## # mae.getVSfromHScondData() - extract vertically stacked condition n from # horizontally stacked data frame hTbl where hTbl was # read with readHSfile(). # Args: hTbl is the horizontally stacked multi-class table # n is the condition to extract from hTbl and stack # Value: vertically stacked data frame with (scn) # If it is already vertically stacked, then just return hTbl. ## mae.getVSfromHScondData<- function(hTbl, n) { # mae.getVSfromHScondData if(hTbl$isVertStacked) return(scn=hTbl$hTbl) p <- hTbl$hData[hTbl$allCondNames==hTbl$condNames[n]] scn <- stack(p) return(scn=scn) } # end of mae.getVSfromHScondData