dgCMatrix-class package:Matrix R Documentation _C_o_m_p_r_e_s_s_e_d, _s_p_a_r_s_e, _c_o_l_u_m_n-_o_r_i_e_n_t_e_d _n_u_m_e_r_i_c _m_a_t_r_i_c_e_s _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: The 'dgCMatrix' class is a class of sparse numeric matrices in the compressed, sparse, column-oriented format. In this implementation the non-zero elements in the columns are sorted into increasing row order. 'dgCMatrix' is the _"standard"_ class for sparse numeric matrices in the 'Matrix' package. _O_b_j_e_c_t_s _f_r_o_m _t_h_e _C_l_a_s_s: Objects can be created by calls of the form 'new("dgCMatrix", ...)' or often more easily via 'Matrix(*, sparse = TRUE)'. _S_l_o_t_s: '_x': Object of class '"numeric"' - the non-zero elements of the matrix. ... all other slots are inherited from the superclass '"CsparseMatrix"'. _M_e_t_h_o_d_s: _c_o_e_r_c_e 'signature(from = "matrix", to = "dgCMatrix")' _c_o_e_r_c_e 'signature(from = "dgCMatrix", to = "matrix")' _c_o_e_r_c_e 'signature(from = "dgCMatrix", to = "dgTMatrix")' _c_r_o_s_s_p_r_o_d 'signature(x = "dgCMatrix", y = "missing")' returns 't(x) %*% x' as an 'dsCMatrix' object. _c_r_o_s_s_p_r_o_d 'signature(x = "dgCMatrix", y = "matrix")': ... _c_r_o_s_s_p_r_o_d 'signature(x = "dgCMatrix", y = "numeric")': ... _d_i_a_g 'signature(x = "dgCMatrix")': returns the diagonal of 'x' _d_i_m 'signature(x = "dgCMatrix")': returns the dimensions of 'x' _i_m_a_g_e 'signature(x = "dgCMatrix")': plots an image of 'x' using the 'levelplot' function _l_u 'signature(x = "dgCMatrix")': computes the LU decomposition of a square 'dgCMatrix' object _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: Classes 'dsCMatrix', 'dtCMatrix', 'lu' _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: (m <- Matrix(c(0,0,2:0), 3,5)) str(m) m[,1]