### Name: nnzero ### Title: The Number of Non-Zero Values of a Matrix ### Aliases: nnzero ### Keywords: attribute ### ** Examples m <- Matrix(0+1:28, nrow = 4) m[-3,c(2,4:5,7)] <- m[ 3, 1:4] <- m[1:3, 6] <- 0 (mT <- as(m, "dgTMatrix")) nnzero(mT) (S <- crossprod(mT)) nnzero(S) str(S) # slots are smaller than nnzero() stopifnot(nnzero(S) == sum(as.matrix(S) != 0))# failed earlier data(KNex) M <- KNex$mm class(M) dim(M) length(M); stopifnot(length(M) == prod(dim(M))) nnzero(M) # more relevant than length ## the above are also visible from str(M)