### Name: attach ### Title: Attach Set of R Objects to Search Path ### Aliases: attach ### Keywords: data ### ** Examples require(utils) summary(women$height) # refers to variable 'height' in the data frame attach(women) summary(height) # The same variable now available by name height <- height*2.54 # Don't do this. It creates a new variable # in the user's workspace find("height") summary(height) # The new variable in the workspace rm(height) summary(height) # The original variable. height <<- height*25.4 # Change the copy in the attached environment find("height") summary(height) # The changed copy detach("women") summary(women$height) # unchanged ## Not run: ##D ## create an environment on the search path and populate it ##D sys.source("myfuns.R", envir=attach(NULL, name="myfuns")) ## End(Not run)