### Name: envelope ### Title: Confidence Envelopes for Curves ### Aliases: envelope ### Keywords: dplot htest ### ** Examples # Testing whether the final series of measurements of the gravity data # may come from a normal distribution. This is done in Examples 4.7 # and 4.8 of Davison and Hinkley (1997). grav1 <- gravity$g[gravity$series==8] grav.z <- (grav1-mean(grav1))/sqrt(var(grav1)) grav.gen <- function(dat,mle) rnorm(length(dat)) grav.qqboot <- boot(grav.z,sort,R=999,sim="parametric",ran.gen=grav.gen) grav.qq <- qqnorm(grav.z,plot=FALSE) grav.qq <- lapply(grav.qq,sort) plot(grav.qq,ylim=c(-3.5,3.5),ylab="Studentized Order Statistics", xlab="Normal Quantiles") grav.env <- envelope(grav.qqboot,level=0.9) lines(grav.qq$x,grav.env$point[1,],lty=4) lines(grav.qq$x,grav.env$point[2,],lty=4) lines(grav.qq$x,grav.env$overall[1,],lty=1) lines(grav.qq$x,grav.env$overall[2,],lty=1)