## # mae.readHSfile(file) - read horizontally stacked array expression data # Args: file is the data file name # Value: data frame with # Value: data frame with # hData - data frame of horizontally stacked data # sampleNames - sample names # condNames - unique condition names # allCondNames - condition names for each sample (factor) # nSamples - # of samples # nConds - # of conditions # nGenes - # of nGenes # isVertStacked - FALSE ## mae.readHSfile <- function(file) { # mae.readHSfile sampleNames <- scan(file, sep="\t", what="", nlines=1) allCondNames <- scan(file, sep="\t", what="", nlines=1, skip=1) condNames <- unique(allCondNames [-1]) hData <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, row.names=1,skip=2, col.names=sampleNames) nSamples <- length(sampleNames) nConds <- length(condNames) nGenes <- nrow(hData) return(hData=hData,sampleNames=sampleNames,condNames=condNames, allCondNames=allCondNames,nSamples=nSamples,nConds=nConds, nGenes=nGenes,isVertStacked=FALSE) } # end of mae.readHSfile