files2 {base}R Documentation

Manipulaton of Directories and file Permissions


These functions provide a low-level interface to the computer's file system.


dir.create(path, showWarnings = TRUE, recursive = FALSE, mode = "0777")
Sys.chmod(paths, mode = "0777")
Sys.umask(mode = "0000")


path a character vector containing a single path name.
paths character vectors containing file or directory paths.
showWarnings logical; should the warnings on failure be shown?
recursive logical. Should elements of the path other than the last be created? If true, like Unix's mkdir -p.
mode the file mode to be used on Unix-alikes: it will be coerced by as.octmode.


dir.create creates the last element of the path, unless recursive = TRUE. Trailing path separators are removed. The mode will be modified by the umask setting in the same way as for the system function mkdir. What modes can be set is OS-dependent, and it is unsafe to assume that more than three octal digits will be used. For more details see your OS's documentation on the system call mkdir (and not that on the command-line utility of that name).

Sys.chmod sets the file permissions of one or more files. It may not be supported (when a warning is issued). See the comments for dir.create for how modes are interpreted. Changing mode on a symbolic link is unlikely to work (nor be necessary). For more details see your OS's documentation on the system call chmod (and not that on the command-line utility of that name).

Sys.umask sets the umask. It may not be supported (when a warning is issued and "0000" returned). For more details see your OS's documentation on the system call umask.


dir.create and Sys.chmod return invisibly a logical vector indicating if the operation succeeded for each of the files attempted. Using a missing value for a path name will always be regarded as a failure. dir.create indicates failure if the directory already exists. If showWarnings = TRUE, dir.create will give a warning for an unexpected failure (e.g. not for a missing value nor for an already existing component for recursive = TRUE).
Sys.umask returns the previous value of the umask, invisibly, as a length-one object of class "octmode".


Ross Ihaka, Brian Ripley

See Also, file.exists, file.path, list.files, unlink, basename, path.expand.

[Package base version 2.9.1 Index]