printSpMatrix {Matrix}R Documentation

Print Sparse Matrices Flexibly


Print sparse matrices flexibly. These are the “workhorses” used by the show and print methods for sparse matrices. If x is large, printSpMatrix2(x) calls printSpMatrix() twice, namely, for the first and the last few rows, suppressing those in between, and also suppresses columns when x is too wide.


printSpMatrix(x, digits = getOption("digits"), maxp = getOption("max.print"),
              zero.print = ".", col.names, note.dropping.colnames = TRUE,
              col.trailer = "",
              align = c("fancy", "right"))

printSpMatrix2(x, digits = getOption("digits"), maxp = getOption("max.print"),
              zero.print = ".", col.names, note.dropping.colnames = TRUE,
              suppRows = NULL, suppCols = NULL,
              col.trailer = if(suppCols) "......" else "",
              align = c("fancy", "right"))


x an R object inheriting from class sparseMatrix.
digits significant digits to use for printing, see print.default.
maxp integer, default from options(max.print), influences how many entries of large matrices are printed at all.
zero.print character which should be printed for structural zeroes. The default "." may occasionally be replaced by " " (blank); using "0" would look almost like print()ing of non-sparse matrices.
col.names logical or string specifying if and how column names of x should be printed, possibly abbreviated. The default is taken from options("sparse.colnames") if that is set, otherwise FALSE unless there are less than ten columns. When TRUE the full column names are printed.
When col.names is a string beginning with "abb" or "sub" and ending with an integer n (i.e., of the form "abb... <n>"), the column names are abbreviate()d or substring()ed to (target) length n, see the examples.
note.dropping.colnames logical specifying, when col.names is FALSE if the dropping of the column names should be noted, TRUE by default.
col.trailer a string to be appended to the right of each column; this is typically made use of by show(<sparseMatrix>) only, when suppressing columns.
suppRows, suppCols logicals or NULL, for printSpMatrix2() specifying if rows or columns should be suppressed in printing. If NULL, sensible defaults are determined from dim(x) and options(c("width", "max.print")). Setting both to FALSE may be a very bad idea.
align a string specifying how the zero.print codes should be aligned, i.e., padded as strings. The default, "fancy", takes some effort to align the typical zero.print = "." with the decimal points of the numbers printed, whereas align = "right" just makes use of print(*, right = TRUE).


returns x invisibly, see invisible.


Martin Maechler

See Also

the virtual class sparseMatrix and the classes extending it; maybe spMatrix as a simple constructor of such matrices.


f1 <- gl(5, 3, labels = LETTERS[1:5])
X <- as(f1, "sparseMatrix")
X ## <==>  show(X)  <==>  print(X)
t(X) ## shows column names, since only 5 columns

X2 <- as(gl(12, 3, labels = paste(LETTERS[1:12],"c",sep=".")),
## less nice, but possible:
print(X2, col.names = TRUE) # use [,1] [,2] .. => does not fit

t(X2) # suppressing column names
print(t(X2), col.names=TRUE)
print(t(X2), zero.print = "", col.names="abbr. 1")
print(t(X2), zero.print = "-", col.names="substring 2")

[Package Matrix version 0.999375-29 Index]