### Name: options ### Title: Options Settings ### Aliases: options .Options getOption ### Keywords: environment error print ### ** Examples op <- options(); utils::str(op) # op() may contain functions. getOption("width") == options()$width # the latter needs more memory options(digits = 15) pi # set the editor, and save previous value old.o <- options(editor = "nedit") old.o options(check.bounds = TRUE, warn = 1) x <- NULL; x[4] <- "yes" # gives a warning options(digits=5) print(1e5) options(scipen=3); print(1e5) options(op) # reset (all) initial options options("digits") ## Not run: ##D ## set contrast handling to be like S ##D options(contrasts = c("contr.helmert", "contr.poly")) ## End(Not run) ## Not run: ##D ## on error, terminate the R session with error status 66 ##D options(error = quote(q("no", status=66, runLast=FALSE))) ##D stop("test it") ## End(Not run) ## Not run: ##D ## Set error actions for debugging: ##D ## enter browser on error, see ?recover: ##D options(error = recover) ##D ## allows to call debugger() afterwards, see ?debugger: ##D options(error = dump.frames) ##D ## A possible setting for non-interactive sessions ##D options(error = quote({dump.frames(to.file=TRUE); q()})) ## End(Not run)