/******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /* (c) Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /* and */ /* Cedric Notredame */ /* 12 Aug 2014 - 22:07. */ /*All rights reserved. */ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*............................................... */ /* If you need some more information */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com */ /*............................................... */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" int evaluate_moca_domain ( Alignment *A, Constraint_list *CL) { /* function documentation: start int evaluate_moca_domain ( Alignment *A, Constraint_list *CL) This function evaluates a multiple local alignment If the alignmnent is to be accepted, return score Else return UNDEFINED function documentation: end */ int score=0; int start, end, a, b; Alignment *B=NULL; char alp[200]; score=UNDEFINED; end=0; start=0; sprintf ( alp, "acefghiklmnpqrstuvwy"); if ( A->len_aln>0) { score=(int)(output_maln_pval ( "/dev/null", A)*-100); return score; } else return 0; while ((end+1)!=A->len_aln) { end=get_nol_aln_border (A,start,GO_RIGHT); if ( end==start)break; fprintf ( stderr, "\n**%d %d (%d)",start, end, A->len_aln); B=copy_aln (A, B); B=extract_aln (B,start,end); for (a=0; anseq; a++) for ( b=0; blen_aln; b++) if ( is_gap (B->seq_al[a][b]))B->seq_al[a][b]=alp[(int)rand()%(strlen (alp))]; start=end; fprintf ( stderr, "==>%d",(int)(output_maln_pval ( "/dev/null", B)*-100) ); if ( score==UNDEFINED)score=(int)(output_maln_pval ( "/dev/null", B)*-100); else score=MAX(score,(int)(output_maln_pval ( "/dev/null", B)*-100)); } free_aln (B); return score; } int moca_slow_get_dp_cost ( Alignment *A, int**pos1, int ns1, int*list1, int col1, int**pos2, int ns2, int*list2, int col2, Constraint_list *CL) { int s; s=slow_get_dp_cost ( A, pos1, ns1, list1, col1, pos2, ns2, list2, col2, CL); if ( s==UNDEFINED)return UNDEFINED; else return s+(CL->moca)->moca_scale; } int moca_evaluate_matrix_score ( Constraint_list *CL, int s1, int r1, int s2, int r2) { /* function documentation: start int moca_residue_pair_extended_list ( Constraint_list *CL, int s1, int r1, int s2, int r2 ) THIS FUNCTION RETURNS THE EXTENDED SCORE OF A PAIR OF RESIDUES it is meant to work with local aln pair_wise routines, by using (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues a constant value is substracted from the extended score. This function is meant toi be used with omain_dp, therefore, it allows the match of identical residues. function documentation: end */ if (unpack_seq_residues ( &s1, &r1, &s2, &r2, CL->packed_seq_lu)==UNDEFINED)return UNDEFINED; else if ( (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues && ((CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[s1][r1]==UNDEFINED ||(CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[s2][r2]==UNDEFINED))return UNDEFINED; else if ( s1==s2 && r1 == r2) return UNDEFINED; else return evaluate_matrix_score(CL, s1, r1, s2, r2); } int moca_residue_pair_extended_list ( Constraint_list *CL, int s1, int r1, int s2, int r2 ) { /* function documentation: start int moca_residue_pair_extended_list ( Constraint_list *CL, int s1, int r1, int s2, int r2 ) THIS FUNCTION RETURNS THE EXTENDED SCORE OF A PAIR OF RESIDUES it is meant to work with local aln pair_wise routines, by using (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues a constant value is substracted from the extended score. This function is meant toi be used with omain_dp, therefore, it allows the match of identical residues. function documentation: end */ if (unpack_seq_residues ( &s1, &r1, &s2, &r2, CL->packed_seq_lu)==UNDEFINED)return UNDEFINED; else if ( (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues && ((CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[s1][r1]==UNDEFINED ||(CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[s2][r2]==UNDEFINED))return UNDEFINED; else if ( s1==s2 && r1 == r2) return UNDEFINED; else return residue_pair_extended_list (CL, s1, r1, s2, r2); } int **cache_cl_with_moca_domain (Alignment *A, Constraint_list *CL) { /* function documentation: start int **cache_cl_with_moca_domain (Alignment *A, Constraint_list *CL) Read a multiple alignmnent Given all the residues (CL->S)->seq[x][y] contained in the maln Set (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[x][y] to UNDEFINED return (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues WARNING You must make sure that the evalation strategy uses (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[0][1]->first residue(1) of First sequence(0) function documentation: end */ int **pos; int a, b; pos=aln2pos_simple(A, A->nseq); if ( !(CL->moca)->forbiden_residues)(CL->moca)->forbiden_residues=declare_int ((CL->S)->nseq, strlen ((CL->S)->seq[0])+1); for ( a=0; anseq;a++) for ( b=0; b< A->len_aln; b++) (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues[A->order[a][0]][pos[a][b]]=UNDEFINED; free_int (pos, -1); return (CL->moca)->forbiden_residues; } Alignment *make_moca_nol_aln ( Alignment *A, Constraint_list *CL) { return A; } /*********************************************************************************************/ /* */ /* DOMAIN Z SCORE EVALUATION */ /* */ /*********************************************************************************************/ int evaluate_domain_aln_z_score (Alignment *A, int start, int end,Constraint_list *CL, char *alphabet) { int a; static Alignment *B; double score, ref_score; double N_EVAL=1000; double sum=0, sum2=0; if ( A==NULL || A->nseq==0 || A->len_aln==0)return 0; ref_score=(double)evaluate_domain_aln (A,start, end,CL); for (sum=0, sum2=0,a=0;anseq, end-start, alphabet); score=(double)evaluate_domain_aln (B,0,B->len_aln,CL); sum+=score; sum2+=score*score; } score=(return_z_score(ref_score, sum, sum2, N_EVAL)*100)/A->len_aln; return(int) score; } int evaluate_domain_aln ( Alignment *A, int start, int end,Constraint_list *CL) { int a, b, c; int score, c1, c2; static int **mat; /* function documentation: start This function uses a pam250 to evaluate the sum of pairs score of A, between position start(included) to position end (exluded), the numbering starts 0 function documentation: end */ if ( !mat)mat=read_matrice ( "pam250mt"); for ( c=start, score=0; cnseq-1; a++) for ( b=a+1; b< A->nseq; b++) { c1=tolower(A->seq_al[a][c]); c2=tolower(A->seq_al[b][c]); if ( !is_gap (c1) && !is_gap(c2))score+=mat[c1-'A'][c2-'A']; } } return score; } int unpack_seq_residues ( int *s1, int *r1, int *s2, int *r2, int **packed_seq_lu) { /* Given a series of sequences concatenated (packed), and the coordinates of two residues This function translates the coordinates into the real ones and allows evaluation Note for this function residues go from [1->N], sequences from [0->N[ This is true for in and out comming residues number NOTE: The sequence cannot be guessed when the residues r1 or r2 are GAPS, therefore UNDEFINED is returned NOTE: Concatenated sequences are separated with X, such residues cause an UNDEFINED to be returned */ if ( packed_seq_lu==NULL)return 1; else if ( s1[0]!=s2[0])return 1; else if ( r1[0]<=0 || r2[0]<=0)return UNDEFINED; else if ( packed_seq_lu[r1[0]][0]==UNDEFINED || packed_seq_lu[r2[0]][0]==UNDEFINED)return UNDEFINED; else { s1[0]=packed_seq_lu[r1[0]][0]; r1[0]=packed_seq_lu[r1[0]][1]; s2[0]=packed_seq_lu[r2[0]][0]; r2[0]=packed_seq_lu[r2[0]][1]; } return 1; } Alignment * unpack_seq_aln ( Alignment *A,Constraint_list *CL) { int a, b, r_seq, r_start, r_len; if (!CL->packed_seq_lu) return A; for (a=0; a< A->nseq; a++) { r_seq =CL->packed_seq_lu[A->order[a][1]+1][0]; r_start=CL->packed_seq_lu[A->order[a][1]+1][1]; A->order[a][0]=r_seq; A->order[a][1]=r_start-1; for ( r_len=0,b=0; b< A->len_aln; b++)r_len+=!is_gap(A->seq_al[a][b]); sprintf ( A->name[a],"%s_%d_%d", (A->S)->name[r_seq], r_start, r_start+r_len-1); } return A; }