/******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /* (c) Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /* and */ /* Cedric Notredame */ /* 12 Aug 2014 - 22:07. */ /*All rights reserved. */ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*............................................... */ /* If you need some more information */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com */ /*............................................... */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" Job_TC* print_lib_job ( Job_TC *job,char *string, ...) { va_list ap; char **list; char **value; char **name; int a, np, n; char bname[100]; char bval[100]; list=string2list2(string, " ="); n=atoi (list[0]); name =(char**)vcalloc ( (n-1)/2, sizeof (char*)); value=(char**)vcalloc ( (n-1)/2, sizeof (char*)); va_start (ap, string); for (a=1, np=0; apl=(char**)vcalloc (100, sizeof (char*));job->pl[job->np++]=(char*)job->pl; job->jobid=njobs++; } for ( a=0; a< n; a++) { int string=0; if ( strstr(name[a], "control") && !job->control){job->control=(Job_control_TC*)vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Job_control_TC));job->pl[job->np++]=(char*)job->control;} else if ( strstr(name[a], "io") && !job->io){job->io=(Job_io_TC*)vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Job_io_TC));job->pl[job->np++]=(char*)job->io;} else if ( strstr(name[a], "param") && !job->param){job->param=(Job_param_TC*)vcalloc ( 1, sizeof (Job_param_TC));job->pl[job->np++]=(char*)job->param;} if ( strm (name[a], "control")) {job->control=(struct Job_control_TC*)atol(value[a]);string=0;} else if ( strm (name[a], "control->submitF")) {(job->control) ->submitF=(struct Job_TC *(*)(struct Job_TC *))atol(value[a]);string=0;} else if ( strm (name[a], "control->retrieveF")) {(job->control) ->retrieveF=(struct Job_TC *(*)(struct Job_TC *))atol(value[a]);string=0;} else if ( strm (name[a], "control->mode")) {(job->control)->mode=value[a];string=1;} else if ( strm (name[a], "param")) {job->param=(struct Job_param_TC*)atol(value[a]);string=0;} else if ( strm (name[a], "param->method")) {job->pl[job->np++]=((job->param)->method)=value[a];string=1;} else if ( strm (name[a], "param->TCM")) {(job->param)->TCM= (TC_method *) atol(value[a]) ;string=0;} else if ( strm (name[a], "param->aln_c")) {job->pl[job->np++]=(job->param)->aln_c=value[a] ;string=1;} else if ( strm (name[a], "param->seq_c")) {job->pl[job->np++]=(job->param)->seq_c=value[a] ;string=1;} else if ( strm (name[a], "io")) {job->io=(struct Job_io_TC*)atol(value[a]);string=0;} else if ( strm (name[a], "io->out")) {job->pl[job->np++]=(job->io)->out=value[a] ;string=1;} else if ( strm (name[a], "io->in" )) {job->pl[job->np++]=(job->io)->in =value[a] ;string=1;} else if ( strm (name[a], "io->CL")) {(job->io)->CL=(Constraint_list*)atol (value[a]); string=0;} else { fprintf ( stderr, "ERROR: print_lib_job2: %s is unknown [FATAL:%s]", name[a], PROGRAM); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( string==0) vfree ( value[a]); } vfree ( value); free_arrayN ((void **)name, 2); return job; } /*Stack Manipulation*/ Job_TC *queue_cat (Job_TC *P, Job_TC *C) { if ( !P && !C) return NULL; else if (!P || P->jobid==-1) { vfree (P); C->p=NULL; return C; } else { P->c=C; if (C)C->p=P; return queue2last(P); } return NULL; } Job_TC *free_queue (Job_TC *job) { return NULL; if (!job) return job; else { job=queue2last(job); while ( job) { job=free_job (job); } return job; } } Job_TC *free_job (Job_TC *job) { int a; Job_TC *p; if ( !job ) return job; else { for ( a=job->np-1; a>=0; a--) vfree ( job->pl[a]); p=job->p; job->p=job->c=NULL; vfree (job); return p; } return NULL; } Job_TC * queue2heap (Job_TC*job) { while (job && job->p) job=job->p; return job; } Job_TC * queue2last (Job_TC*job) { while (job && job->c) { job=job->c; } return job; } int queue2n (Job_TC*job) { int n=0; job=queue2last (job); while (job && job->p) { n++; job=job->p; } return n; } Job_TC * descend_queue (Job_TC*job) { if (!job ||!job->c)return job; else { (job->c)->p=job; job=job->c; } return job; } Job_TC* delete_job (Job_TC *job) { Job_TC *p, *c; p=job->p; c=job->c; free_job (job); return queue_cat (p, c); } Job_TC*** split_job_list (Job_TC *job, int ns) { int a,u,n,nj,split; Job_TC*** jl; Job_TC *ljob; //retun a pointer to ns splits for joblist if (ns==0)return NULL; job=queue2heap(job); jl=(Job_TC***)vcalloc(ns+1, sizeof (Job_TC**)); jl[0]=(Job_TC**)vcalloc (2, sizeof (Job_TC*)); nj=queue2n(job); split=(nj/ns)+1; n=a=u=0; jl[a][0]=job; while (job) { ljob=job; if (n==split && ac; } /*Display job details when debugging a=0; while (jl[a]) { Job_TC *start,* end; int todo=0; start=job=jl[a][0]; end=jl[a][1]; while (job!=end){todo++;job=job->c;} job=start; while (job!=end) { HERE ("--- %d %d %s",a, job, job->param->aln_c); job=job->c; } a++; } a=0; while (jl[a]){HERE ("**** %d %d ", jl [a][0], jl[a][1]);a++;} myexit (0); */ return jl; } /*Job Control*/ Job_TC* submit_job ( Job_TC *job) { if (!(job->control)->mode ||!(job->control)->mode[0] || 1==1) { return (job->control)->submitF (job); } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n%s is an unkown mode for posting jobs [FATAL:%s]",(job->control)->mode, PROGRAM); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); return NULL; } } Job_TC* retrieve_job ( Job_TC *job) { if (!(job->control)->mode ||!(job->control)->mode[0] || 1==1) { return (job->control)->retrieveF (job); } else { fprintf ( stderr, "\n%s is an unkown mode for posting jobs [FATAL:%s]",(job->control)->mode, PROGRAM); myexit (EXIT_FAILURE); return NULL; } } int **n2splits (int splits, int tot) { int **l; int a,b,delta; if (splits==0)return NULL; else if ( tot==0)return NULL; else { l=declare_int (splits,2); delta=tot/splits; for (a=0,b=0; a