package:base R Documentation _E_x_t_r_a_c_t _F_i_l_e _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Utility function to extract information about files on the user's file systems. _U_s_a_g_e: _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: ...: character vectors containing file paths. _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: The file paths are tilde-expanded: see 'path.expand'. What is meant by 'file access' and hence the last access time is system-dependent. The file 'mode' follows POSIX conventions, giving three octal digits summarizing the permissions for the file owner, the owner's group and for anyone respectively. Each digit is the logical _or_ of read (4), write (2) and execute/search (1) permissions. On most systems symbolic links are followed, so information is given about the file to which the link points rather than about the link. _V_a_l_u_e: A data frame with row names the file names and columns size: double: File size in bytes. isdir: logical: Is the file a directory? mode: integer of class '"octmode"'. The file permissions, printed in octal, for example '644'. mtime, ctime, atime: integer of class '"POSIXct"': file modification, 'last status change' and last access times. uid: integer: the user ID of the file's owner. gid: integer: the group ID of the file's group. uname: character: 'uid' interpreted as a user name. grname: character: 'gid' interpreted as a group name. Unknown user and group names will be 'NA'. Entries for non-existent or non-readable files will be 'NA'. The 'uid', 'gid', 'uname' and 'grname' columns may not be supplied on a non-POSIX Unix system. What is meant by the three file times depends on the OS and file system. On Windows 'ctime' is the creation time. _N_o_t_e: Some (broken) systems allow files of more than 2Gb to be created but not accessed by the 'stat' system call. Such files will show up as non-readable (and very likely not be readable by any of R's input functions). _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'files', 'file.access', 'list.files', and 'DateTimeClasses' for the date formats. 'Sys.chmod' to change permissions. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: ncol(finf <- at least six ## Not run: finf # the whole list ## Those that are more than 100 days old : finf[difftime(Sys.time(), finf[,"mtime"], units="days") > 100 , 1:4]"no-such-file-exists")