### Name: image-methods ### Title: Methods for image() in Package 'Matrix' ### Aliases: image-methods image,ANY-method image,CHMfactor-method ### image,Matrix-method image,dgRMatrix-method image,dgCMatrix-method ### image,dgTMatrix-method image,dsparseMatrix-method ### image,lsparseMatrix-method image,nsparseMatrix-method ### Keywords: methods hplot ### ** Examples showMethods(image) ## If you want to see all the methods' implementations: showMethods(image, incl=TRUE, inherit=FALSE) data(CAex) image(CAex, main = "image(CAex)") image(CAex, useAbs=TRUE, main = "image(CAex, useAbs=TRUE)") cCA <- Cholesky(crossprod(CAex), Imult = .01) image(cCA, main="Cholesky(crossprod(CAex), Imult = .01)") image(cCA, useAbs=TRUE) data(USCounties) image(USCounties)# huge image(sign(USCounties))## just the pattern # how the result looks, may depend heavily on # the device, screen resolution, antialiasing etc # e.g. x11(type="Xlib") may show very differently than cairo-based ## Drawing borders around each rectangle; # again, viewing depends very much on the device: image(USCounties[1:400,1:200], lwd=.1) image(USCounties[1:200,1:200], lwd=.5) image(USCounties[1:200,1:200], lwd=.01)