ltrMatrix-class package:Matrix R Documentation _T_r_i_a_n_g_u_l_a_r _D_e_n_s_e _L_o_g_i_c_a_l _M_a_t_r_i_c_e_s _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: The '"ltrMatrix"' class is the class of triangular, dense, logical matrices in nonpacked storage. The '"ltpMatrix"' class is the same except in packed storage. _S_l_o_t_s: '_x': Object of class '"logical"'. The logical values that constitute the matrix, stored in column-major order. '_u_p_l_o': Object of class '"character"'. Must be either "U", for upper triangular, and "L", for lower triangular. '_d_i_a_g': Object of class '"character"'. Must be either '"U"', for unit triangular (diagonal is all ones), or '"N"'; see 'triangularMatrix'. '_D_i_m','_D_i_m_n_a_m_e_s': The dimension (a length-2 '"integer"') and corresponding names (or 'NULL'), see the 'Matrix' class. '_f_a_c_t_o_r_s': Object of class '"list"'. A named list of factorizations that have been computed for the matrix. _E_x_t_e_n_d_s: '"ltrMatrix"' extends class '"lgeMatrix"', directly, whereas '"ltpMatrix"' extends class '"ldenseMatrix"', directly. Both extend Class '"triangularMatrix"', directly, and class '"denseMatrix"', '"lMatrix"' and others, _in_directly, use 'showClass("lsyMatrix")', e.g., for details. _M_e_t_h_o_d_s: Currently, mainly 't()' and coercion methods (for 'as(.)'; use, e.g., 'showMethods(class="lsyMatrix")' for details. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: Classes 'lgeMatrix', 'Matrix'; function 't' _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: showClass("ltrMatrix") str(new("ltpMatrix")) (lutr <- as(upper.tri(matrix(,4,4)), "ltrMatrix")) str(lutp <- as(lutr, "ltpMatrix"))# packed matrix: only 10 = (4+1)*4/2 entries !lutp ## the logical negation (is *not* logical triangular !) ## but this one is: stopifnot(all.equal(lutp, as(!!lutp, "ltpMatrix")))