Constants package:base R Documentation _B_u_i_l_t-_i_n _C_o_n_s_t_a_n_t_s _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Constants built into R. _U_s_a_g_e: LETTERS letters pi _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: R has a small number of built-in constants (there is also a rather larger library of data sets which can be loaded with the function 'data'). The following constants are available: * 'LETTERS': the 26 upper-case letters of the Roman alphabet; * 'letters': the 26 lower-case letters of the Roman alphabet; * '': the three-letter abbreviations for the English month names; * '': the English names for the months of the year; * 'pi': the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. These are implemented as variables in the base name space taking appropriate values. _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s: Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) _The New S Language_. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'data', 'DateTimeClasses'. 'Quotes' for the parsing of character constants, 'NumericConstants' for numeric constants. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: ## John Machin (ca 1706) computed pi to over 100 decimal places ## using the Taylor series expansion of the second term of pi - 4*(4*atan(1/5) - atan(1/239)) ## months in English ## months in your current locale format(ISOdate(2000, 1:12, 1), "%B") format(ISOdate(2000, 1:12, 1), "%b")