/******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /* (c) Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /* and */ /* Cedric Notredame */ /* 12 Aug 2014 - 22:07. */ /*All rights reserved. */ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*............................................... */ /* If you need some more information */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com */ /*............................................... */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "define_header.h" #include "dp_lib_header.h" /*******************************************************************************/ /* myers and Miller */ /* */ /* makes DP between the the ns[0] sequences and the ns[1] */ /* */ /* for MODE, see the function get_dp_cost */ /*******************************************************************************/ #define gap(k) ((k) <= 0 ? 0 : g+h*(k)) /* k-symbol indel cost */ static int *sapp; /* Current script append ptr */ static int last; /* Last script op appended */ /* Append "Delete k" op */ #define DEL(k) \ { if (last < 0) \ last = sapp[-1] -= (k); \ else \ last = *sapp++ = -(k); \ } /* Append "Insert k" op */ #define INS(k) \ { if (last < 0) \ { sapp[-1] = (k); *sapp++ = last; } \ else \ last = *sapp++ = (k); \ } #define REP { last = *sapp++ = 0; } /* Append "Replace" op */ static int *sns; static int **sls; int myers_miller_pair_wise (Alignment *A,int *ns, int **ls,Constraint_list *CL ) { int **pos; int a,b, i, j, l,l1, l2, len; int *S; char ** char_buf; int score; /********Prepare Penalties******/ //ns2master_ns (ns,ls, &sns,&sls); sns=ns; sls=ls; /********************************/ pos=aln2pos_simple ( A,-1, ns, ls); l1=strlen (A->seq_al[ls[0][0]]); l2=strlen (A->seq_al[ls[1][0]]); S=(int*)vcalloc (l1+l2+1, sizeof (int)); last=0; sapp=S; score=diff (A,ns, ls, 0, l1, 0, l2, 0, 0, CL, pos); diff (NULL,ns, ls, 0, l1, 0, l2, 0, 0, CL, pos); i=0;j=0;sapp=S; len=0; while (!(i==l1 && j==l2)) { if (*sapp==0){i++; j++;len++;} else if ( *sapp<0){i-=*sapp;len-=*sapp;} else if ( *sapp>0){j+=*sapp;len+=*sapp;} sapp++; } A=realloc_aln2 ( A,A->max_n_seq,len+1); char_buf=declare_char (A->max_n_seq,len+1); i=0;j=0;sapp=S; len=0; while (!(i==l1 && j==l2)) { if (*sapp==0) { for (b=0; b< ns[0]; b++) char_buf[ls[0][b]][len]=A->seq_al[ls[0][b]][i]; for (b=0; b< ns[1]; b++) char_buf[ls[1][b]][len]=A->seq_al[ls[1][b]][j]; i++; j++;len++; } else if ( *sapp>0) { l=*sapp; for ( a=0; aseq_al[ls[1][b]][j]; } } else if ( *sapp<0) { l=-*sapp; for ( a=0; aseq_al[ls[0][b]][i];; for (b=0; b< ns[1]; b++) char_buf[ls[1][b]][len]='-'; } } sapp++; } A->len_aln=len; A->nseq=ns[0]+ns[1]; for ( a=0; a< ns[0]; a++){char_buf[ls[0][a]][len]='\0'; sprintf ( A->seq_al[ls[0][a]], "%s", char_buf[ls[0][a]]);} for ( a=0; a< ns[1]; a++){char_buf[ls[1][a]][len]='\0'; sprintf ( A->seq_al[ls[1][a]], "%s", char_buf[ls[1][a]]);} vfree (S); free_char ( char_buf, -1); l1=strlen (A->seq_al[ls[0][0]]); l2=strlen (A->seq_al[ls[1][0]]); if ( l1!=l2) exit(1); free_int (pos, -1); return score; } int diff (Alignment *A, int *ns, int **ls, int s1, int M,int s2, int N , int tb, int te, Constraint_list *CL, int **pos) { static int *CC; static int *DD; /* Forward cost-only vectors */ static int *RR; static int *SS; /* Reverse cost-only vectors */ int midi, midj, type; /* Midpoint, type, and cost */ int midc; /*TREATMENT OF THE TERMINAL GAP PENALTIES*/ /*TG_MODE=0---> gop and gep*/ /*TG_MODE=1---> --- gep*/ /*TG_MODE=2---> --- ---*/ if ( !CC) { int L; L=M+N+1; CC=(int*)vcalloc (L, sizeof (int)); DD=(int*)vcalloc (L, sizeof (int)); RR=(int*)vcalloc (L, sizeof (int)); SS=(int*)vcalloc (L, sizeof (int)); } if ( A==NULL) { vfree(CC); vfree(DD); vfree(RR); vfree(SS); CC=DD=RR=SS=NULL; return 0; } { int i, j; int c, e, d, s,ma; int t, g,h,m; g=CL->gop*SCORE_K; h=CL->gep*SCORE_K; m=g+h; if (N <= 0){if (M > 0) DEL(M);return gap(M);} if (M <= 1) { if (M <= 0) {INS(N); return gap(N); } if (tb > te) tb = te; midc = (tb+h) + gap(N); midj = 0; for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) { c = gap(j-1) +(CL->get_dp_cost) (A, pos, sns[0], sls[0],s1, pos, sns[1], sls[1],j-1+s2,CL)+ gap(N-j); if (c > midc) { midc = c; midj = j; } } if (midj == 0) {DEL(1) INS(N)} else {if (midj > 1) INS(midj-1); REP; if (midj < N) INS(N-midj); } return midc; } /* Divide: Find optimum midpoint (midi,midj) of cost midc */ midi = M/2; /* Forward phase: */ CC[0] = 0; /* Compute C(M/2,k) & D(M/2,k) for all k */ t = tb; for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) { CC[j] = t = t+h; DD[j] = t+g; } t = tb; for (i = 1; i <= midi; i++) { s = CC[0]; CC[0] = c = t = t+h; e = t+g; for (j = 1; j <= N; j++) { if ((c = c + m) > (e = e + h)) e = c; if ((c = CC[j] + m) > (d = DD[j] + h)) d = c; ma=c = s + (CL->get_dp_cost) (A, pos, sns[0], sls[0],i-1+s1, pos, sns[1], sls[1],j-1+s2,CL); if (e > c) c = e; if (d > c) c = d; s = CC[j]; CC[j] = c; DD[j] = d; } } DD[0] = CC[0]; RR[N] = 0; /* Reverse phase: */ t = te; for (j = N-1; j >= 0; j--) { RR[j] = t = t+h; SS[j] = t+g; } t = te; for (i = M-1; i >= midi; i--) { s = RR[N]; RR[N] = c = t = t+h; e = t+g; for (j = N-1; j >= 0; j--) { if ((c = c + m) > (e = e + h)) e = c; if ((c = RR[j] + m) > (d = SS[j] + h)) d = c; ma=c = s + (CL->get_dp_cost) (A, pos, sns[0], sls[0],i+s1, pos, sns[1], sls[1],j+s2,CL); if (e > c) c = e; if (d > c) c = d; s = RR[j]; RR[j] = c; SS[j] = d; } } SS[N] = RR[N]; midc = CC[0]+RR[0]; /* Find optimal midpoint */ midj = 0; type = 1; for (j = 0; j <= N; j++) if ((c = CC[j] + RR[j]) >= midc) if (c > midc || (CC[j] != DD[j] && RR[j] == SS[j])) { midc = c; midj = j; } for (j = N; j >= 0; j--) if ((c = DD[j] + SS[j] - g) > midc) {midc = c; midj = j; type = 2; } } /* Conquer: recursively around midpoint */ if (type == 1) { diff (A,ns, ls, s1,midi, s2, midj, tb, CL->gop*SCORE_K, CL, pos); diff (A,ns, ls, s1+midi,M-midi, s2+midj, N-midj, CL->gop*SCORE_K,te, CL, pos); } else { diff (A,ns, ls, s1,midi-1, s2, midj, tb,0, CL, pos); DEL(2); diff (A,ns, ls, s1+midi+1, M-midi-1,s2+midj, N-midj,0,te, CL, pos); } return midc; }