readRDS {base}R Documentation

Internal Serialization Interface


Internal functions for serialization. See serialize for public (but experimental) versions.


.saveRDS(object, file = "", ascii = FALSE, version = NULL,
         compress = TRUE, refhook = NULL)

.readRDS(file, refhook = NULL)


object R object to serialize.
file a connection or the name of the file where the R object is saved to or read from.
ascii a logical. If TRUE, an ASCII representation is written; otherwise (default except for text-mode connections), a more compact binary one is used.
version the workspace format version to use. NULL specifies the current default format. The version used from R 0.99.0 to R 1.3.1 was version 1. The default format as from R 1.4.0 is version 2.
compress a logical specifying whether saving to a named file is to use compression. Ignored when file is a connection and for workspace format version 1.
refhook a hook function for handling reference objects.


For .readRDS, an R object.
For .saveRDS, NULL invisibly.

[Package base version 2.9.1 Index]