R.Version package:base R Documentation _V_e_r_s_i_o_n _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: 'R.Version()' provides detailed information about the version of R running. 'R.version' is a variable (a 'list') holding this information (and 'version' is a copy of it for S compatibility). _U_s_a_g_e: R.Version() R.version R.version.string version _V_a_l_u_e: 'R.Version' returns a list with character-string components platform: the platform for which R was built. A triplet of the form CPU-VENDOR-OS, as determined by the configure script. E.g, '"i586-unknown-linux"' or '"i386-pc-mingw32"'. arch: the architecture (CPU) R was built on/for. os: the underlying operating system system: CPU and OS, separated by a comma. status: the status of the version (e.g., '"Alpha"') major: the major version number minor: the minor version number, including the patchlevel year: the year the version was released month: the month the version was released day: the day the version was released svn rev: the Subversion revision number, which should be either '"unknown"' or a single number. (A range of numbers or a number with 'M' or 'S' appended indicates inconsistencies in the sources used to build this version of R.) language: always '"R"'. version.string: a 'character' string concatenating some of the info above, useful for plotting, etc. 'R.version' and 'version' are lists of class '"simple.list"' which has a 'print' method. _N_o_t_e: Do _not_ use 'R.version$os' to test the platform the code is running on: use '.Platform$OS.type' instead. Slightly different versions of the OS may report different values of 'R.version$os', as may different versions of R. 'R.version.string' is a copy of 'R.version$version.string' for simplicity and backwards compatibility. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'sessionInfo' which provides additional information; 'getRversion' typically used inside R code, '.Platform'. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: require(graphics) R.version$os # to check how lucky you are ... plot(0) # any plot mtext(R.version.string, side=1,line=4,adj=1)# a useful bottom-right note