### Name: format.info ### Title: format(.) Information ### Aliases: format.info ### Keywords: character print programming ### ** Examples dd <- options("digits") ; options(digits = 7) #-- for the following format.info(123) # 3 0 0 format.info(pi) # 8 6 0 format.info(1e8) # 5 0 1 - exponential "1e+08" format.info(1e222) # 6 0 2 - exponential "1e+222" x <- pi*10^c(-10,-2,0:2,8,20) names(x) <- formatC(x, width=1, digits=3, format="g") cbind(sapply(x,format)) t(sapply(x, format.info)) ## using at least 8 digits right of "." t(sapply(x, format.info, nsmall = 8)) # Reset old options: options(dd)