image-methods package:Matrix R Documentation _M_e_t_h_o_d_s _f_o_r _i_m_a_g_e() _i_n _P_a_c_k_a_g_e '_M_a_t_r_i_x' _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Methods for function 'image' in package 'Matrix'. An image of a matrix simply color codes all matrix entries and draws the n x m matrix using an n x m grid of (colored) rectangles. _U_s_a_g_e: ## S4 method for signature 'dgTMatrix': image(x, xlim = .5 + c(0, di[2]), ylim = .5 + c(di[1], 0), aspect = "iso", sub = sprintf("Dimensions: %d x %d", di[1], di[2]), xlab = "Column", ylab = "Row", useAbs = NULL, colorkey = !useAbs, col.regions = NULL, lwd = NULL, ...) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: x: a Matrix object, i.e., fulfilling 'is(x, "Matrix")'. xlim, ylim: x- and y-axis limits; may be used to "zoom into" matrix. aspect: aspect ratio specified as number (y/x) or string; see 'levelplot'. sub, xlab, ylab: axis annotation with sensible defaults; see 'plot.default'. useAbs: logical indicating if 'abs(x)' should be shown; if 'TRUE', the former (implicit) default, the default 'col.regions' will be 'grey' colors (and no 'colorkey' drawn). The default is 'FALSE' unless the matrix has no negative entries. colorkey: logical indicating if a color key aka 'legend' should be produced. Default is to draw one, unless 'useAbs' is true. col.regions: vector of gradually varying colors; see 'levelplot'. lwd: non-negative number or 'NULL' (default), specifying the line-width of the rectangles of each non-zero matrix entry (drawn by 'grid.rect'). The default depends on the matrix dimension and the device size. ...: further arguments passed to methods and 'levelplot'. _M_e_t_h_o_d_s: All methods currently end up calling the method for the 'dgTMatrix' class. Use 'showMethods(image)' to list them all. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: showMethods(image) ## If you want to see all the methods' implementations: showMethods(image, incl=TRUE, inherit=FALSE) data(CAex) image(CAex, main = "image(CAex)") image(CAex, useAbs=TRUE, main = "image(CAex, useAbs=TRUE)") cCA <- Cholesky(crossprod(CAex), Imult = .01) image(cCA, main="Cholesky(crossprod(CAex), Imult = .01)") image(cCA, useAbs=TRUE) data(USCounties) image(USCounties)# huge image(sign(USCounties))## just the pattern # how the result looks, may depend heavily on # the device, screen resolution, antialiasing etc # e.g. x11(type="Xlib") may show very differently than cairo-based ## Drawing borders around each rectangle; # again, viewing depends very much on the device: image(USCounties[1:400,1:200], lwd=.1) image(USCounties[1:200,1:200], lwd=.5) image(USCounties[1:200,1:200], lwd=.01)