browser package:base R Documentation _E_n_v_i_r_o_n_m_e_n_t _B_r_o_w_s_e_r _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Interrupt the execution of an expression and allow the inspection of the environment where 'browser' was called from. _U_s_a_g_e: browser() _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: A call to 'browser' can be included in the body of a function. When reached, this causes a pause in the execution of the current expression and allows access to the R interpreter. At the browser prompt the user can enter commands or R expressions. The commands are '_c' (or just return) exit the browser and continue execution at the next statement. '_c_o_n_t' synonym for 'c'. '_n' enter the step-through debugger. This changes the meaning of 'c': see the documentation for 'debug'. '_w_h_e_r_e' print a stack trace of all active function calls. '_Q' exit the browser and the current evaluation and return to the top-level prompt. (Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored, except for return). Anything else entered at the browser prompt is interpreted as an R expression to be evaluated in the calling environment: in particular typing an object name will cause the object to be printed, and 'ls()' lists the objects in the calling frame. (If you want to look at an object with a name such as 'n', print it explicitly.) The number of lines printed for the deparsed call can be limited by setting 'options(deparse.max.lines)'. _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s: Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) _The New S Language_. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole. Chambers, J. M. (1998) _Programming with Data. A Guide to the S Language_. Springer. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'debug', and 'traceback' for the stack on error.