/******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ /* (c) Centro de Regulacio Genomica */ /* and */ /* Cedric Notredame */ /* 12 Aug 2014 - 22:07. */ /*All rights reserved. */ /*This file is part of T-COFFEE. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */ /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */ /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */ /* (at your option) any later version. */ /* */ /* T-COFFEE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */ /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */ /* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the */ /* GNU General Public License for more details. */ /* */ /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */ /* along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software */ /* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*............................................... */ /* If you need some more information */ /* cedric.notredame@europe.com */ /*............................................... */ /******************************COPYRIGHT NOTICE*******************************/ #include #include #include // #include // #include #include "io_lib_header.h" #include "util_lib_header.h" #include "fastal_lib_header.h" // the following fuctions are defined in fastal.c int gotoh_dyn(Fastal_profile **profiles, Fastal_param *param_set, void *method_arguments_p, int is_dna, FILE *edit_file, FILE *prof_file, int number); void free_nw(Nw_param* method_arguments_p, int alphabet_size); /** * Adds a single sequence to a profile. * \param seq The sequence. * \param prf The profile. */ void seq2profile2(char *seq, Fastal_profile *prf, int *char2pos) { // printf("SEDQ: %s\n", seq); int **prf_in = prf->prf; int i = -1; --seq; while (*(++seq) !='\0') { if (*seq != '-') ++(prf_in[char2pos[*seq]][++i]); else ++i; // ++seq; } } // typedef struct // { // /// Number of sequences in this profile // int num_sequences; // /// number of the profile // int prf_number; // ///0 = combination of two profiles, 1 = profile of a single sequence -> name1 = seq_name // int is_leaf; // ///length of the profile // int length; // ///weight of the sequence // int weight; // ///saves the amount of allocated memory // int allocated_memory; // ///the profile itself [alphabet_size][profile_length] // int **prf; // ///number_of_sequences // int number_of_sequences; // } // Fastal_profile; /** * Deletes all gap columns from the profile. * * \param prf The profile. * \param alphabet_size The size of the alphabet. * \param gap_list The gap_list. * \param gap_list_length The length of the gap list. * \param num_gaps The number of gaps. * \return The new gap list. */ int * del_gap_from_profile(Fastal_profile *prf, int alphabet_size, int *gap_list, int *gap_list_length, int *num_gaps) { int i; int pos = -1; int not_gap = 0; int gap_pos = 0; int write_pos = 0; // int gap_counter = 0; int **prf_in = prf->prf; int prf_length = prf->length; while (gap_pos < prf_length) { // printf("PRF1: %i %i %i %i\n", prf_in[0][gap_pos], prf_in[1][gap_pos], prf_in[2][gap_pos], prf_in[3][gap_pos]); not_gap = 0; for (i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i) { if (prf_in[i][gap_pos]) { not_gap = 1; // printf("ARG: %i\n", i); break; } } if (not_gap) { if (gap_pos != write_pos) { for (i = 0; i < alphabet_size; ++i) { prf_in[i][write_pos] = prf_in[i][gap_pos]; } } ++write_pos; } else { if (++pos >= *gap_list_length) { *gap_list_length += 10; gap_list = (int*)vrealloc(gap_list, (*gap_list_length)*sizeof(int)); } gap_list[pos] = gap_pos; // ++gap_counter; } ++gap_pos; } // printf("DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL %i %i\n", gap_counter, pos+1); *num_gaps = pos+1; prf->length -= *num_gaps; return gap_list; } /** * Splits a given alignment according to a given position. * \param alignment_file The alignment file. * \param gap_prf Saves the profile with the gap sequences. * \param no_gap_prf Saves the profile of the non gap sequences. * \param seq A temporary place to save the sequence. * \param index The index where to look for the gaps. * \param char2pos The character to position translation array. */ void split_set(FILE *alignment_file, Fastal_profile *gap_prf, Fastal_profile *no_gap_prf, char *seq, int index, int *char2pos, char* split_file_name) { FILE *split_set_file1 = fopen("GAP", "w"); FILE *split_set_file2 = fopen("NOGAP", "w"); // FILE *shorted = fopen("SHORTT.fa", "w"); printf("INDEX: %i\n",index); fseek (alignment_file , 0 , SEEK_SET); FILE *split_file = fopen(split_file_name, "w"); int i,j; const int LINE_LENGTH = 200; char line[LINE_LENGTH]; int pos = -1; int overall_pos = -1; fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , alignment_file); // fprintf(shorted, "%s", line); while(fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , alignment_file)!=NULL) { pos = -1; if (line[0] == '>') { // fprintf(shorted, "%s", line); if (seq[index] == '-') { seq[++overall_pos] = '\0'; fprintf(split_file, "g\n"); fprintf(split_set_file1,"%s\n",seq); seq2profile2(seq, gap_prf, char2pos); ++(gap_prf->number_of_sequences); } else { seq[++overall_pos] = '\0'; fprintf(split_file, "n\n"); fprintf(split_set_file2,"%s\n",seq); seq2profile2(seq, no_gap_prf, char2pos); ++(no_gap_prf->number_of_sequences); } overall_pos = -1; } else { // for (j = 35; j < 96; ++j) // { // fprintf(shorted, "%c", line[j]); // } // fprintf(shorted, "\n"); while ((line[++pos] != '\n') && (line[pos] != '\0')) { seq[++overall_pos] = line[pos]; } } } if (seq[index] == '-') { seq[++overall_pos] = '\0'; fprintf(split_file, "g\n"); seq2profile2(seq, gap_prf, char2pos); ++(gap_prf->number_of_sequences); } else { seq[++overall_pos] = '\0'; fprintf(split_file, "n\n"); seq2profile2(seq, no_gap_prf, char2pos); ++(no_gap_prf->number_of_sequences); } fclose(split_file); } Fastal_profile * enlarge_prof(Fastal_profile *prof, int new_length, int alphabet_size) { if (new_length > prof->allocated_memory) { int i; for (i = 0;i < alphabet_size; ++i) { prof->prf[i] = (int*)vrealloc(prof->prf[i],new_length*sizeof(int)); } prof->allocated_memory = new_length; } return prof; } void iterate(Fastal_param *param, void *method_arguments_p, char *aln_file_name, char *out_file_name_end, int iteration_number) { // calculate alignment length //count gap int it_coutner_2 = 0; const int LINE_LENGTH = 200; char line[LINE_LENGTH]; char *seq1 = (char*)vcalloc(1,sizeof(char)); char *seq2 = (char*)vcalloc(1,sizeof(char)); Fastal_profile **profiles =(Fastal_profile**) vcalloc(3,sizeof(Fastal_profile*)); initiate_profiles(profiles, param); Fastal_profile *gap_prf = profiles[0]; Fastal_profile *no_gap_prf = profiles[1]; int alphabet_size = param->alphabet_size; int *gap_list_1 = (int*)vcalloc(1, sizeof(int)); int *gap_list_1_length = (int*)vcalloc(1, sizeof(int)); *gap_list_1_length = 1; int num_gaps_1 = 0; int *gap_list_2 = (int*)vcalloc(1, sizeof(int)); int *gap_list_2_length = (int*)vcalloc(1, sizeof(int)); *gap_list_2_length = 1; int num_gaps_2 = 0; int alignment_length = 1; //from here repeat! int it_counter = 0; char *out_file_name = aln_file_name; int *gap_profile = (int*)vcalloc(alignment_length, sizeof(int)); // while (it_counter < alignment_length) // { FILE *alignment_file = fopen(aln_file_name,"r"); if (alignment_file == NULL) { printf("Could not open alignment file %s\n", aln_file_name); exit(1); } alignment_length = 0; int tmp_len = -1; fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , alignment_file); while(fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , alignment_file)!=NULL) { tmp_len = -1; if (line[0] == '>') { break; } while ((line[++tmp_len] != '\n') && (line[tmp_len] != '\0')); alignment_length += tmp_len; } // printf("ALN_LENGTH %i\n", alignment_length); seq1 =(char*)vrealloc(seq1, (1+alignment_length)*sizeof(char)); gap_profile = (int*)vrealloc(gap_profile, alignment_length * sizeof(int)); int i; for (i = 0; i < alignment_length; ++i) { gap_profile[i] = 0; } int number_of_sequences = 0; int pos = -1; fseek (alignment_file , 0 , SEEK_SET); while(fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , alignment_file)!=NULL) { if (line[0] == '>') { ++number_of_sequences; pos = -1; } else { i = -1; while ((line[++i] != '\n') && (line[i] != '\0')) { ++pos; if (line[i] == '-') { ++gap_profile[pos]; } } } } double max_entrop = 0; int column_index = 0; double entrop = 0; double last = 0; double p; // for (i = it_counter; i<=it_counter; ++i) // { // p = gap_profile[i]/(double)number_of_sequences; // if (!p) // { // entrop = 0; // } // else // { // entrop = (-1)*(p*log(p) + (1-p)*log(1-p) ) ; // } // if (entrop > max_entrop) // { // column_index = i; // max_entrop = entrop; // } // last = entrop; // } // ++it_counter; // if (max_entrop < 0.6) // { // printf("CONTINUE %f\n",entrop); // continue; // } // column_index = 18;//it_counter-1; // if (column_index == 19) column_index = 58; out_file_name = vtmpnam(NULL); char *edit_file_name = "EDIT";//vtmpnam(NULL); FILE *edit_file = fopen(edit_file_name,"w"); char *profile_file_name = vtmpnam(NULL); FILE *profile_file = fopen(profile_file_name,"w"); char *split_file_name = "AHA";//vtmpnam(NULL); ++it_coutner_2; gap_prf = enlarge_prof(gap_prf, alignment_length, alphabet_size); no_gap_prf = enlarge_prof(no_gap_prf, alignment_length, alphabet_size ); no_gap_prf->number_of_sequences = 0; gap_prf->number_of_sequences = 0; split_set(alignment_file, gap_prf, no_gap_prf, seq1, column_index, param->char2pos, split_file_name); gap_prf -> length = alignment_length; no_gap_prf -> length = alignment_length; gap_list_1 = del_gap_from_profile(gap_prf, alphabet_size, gap_list_1, gap_list_1_length, &num_gaps_1 ); gap_list_2 = del_gap_from_profile(no_gap_prf, alphabet_size, gap_list_2, gap_list_2_length, &num_gaps_2 ); fclose(alignment_file); profiles[0] = gap_prf; profiles[1] = no_gap_prf; alignment_length = gotoh_dyn(profiles, param, method_arguments_p, 0, edit_file, profile_file, 0); seq1 =(char*)vrealloc(seq1, (1+alignment_length)*sizeof(char)); seq2 =(char*)vrealloc(seq2, (1+alignment_length)*sizeof(char)); fclose(edit_file); edit_file = fopen(edit_file_name,"r"); edit2seq_pattern(edit_file, seq1, seq2); fclose(edit_file); fclose(profile_file); write_iterated_aln(aln_file_name, out_file_name, split_file_name, seq1, gap_list_1, num_gaps_1, seq2, gap_list_2, num_gaps_2); aln_file_name = out_file_name; // if (it_coutner_2 == 2) // break; // } char command[1000]; sprintf(command, "mv %s %s",out_file_name, out_file_name_end); system(command); vfree(seq1); vfree(seq2); vfree(gap_list_1); vfree(gap_list_2); if (!strcmp(param->method, "fast")) { free_sparse((Sparse_dynamic_param*)method_arguments_p); } else if (!strcmp(param->method, "nw")) { free_nw((Nw_param*)method_arguments_p, alphabet_size); } else if (!strcmp(param->method, "gotoh")) { free_gotoh((Gotoh_param*)method_arguments_p, alphabet_size); } } void write_iterated_aln(char* old_aln_file_name, char* new_aln_file_name, char *gap_file_name, char *seq1, int *gap_list1, int num_gap1, char *seq2, int *gap_list2, int num_gap2) { int i; // for (i = 0; i < num_gap1; ++i) // { // printf("%i ", gap_list1[i]); // } // printf("\n-----\n"); // for (i = 0; i < num_gap2; ++i) // { // printf("%i ", gap_list2[i]); // } // printf("\n"); // // printf("%s\n%s\n",seq1, seq2); // printf("EX: %i\n", gap_list1[0]); FILE *gap_file = fopen(gap_file_name, "r"); FILE *new_aln_file = fopen(new_aln_file_name, "w"); // if (new_aln_file == NULL) // printf("AHA\n"); FILE *old_aln_file = fopen(old_aln_file_name, "r"); const int GAPLINE_LENGTH = 5; char gapline[GAPLINE_LENGTH]; char *seq; int *gap_list; int num_gap; const int ALNLINE_LENGTH = 200; char alnline[ALNLINE_LENGTH]; int alnline_pos = -1; int overall_aln_pos = -1; int pattern_pos = -1; int gap_pos = 0; // fprintf(new_aln_file, "%s", alnline); while(fgets(gapline, GAPLINE_LENGTH , gap_file)!=NULL) { //this is the sequence name fgets(alnline, ALNLINE_LENGTH , old_aln_file); fprintf(new_aln_file,"%s",alnline); //getting (part if) the sequence fgets(alnline, ALNLINE_LENGTH , old_aln_file); if (gapline[0] == 'g') { seq = seq1; gap_list = gap_list1; num_gap = num_gap1; } else { seq = seq2; gap_list = gap_list2; num_gap = num_gap2; } overall_aln_pos = 0; pattern_pos = 0; gap_pos = 0; alnline_pos = -1; //go along the pattern while (seq[pattern_pos] != '\0') { if (seq[pattern_pos] == '-') { ++pattern_pos; fprintf(new_aln_file,"-"); continue; } //get next part of the sequence if you are at the end if ((alnline[++alnline_pos] == '\n') || (alnline[alnline_pos] == '\0')) { alnline_pos = 0; fgets(alnline, ALNLINE_LENGTH, old_aln_file); } if ((gap_pos < num_gap) && (overall_aln_pos == gap_list[gap_pos])) { ++gap_pos; ++overall_aln_pos; continue; } fprintf(new_aln_file,"%c",alnline[alnline_pos]); ++overall_aln_pos; ++pattern_pos; } fprintf(new_aln_file,"\n"); } fclose(new_aln_file); fclose(old_aln_file); fclose(gap_file); } void edit2seq_pattern(FILE *edit_file, char *seq1, char *seq2) { fseek(edit_file, 0, SEEK_SET); const int LINE_LENGTH = 50; char line[LINE_LENGTH]; fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , edit_file); // int child1 = atoi(line); fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , edit_file); // int child2 = atoi(line); fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , edit_file); // int is_leaf1 = atoi(line); fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , edit_file); // int is_leaf2 = atoi(line); char x; int number; int pos = -1; while(fgets(line, LINE_LENGTH , edit_file)!=NULL) { // printf("%s\n",line); x = line[0]; if (x == '*') break; number = atoi(&line[1]); if (x == 'M') { while (--number >= 0) { seq1[++pos] = 'X'; seq2[pos] = 'X'; } } else if (x == 'I') { while (--number >= 0) { seq1[++pos] = 'X'; seq2[pos] = '-'; } } else if (x == 'D') { while (--number >= 0) { // printf("POS: %i\n", pos); seq1[++pos] = '-'; seq2[pos] = 'X'; } } } seq1[++pos] = '\0'; seq2[pos] = '\0'; // printf("%s\n%s\n",seq1, seq2); }