### Name: control ### Title: Control Variate Calculations ### Aliases: control ### Keywords: nonparametric ### ** Examples # Use of control variates for the variance of the air-conditioning data mean.fun <- function(d, i) { m <- mean(d$hours[i]) n <- nrow(d) v <- (n-1)*var(d$hours[i])/n^2 c(m, v) } air.boot <- boot(aircondit, mean.fun, R = 999) control(air.boot, index = 2, bias.adj = TRUE) air.cont <- control(air.boot, index = 2) # Now let us try the variance on the log scale. air.cont1 <- control(air.boot, t0=log(air.boot$t0[2]), t=log(air.boot$t[,2]))