### Name: theta.md ### Title: Estimate theta of the Negative Binomial ### Aliases: theta.md theta.ml theta.mm ### Keywords: models ### ** Examples quine.nb <- glm.nb(Days ~ .^2, data = quine) theta.md(quine$Days, fitted(quine.nb), dfr = df.residual(quine.nb)) theta.ml(quine$Days, fitted(quine.nb)) theta.mm(quine$Days, fitted(quine.nb), dfr = df.residual(quine.nb)) ## weighted example yeast <- data.frame(cbind(numbers = 0:5, fr = c(213, 128, 37, 18, 3, 1))) fit <- glm.nb(numbers ~ 1, weights = fr, data = yeast) summary(fit) attach(yeast) mu <- fitted(fit) theta.md(numbers, mu, dfr = 399, weights = fr) theta.ml(numbers, mu, weights = fr) theta.mm(numbers, mu, dfr = 399, weights = fr) detach()