c, t,cs; int *l2=(L[0])->lseq2; c=t=0; for (a=0; anseq; a++) { if (l1[a]+l2[a]==2)c++; else if (l2[a])t++; else if (l1[a]){a=S->nseq; c=0;} } cs=(c>0)?c/(c+t):0; if (cs>bs){bs=cs;bl2=l2;} for (c=0,t=0,a=0; anseq; a++)l2[a]=1-l2[a]; for (c=0,t=0,a=0; anseq; a++) { if (l1[a]+l2[a]==2)c++; else if (l2[a])t++; else if (l1[a]){a=S->nseq; c=0;} } cs=(c>0)?c/(c+t):0; if (cs>bs){bs=cs;bl2=l2;} L++; } free_tree (T); free_sequence (S, S->nseq); vfree (iL); vfree (l1); return bs; } Alignment *treelist2node_support_best (Alignment *T) { NT_node *RT, TT; Sequence *S=NULL; int a, b, best_tree; float s=0, best_s=0; char *p; if (T->Tree)return treelist2node_support_best (T->Tree); RT=(NT_node*)vcalloc (T->nseq, sizeof (NT_node)); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { output_completion (stderr,a,T->nseq,1, "Input Replicate Trees"); RT[a]=newick_string2tree(T->seq_al[a]); if (!S)S=tree2seq(RT[a], NULL); RT[a]=prune_tree (RT[a],S); RT[a]=recode_tree (RT[a],S); } for (best_s=best_tree=0,a=0;anseq; a++) { output_completion (stderr,a,T->nseq,1, "Scan for the best Supported Tree"); for (s=0,b=0; bnseq; b++) { s+=update_node_support (RT[a],RT[b],S->nseq); } if (s>best_s){best_s=s; best_tree=a;} } s=(best_s/(float)(T->nseq-1))*100; p=tree2string (RT[best_tree]); T->seq_al[0]=(char*)vrealloc (T->seq_al[0],(strlen (p)+1)*sizeof (char)); sprintf (T->seq_al[0], "%s",p); sprintf (T->name[0], "OriginalDistanceTree"); sprintf (T->seq_comment[0], "Replicates: %d AverageNodeSupport: %.2f %% Source: seq_reformat", T->nseq, s); T->nseq=1; T->score=T->score_aln=s*100; for (a=0; anseq; a++)free_tree (RT[a]); vfree (RT); return T; } Alignment *treelist2node_support (Alignment *T) { if (!T) return T; else if (T->Tree)return treelist2node_support (T->Tree); return tree2node_support (T->seq_al[0], T); } Alignment *tree2node_support (char *newick_tree, Alignment *T) { NT_node RT, TT; Sequence *S; int a; float s=0; char *p; RT=newick_string2tree(newick_tree); S=tree2seq(RT, NULL); RT=recode_tree (RT,S); for (a=0; anseq; a++) { TT=newick_string2tree(T->seq_al[a]); TT=prune_tree (TT,S); TT=recode_tree(TT,S); s+=update_node_support (RT, TT,S->nseq); free_tree (TT); } s=(s/(float)(T->nseq-1))*100; //make sure new tree is not longuer than previous p=tree2string (RT); T->seq_al[0]=(char*)vrealloc (T->seq_al[0],(strlen (p)+1)*sizeof (char)); sprintf (T->seq_al[0], "%s",p); sprintf (T->name[0], "OriginalDistanceTree"); sprintf (T->seq_comment[0], "Replicates: %d AverageNodeSupport: %.2f %% Source: seq_reformat", T->nseq, s); T->score=T->score_aln=(float)s*100; T->nseq=1; return T; } float update_node_support (NT_node T1, NT_node T2, int nseq) { //Trees must have been -prune_tree- and -recode_tree- with the same referecne sequence //updates node boostrap values in T1 //Returns the number of nodes in T2 supporting nodes in T1 float sc=0; float tot=0; NT_node *L1,*iL1,*L2,*iL2; int *l1seq, *l2seq, *rl1seq; int a; if (!T1 || !T2 || !nseq) return 0; L1=iL1=tree2node_list (T1, NULL); L2=iL2=tree2node_list (T2, NULL); rl1seq=(int*)vcalloc (nseq, sizeof (int)); while (L1 && L1[0]) { NT_node*L2=iL2; while (L2 && L2[0]) { l1seq=(L1[0])->lseq2; l2seq=(L2[0])->lseq2; for (a=0; abootstrap++; L2=NULL; } } tot++; L1++; } vfree (iL1); vfree (iL2); vfree (rl1seq); return (tot==0)?0:(sc/tot); } //Quantify the support of every node in a tree against collections of trees //the collections of trees are provided via B int **treelist2ns (NT_node T,Sequence *B,char *ref) { NT_node R, TT, *NL; Sequence *S; int n, r, a,c,b, t; int **support; int *max; int *tot; int *nr; int *bsr; S=tree2seq(T, NULL); T=recode_tree(T,S); NL=tree2node_list (T, NULL); n=tree2nnode(T); for (a=0; abootstrap=0; if (ref) { R=main_read_tree (ref); R=recode_tree(R,S); update_node_support (T, R, S->nseq); } support=declare_int (B->nseq+1, n); max=(int*)vcalloc (B->nseq+1, sizeof (int)); tot=(int*)vcalloc (B->nseq+1, sizeof (int)); nr=(int*)vcalloc (B->nseq+1, sizeof (int)); for (a=0; abootstrap; (NL[a])->bootstrap=0; } bsr=(int*)vcalloc (B->nseq+1, sizeof (int)); bsr[0]=1; for (r=1; r<=B->nseq; r++) { if (check_file_exists (B->name[r-1]))bsr[r]=1; else bsr[r]=0; } for (r=1; r<=B->nseq; r++) { int nt; char ** list; HERE ("-- Process %s", B->name[r-1]); if (!check_file_exists (B->name[r-1])) { printf_exit (EXIT_FAILURE,stderr, "%s is not a valid file. treelist2ns takes as input a fasta-like list of files containing trees", B->name[r-1]); } list=file2lines (B->name[r-1]); nt=atoi(list[0]); nr[r]=nt-1; for (t=1; tnseq); free_tree (TT); } for (a=0; abootstrap; (NL[a])->bootstrap=0; } free_char (list, -1); } fprintf (stdout, "#NodeSupport_01\n#TaxonList:"); for (a=0; anseq; a++) fprintf (stdout, "%s ", S->name[a]); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); if (ref)fprintf (stdout, "#REF: %s\n", ref); else fprintf (stdout, "#REF: none\n"); fprintf (stdout, "#N_REPLICATE: %d\n", B->nseq); for (a=0; anseq; a++) fprintf (stdout, "#REPLICATE: %3d %s %4d\n", a+1, B->name[a], nr[a+1]); fprintf (stdout, "#NODE: \n"); for (a=0; a< n; a++) { if ((NL[a])->nseq>1 && (NL[a]->nseq<(S->nseq-1))) { int depth=0; for (r=0; rnseq; r++){fprintf ( stdout , "%d", (NL[a]->lseq2[r]));depth+=NL[a]->lseq2[r];} fprintf (stdout, " "); depth=MIN(depth, (S->nseq-depth)); fprintf (stdout, "%2d ", depth); for (r=0; r<=B->nseq; r++) { if (r>0) { tot[r]+=support[r][a]; max[r]++; fprintf (stdout, "%6.4f ", (float)support[r][a]/(float)nr[r]); } else fprintf (stdout, "%3d ",support[r][a]); } fprintf (stdout, "\n"); } } fprintf (stdout, "#AVG: "); for (r=1; r<=B->nseq; r++)fprintf (stdout, "%6.4f ", ((float)tot[r]/(float)max[r])/(float)nr[r]); fprintf (stdout, "\n"); if (ref) { float yes=0; float no=0; float totn=0; for (a=0; anseq>1 && (NL[a]->nseq<(S->nseq-1))) { if (support[0][a])yes++; else no++; totn++; } //B->nseq=1; for (c=0; c<=1; c++) { fprintf (stdout, "#AVG_NODE_SUPPORT: Correct: %s %6.4f ", (c==0)?"N":"Y", ((c==1)?yes:no)/totn); for (r=1; r<=B->nseq; r++) { float t=0; float m=0; for (a=0; anseq>1 && (NL[a]->nseq<(S->nseq-1)) && support[0][a]==c) { //fprintf (stdout, "\n---- %d %d - %d\n", c, (int)support[r][a], nr[r]); t+=support[r][a]; m+=nr[r]; } if (m)fprintf (stdout, "%6.4f ", t/m); else fprintf (stdout, "------ "); } fprintf (stdout, "\n"); } } fprintf (stdout, "#END\n"); exit (0); return support; } NT_node treelist2bootstrap ( NT_node *L, char *file) { char *outfile; NT_node T; FILE *fp; if (!file) { file=vtmpnam (NULL); vfclose (print_tree_list (L,"newick", vfopen (file, "w"))); } outfile=vtmpnam (NULL); printf_system( "msa2bootstrap.pl -i %s -o %s -input tree >/dev/null 2>/dev/null", file, outfile); T=main_read_tree (outfile); T=tree_dist2normalized_tree_dist (T,treelist2n(L)); return T; } Sequence * treelist2seq (Sequence *S) { int a, b, c, n, i; char **name; NT_node *T; Sequence *TS; char *fname; FILE *fp; name=(char**)vcalloc (1, sizeof (char*)); fp=vfopen ((fname=vtmpnam (NULL)), "w"); T=read_tree_list (S); for (n=0,a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) { TS=tree2seq(T[a], NULL); for (b=0; bnseq; b++) { if ( (i=name_is_in_list (TS->name[b], name, n, 100))==-1) { name[n]=(char*)vcalloc (100, sizeof (int)); sprintf ( name[n], "%s", TS->name[b]); n++; name=(char**)vrealloc (name, (n+1)*sizeof (char*)); fprintf ( fp, ">%s\n", TS->name[b]); } } free_sequence(TS, TS->nseq); free_tree (T[a]); } vfclose (fp); vfree (T); return get_fasta_sequence (fname, NULL); } Sequence * treelist2sub_seq ( Sequence *S, int f) { NT_node *T; int a,b,c, s, i, n, maxnseq, tot; int **count, **grid; char *fname; Sequence *FS, *TS; FILE *fp; if (!f)return treelist2seq(S); //keep as many taxons as possible so that f% of the trees are kept //1: count the frequency of each taxon FS=treelist2seq (S); maxnseq=FS->nseq; count=declare_int (maxnseq, 3); grid=declare_int (S->nseq,maxnseq+1); T=read_tree_list (S); for (a=0; anseq; a++){count[a][0]=a;count[a][2]=1;} for (n=0,a=0; a< S->nseq; a++) { TS=tree2seq(T[a], NULL); for (b=0; bnseq; b++) { i=name_is_in_list (TS->name[b], FS->name, FS->nseq, 100); if ( i==-1){myexit (EXIT_FAILURE);} count[i][1]++; grid[a][i]=1; } free_sequence(TS, TS->nseq); free_tree (T[a]); } vfree (T); sort_int ( count,3,1, 0, maxnseq-1); for (a=0; anseq; b++)grid[b][maxnseq]=1;//prepare to keep everything for ( tot=S->nseq, b=0; b< S->nseq; b++) { for (c=0; cnseq; if ( tot>=f)break; } if (tot%s LIMIT: %d %%\n", FS->name[count[a][0]], f); } } vfclose (fp); free_int (grid, -1); free_int (count, -1); free_sequence (FS, FS->nseq); return get_fasta_sequence (fname, NULL); } NT_node tree2nni (NT_node S, NT_node T) { if (!S)return NULL; if (!T)T=S; if (has_nni(S)) { nni (S,0); print_newick_tree (T, "stdout"); nni (S,0); nni (S,1); print_newick_tree (T, "stdout"); nni (S,1); } tree2nni(S->left,T); tree2nni(S->right,T); return S; } int has_nni (NT_node N) { if (!N)return 0; if (!N->left)return 0; if (!N->right)return 0; if (!(N->left)->left)return 0; if (!(N->left)->right)return 0; if (!(N->right)->left)return 0; if (!(N->right)->right)return 0; return 1; } NT_node nni (NT_node S, int n) { NT_node I; I=(S->right)->right; if (n==0){(S->right)->right=(S->left)->right;(S->left)->right=I;} else if (n==1){(S->right)->right=(S->left)->left ;(S->left)->left =I;} return S; }