lazyLoad {base}R Documentation

Lazy Load a Database of R Objects


Lazy load a database of R objects.


lazyLoad(filebase, envir = parent.frame(), filter)


filebase The file path to the database, with no extension.
envir The environment into which objects are loaded.
filter An optional function which when called on a a character vector of object names returns a logical vector: only objects for which this is true will be loaded.


This is the workhorse function called by the package loader to load the code for a package from a database. The database consists of two binary files, ‘filebase.rdb’ (the objects) and ‘filebase.rdx’ (an index).

The objects are not themselves loaded into envir: rather promises are created that will load the object from the database on first access. (See delayedAssign.)


Luke Tierney

See Also


[Package base version 2.9.1 Index]