Entry: Aids2 Aliases: Aids2 Keywords: datasets Description: Australian AIDS Survival Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Aids2.html Entry: Animals Aliases: Animals Keywords: datasets Description: Brain and Body Weights for 28 Species URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Animals.html Entry: Boston Aliases: Boston Keywords: datasets Description: Housing Values in Suburbs of Boston URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Boston.html Entry: Cars93 Aliases: Cars93 Keywords: datasets Description: Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Cars93.html Entry: Cushings Aliases: Cushings Keywords: datasets Description: Diagnostic Tests on Patients with Cushing's Syndrome URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Cushings.html Entry: DDT Aliases: DDT Keywords: datasets Description: DDT in Kale URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/DDT.html Entry: GAGurine Aliases: GAGurine Keywords: datasets Description: Level of GAG in Urine of Children URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/GAGurine.html Entry: Insurance Aliases: Insurance Keywords: datasets Description: Numbers of Car Insurance claims URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Insurance.html Entry: MASS-internal Aliases: enlist fbeta frequency.polygon nclass.freq neg.bin negexp.SSival Keywords: internal Description: Internal MASS functions URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/MASS-internal.html Entry: Melanoma Aliases: Melanoma Keywords: datasets Description: Survival from Malignant Melanoma URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Melanoma.html Entry: Null Aliases: Null Keywords: algebra Description: Null Spaces of Matrices URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Null.html Entry: OME Aliases: OME Keywords: datasets Description: Tests of Auditory Perception in Children with OME URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/OME.html Entry: Pima.tr Aliases: Pima.tr Pima.tr2 Pima.te Keywords: datasets Description: Diabetes in Pima Indian Women URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Pima.tr.html Entry: Rabbit Aliases: Rabbit Keywords: datasets Description: Blood Pressure in Rabbits URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Rabbit.html Entry: Rubber Aliases: Rubber Keywords: datasets Description: Accelerated Testing of Tyre Rubber URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Rubber.html Entry: SP500 Aliases: SP500 Keywords: datasets Description: Returns of the Standard and Poors 500 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/SP500.html Entry: Sitka Aliases: Sitka Keywords: datasets Description: Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1988 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Sitka.html Entry: Sitka89 Aliases: Sitka89 Keywords: datasets Description: Growth Curves for Sitka Spruce Trees in 1989 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Sitka89.html Entry: Skye Aliases: Skye Keywords: datasets Description: AFM Compositions of Aphyric Skye Lavas URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Skye.html Entry: Traffic Aliases: Traffic Keywords: datasets Description: Effect of Swedish Speed Limits on Accidents URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/Traffic.html Entry: UScereal Aliases: UScereal Keywords: datasets Description: Nutritional and Marketing Information on US Cereals URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/UScereal.html Entry: UScrime Aliases: UScrime Keywords: datasets Description: The Effect of Punishment Regimes on Crime Rates URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/UScrime.html Entry: VA Aliases: VA Keywords: datasets Description: Veteran's Administration Lung Cancer Trial URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/VA.html Entry: abbey Aliases: abbey Keywords: datasets Description: Determinations of Nickel Content URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/abbey.html Entry: accdeaths Aliases: accdeaths Keywords: datasets Description: Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/accdeaths.html Entry: addterm Aliases: addterm addterm.default addterm.glm addterm.lm Keywords: models Description: Try All One-Term Additions to a Model URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/addterm.html Entry: anorexia Aliases: anorexia Keywords: datasets Description: Anorexia Data on Weight Change URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/anorexia.html Entry: anova.negbin Aliases: anova.negbin Keywords: regression Description: Likelihood Ratio Tests for Negative Binomial GLMs URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/anova.negbin.html Entry: area Aliases: area Keywords: nonlinear Description: Adaptive Numerical Integration URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/area.html Entry: bacteria Aliases: bacteria Keywords: datasets Description: Presence of Bacteria after Drug Treatments URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/bacteria.html Entry: bandwidth.nrd Aliases: bandwidth.nrd Keywords: dplot Description: Bandwidth for density() via Normal Reference Distribution URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/bandwidth.nrd.html Entry: bcv Aliases: bcv Keywords: dplot Description: Biased Cross-Validation for Bandwidth Selection URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/bcv.html Entry: beav1 Aliases: beav1 Keywords: datasets Description: Body Temperature Series of Beaver 1 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/beav1.html Entry: beav2 Aliases: beav2 Keywords: datasets Description: Body Temperature Series of Beaver 2 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/beav2.html Entry: biopsy Aliases: biopsy Keywords: datasets Description: Biopsy Data on Breast Cancer Patients URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/biopsy.html Entry: birthwt Aliases: birthwt Keywords: datasets Description: Risk Factors Associated with Low Infant Birth Weight URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/birthwt.html Entry: boxcox Aliases: boxcox boxcox.default boxcox.formula boxcox.lm Keywords: regression models hplot Description: Box-Cox Transformations for Linear Models URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/boxcox.html Entry: cabbages Aliases: cabbages Keywords: datasets Description: Data from a cabbage field trial URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/cabbages.html Entry: caith Aliases: caith Keywords: datasets Description: Colours of Eyes and Hair of People in Caithness URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/caith.html Entry: cats Aliases: cats Keywords: datasets Description: Anatomical Data from Domestic Cats URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/cats.html Entry: cement Aliases: cement Keywords: datasets Description: Heat Evolved by Setting Cements URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/cement.html Entry: chem Aliases: chem Keywords: datasets Description: Copper in Wholemeal Flour URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/chem.html Entry: con2tr Aliases: con2tr Keywords: misc Description: Convert Lists to Data Frames for use by Lattice URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/con2tr.html Entry: confint-MASS Aliases: confint.glm confint.nls confint.profile.glm confint.profile.nls Keywords: models Description: Confidence Intervals for Model Parameters URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/confint.html Entry: contr.sdif Aliases: contr.sdif Keywords: models Description: Successive Differences contrast coding URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/contr.sdif.html Entry: coop Aliases: coop Keywords: datasets Description: Co-operative Trial in Analytical Chemistry URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/coop.html Entry: corresp Aliases: corresp corresp.xtabs corresp.data.frame corresp.default corresp.factor corresp.formula corresp.matrix Keywords: category multivariate Description: Simple Correspondence Analysis URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/corresp.html Entry: cov.rob Aliases: cov.rob cov.mve cov.mcd Keywords: robust multivariate Description: Resistant Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scatter URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/cov.rob.html Entry: cov.trob Aliases: cov.trob Keywords: multivariate Description: Covariance Estimation for Multivariate t Distribution URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/cov.trob.html Entry: cpus Aliases: cpus Keywords: datasets Description: Performance of Computer CPUs URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/cpus.html Entry: crabs Aliases: crabs Keywords: datasets Description: Morphological Measurements on Leptograpsus Crabs URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/crabs.html Entry: deaths Aliases: deaths Keywords: datasets Description: Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/deaths.html Entry: denumerate Aliases: denumerate denumerate.formula Keywords: models Description: Transform an Allowable Formula for 'loglm' into one for 'terms' URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/denumerate.html Entry: dose.p Aliases: dose.p print.glm.dose Keywords: regression models Description: Predict Doses for Binomial Assay model URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/dose.p.html Entry: drivers Aliases: drivers Keywords: datasets Description: Deaths of Car Drivers in Great Britain 1969-84 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/drivers.html Entry: dropterm Aliases: dropterm dropterm.default dropterm.glm dropterm.lm Keywords: models Description: Try All One-Term Deletions from a Model URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/dropterm.html Entry: eagles Aliases: eagles Keywords: datasets Description: Foraging Ecology of Bald Eagles URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/eagles.html Entry: epil Aliases: epil Keywords: datasets Description: Seizure Counts for Epileptics URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/epil.html Entry: eqscplot Aliases: eqscplot Keywords: hplot Description: Plots with Geometrically Equal Scales URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/eqscplot.html Entry: farms Aliases: farms Keywords: datasets Description: Ecological Factors in Farm Management URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/farms.html Entry: fgl Aliases: fgl Keywords: datasets Description: Measurements of Forensic Glass Fragments URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/fgl.html Entry: fitdistr Aliases: fitdistr print.fitdistr coef.fitdistr logLik.fitdistr Keywords: distribution htest Description: Maximum-likelihood Fitting of Univariate Distributions URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/fitdistr.html Entry: forbes Aliases: forbes Keywords: datasets Description: Forbes' Data on Boiling Points in the Alps URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/forbes.html Entry: fractions Aliases: fractions Math.fractions Ops.fractions Summary.fractions [.fractions [<-.fractions as.character.fractions as.fractions is.fractions print.fractions t.fractions Keywords: math Description: Rational Approximation URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/fractions.html Entry: galaxies Aliases: galaxies Keywords: datasets Description: Velocities for 82 Galaxies URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/galaxies.html Entry: gamma.dispersion Aliases: gamma.dispersion Keywords: models Description: Calculate the MLE of the Gamma Dispersion Parameter in a GLM Fit URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/gamma.dispersion.html Entry: gamma.shape Aliases: gamma.shape gamma.shape.glm print.gamma.shape Keywords: models Description: Estimate the Shape Parameter of the Gamma Distribution in a GLM Fit URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/gamma.shape.glm.html Entry: gehan Aliases: gehan Keywords: datasets Description: Remission Times of Leukaemia Patients URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/gehan.html Entry: genotype Aliases: genotype Keywords: datasets Description: Rat Genotype Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/genotype.html Entry: geyser Aliases: geyser Keywords: datasets Description: Old Faithful Geyser Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/geyser.html Entry: gilgais Aliases: gilgais Keywords: datasets Description: Line Transect of Soil in Gilgai Territory URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/gilgais.html Entry: ginv Aliases: ginv Keywords: algebra Description: Generalized Inverse of a Matrix URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/ginv.html Entry: glm.convert Aliases: glm.convert Keywords: regression models Description: Change a Negative Binomial fit to a GLM fit URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/glm.convert.html Entry: glm.nb Aliases: glm.nb family.negbin logLik.negbin Keywords: regression models Description: Fit a Negative Binomial Generalized Linear Model URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/glm.nb.html Entry: glmmPQL Aliases: glmmPQL Keywords: models Description: Fit Generalized Linear Mixed Models via PQL URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/glmmPQL.html Entry: hills Aliases: hills Keywords: datasets Description: Record Times in Scottish Hill Races URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/hills.html Entry: hist.scott Aliases: hist.scott hist.FD Keywords: hplot dplot Description: Plot a Histogram with Automatic Bin Width Selection URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/hist.scott.html Entry: housing Aliases: housing Keywords: datasets Description: Frequency Table from a Copenhagen Housing Conditions Survey URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/housing.html Entry: huber Aliases: huber Keywords: robust Description: Huber M-estimator of Location with MAD Scale URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/huber.html Entry: hubers Aliases: hubers Keywords: robust Description: Huber Proposal 2 Robust Estimator of Location and/or Scale URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/hubers.html Entry: immer Aliases: immer Keywords: datasets Description: Yields from a Barley Field Trial URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/immer.html Entry: isoMDS Aliases: isoMDS Shepard Keywords: multivariate Description: Kruskal's Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/isoMDS.html Entry: kde2d Aliases: kde2d Keywords: dplot Description: Two-Dimensional Kernel Density Estimation URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/kde2d.html Entry: lda Aliases: lda lda.default lda.data.frame lda.formula lda.matrix model.frame.lda print.lda coef.lda Keywords: multivariate Description: Linear Discriminant Analysis URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/lda.html Entry: ldahist Aliases: ldahist Keywords: dplot hplot Description: Histograms or Density Plots of Multiple Groups URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/ldahist.html Entry: leuk Aliases: leuk Keywords: datasets Description: Survival Times and White Blood Counts for Leukaemia Patients URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/leuk.html Entry: lm.gls Aliases: lm.gls Keywords: models Description: Fit Linear Models by Generalized Least Squares URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/lm.gls.html Entry: lm.ridge Aliases: lm.ridge plot.ridgelm print.ridgelm select select.ridgelm Keywords: models Description: Ridge Regression URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/lm.ridge.html Entry: loglm Aliases: loglm Keywords: category models Description: Fit Log-Linear Models by Iterative Proportional Scaling URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/loglm.html Entry: loglm1 Aliases: loglm1 loglm1.xtabs loglm1.data.frame loglm1.default Keywords: internal Description: Fit Log-Linear Models by Iterative Proportional Scaling -- Internal function URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/loglm1.html Entry: logtrans Aliases: logtrans logtrans.formula logtrans.lm logtrans.default Keywords: regression models hplot Description: Estimate log Transformation Parameter URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/logtrans.html Entry: lqs Aliases: lqs lqs.formula lqs.default lmsreg ltsreg Keywords: models robust Description: Resistant Regression URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/lqs.html Entry: mammals Aliases: mammals Keywords: datasets Description: Brain and Body Weights for 62 Species of Land Mammals URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/mammals.html Entry: mca Aliases: mca print.mca Keywords: category multivariate Description: Multiple Correspondence Analysis URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/mca.html Entry: mcycle Aliases: mcycle Keywords: datasets Description: Data from a Simulated Motorcycle Accident URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/mcycle.html Entry: menarche Aliases: menarche Keywords: datasets Description: Age of Menarche in Warsaw URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/menarche.html Entry: michelson Aliases: michelson Keywords: datasets Description: Michelson's Speed of Light Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/michelson.html Entry: minn38 Aliases: minn38 Keywords: datasets Description: Minnesota High School Graduates of 1938 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/minn38.html Entry: motors Aliases: motors Keywords: datasets Description: Accelerated Life Testing of Motorettes URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/motors.html Entry: muscle Aliases: muscle Keywords: datasets Description: Effect of Calcium Chloride on Muscle Contraction in Rat Hearts URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/muscle.html Entry: mvrnorm Aliases: mvrnorm Keywords: distribution multivariate Description: Simulate from a Multivariate Normal Distribution URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/mvrnorm.html Entry: negative.binomial Aliases: negative.binomial Keywords: regression models Description: Family function for Negative Binomial GLMs URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/negative.binomial.html Entry: newcomb Aliases: newcomb Keywords: datasets Description: Newcomb's Measurements of the Passage Time of Light URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/newcomb.html Entry: nlschools Aliases: nlschools Keywords: datasets Description: Eighth-Grade Pupils in the Netherlands URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/nlschools.html Entry: npk Aliases: npk Keywords: datasets Description: Classical N, P, K Factorial Experiment URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/npk.html Entry: npr1 Aliases: npr1 Keywords: datasets Description: US Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 1 data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/npr1.html Entry: oats Aliases: oats Keywords: datasets Description: Data from an Oats Field Trial URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/oats.html Entry: painters Aliases: painters Keywords: datasets Description: The Painter's Data of de Piles URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/painters.html Entry: pairs.lda Aliases: pairs.lda Keywords: hplot multivariate Description: Produce Pairwise Scatterplots from an 'lda' Fit URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/pairs.lda.html Entry: parcoord Aliases: parcoord Keywords: hplot Description: Parallel Coordinates Plot URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/parcoord.html Entry: petrol Aliases: petrol Keywords: datasets Description: N. L. Prater's Petrol Refinery Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/petrol.html Entry: Belgian-phones Aliases: phones Keywords: datasets Description: Belgium Phone Calls 1950-1973 URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/phones.html Entry: plot.lda Aliases: plot.lda Keywords: hplot multivariate Description: Plot Method for Class 'lda' URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/plot.lda.html Entry: plot.mca Aliases: plot.mca Keywords: hplot multivariate Description: Plot Method for Objects of Class 'mca' URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/plot.mca.html Entry: plot.profile Aliases: plot.profile pairs.profile Keywords: models hplot Description: Plottig Functions for 'profile' Objects URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/plot.profile.html Entry: polr Aliases: polr Keywords: models Description: Ordered Logistic or Probit Regression URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/polr.html Entry: predict.glmmPQL Aliases: predict.glmmPQL Keywords: models Description: Predict Method for glmmPQL Fits URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/predict.glmmPQL.html Entry: predict.lda Aliases: predict.lda Keywords: multivariate Description: Classify Multivariate Observations by Linear Discrimination URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/predict.lda.html Entry: predict.lqs Aliases: predict.lqs Keywords: models Description: Predict from an lqs Fit URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/predict.lqs.html Entry: predict.mca Aliases: predict.mca Keywords: category multivariate Description: Predict Method for Class 'mca' URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/predict.mca.html Entry: predict.qda Aliases: predict.qda Keywords: multivariate Description: Classify from Quadratic Discriminant Analysis URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/predict.qda.html Entry: profile.glm Aliases: profile.glm Keywords: regression models Description: Method for Profiling glm Objects URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/profile.glm.html Entry: qda Aliases: qda qda.data.frame qda.default qda.formula qda.matrix model.frame.qda print.qda Keywords: multivariate Description: Quadratic Discriminant Analysis URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/qda.html Entry: quine Aliases: quine Keywords: datasets Description: Absenteeism from School in Rural New South Wales URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/quine.html Entry: rational Aliases: rational .rat Keywords: math Description: Rational Approximation URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/rational.html Entry: renumerate Aliases: renumerate renumerate.formula Keywords: models Description: Convert a Formula Transformed by 'denumerate' URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/renumerate.html Entry: rlm Aliases: rlm rlm.default rlm.formula print.rlm predict.rlm psi.bisquare psi.hampel psi.huber Keywords: models robust Description: Robust Fitting of Linear Models URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/rlm.html Entry: rms.curv Aliases: rms.curv print.rms.curv Keywords: nonlinear Description: Relative Curvature Measures for Non-Linear Regression URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/rms.curv.html Entry: rnegbin Aliases: rnegbin Keywords: distribution Description: Simulate Negative Binomial Variates URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/rnegbin.html Entry: road Aliases: road Keywords: datasets Description: Road Accident Deaths in US States URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/road.html Entry: rotifer Aliases: rotifer Keywords: datasets Description: Numbers of Rotifers by Fluid Density URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/rotifer.html Entry: sammon Aliases: sammon Keywords: multivariate Description: Sammon's Non-Linear Mapping URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/sammon.html Entry: ships Aliases: ships Keywords: datasets Description: Ships Damage Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/ships.html Entry: shoes Aliases: shoes Keywords: datasets Description: Shoe wear data of Box, Hunter and Hunter URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/shoes.html Entry: shrimp Aliases: shrimp Keywords: datasets Description: Percentage of Shrimp in Shrimp Cocktail URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/shrimp.html Entry: shuttle Aliases: shuttle Keywords: datasets Description: Space Shuttle Autolander Problem URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/shuttle.html Entry: snails Aliases: snails Keywords: datasets Description: Snail Mortality Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/snails.html Entry: stdres Aliases: stdres lmwork Keywords: models Description: Extract Standardized Residuals from a Linear Model URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/stdres.html Entry: steam Aliases: steam Keywords: datasets Description: The Saturated Steam Pressure Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/steam.html Entry: stepAIC Aliases: stepAIC extractAIC.gls terms.gls extractAIC.lme terms.lme Keywords: models Description: Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/stepAIC.html Entry: stormer Aliases: stormer Keywords: datasets Description: The Stormer Viscometer Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/stormer.html Entry: studres Aliases: studres Keywords: models Description: Extract Studentized Residuals from a Linear Model URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/studres.html Entry: summary.loglm Aliases: summary.loglm print.summary.loglm Keywords: models Description: Summary Method Function for Objects of Class 'loglm' URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/summary.loglm.html Entry: summary.negbin Aliases: summary.negbin print.summary.negbin Keywords: models Description: Summary Method Function for Objects of Class 'negbin' URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/summary.negbin.html Entry: summary.rlm Aliases: summary.rlm print.summary.rlm Keywords: robust Description: Summary Method for Robust Linear Models URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/summary.rlm.html Entry: survey Aliases: survey Keywords: datasets Description: Student Survey Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/survey.html Entry: synth.tr Aliases: synth.tr synth.te Keywords: datasets Description: Synthetic Classification Problem URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/synth.tr.html Entry: theta.md Aliases: theta.md theta.ml theta.mm Keywords: models Description: Estimate theta of the Negative Binomial URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/theta.md.html Entry: topo Aliases: topo Keywords: datasets Description: Spatial Topographic Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/topo.html Entry: truehist Aliases: truehist Keywords: hplot dplot Description: Plot a Histogram URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/truehist.html Entry: ucv Aliases: ucv Keywords: dplot Description: Unbiased Cross-Validation for Bandwidth Selection URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/ucv.html Entry: waders Aliases: waders Keywords: datasets Description: Counts of Waders at 15 Sites in South Africa URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/waders.html Entry: whiteside Aliases: whiteside Keywords: datasets Description: House Insulation: Whiteside's Data URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/whiteside.html Entry: width.SJ Aliases: width.SJ Keywords: dplot Description: Bandwidth Selection by Pilot Estimation of Derivatives URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/width.SJ.html Entry: write.matrix Aliases: write.matrix Keywords: file print Description: Write a Matrix or Data Frame URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/write.matrix.html Entry: wtloss Aliases: wtloss Keywords: datasets Description: Weight Loss Data from an Obese Patient URL: ../../../library/MASS/html/wtloss.html