############## Ball Size Homogenize # Set a specific radius to all individual spheres # of all Ball objects of the displayed TrakEM2 project. gd = GenericDialog("Ball Radius") gd.addNumericField( "radius :", 40, 2 ) gd.showDialog() if not gd.wasCanceled() : calibrated_radius = gd.getNextNumber() # in microns, nm, whatever display = Display.getFront() layerset = display.getLayerSet() cal = layerset.getCalibration() # bring radius to pixels new_radius = calibrated_radius / cal.pixelWidth for ballOb in layerset.getZDisplayables(Ball): for i in range(ballOb.getCount()): ballOb.setRadius(i, new_radius) ballOb.repaint(True, None) ##############