smooth.f package:boot R Documentation _S_m_o_o_t_h _D_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n_s _o_n _D_a_t_a _P_o_i_n_t_s _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: This function uses the method of frequency smoothing to find a distribution on a data set which has a required value, 'theta', of the statistic of interest. The method results in distributions which vary smoothly with 'theta'. _U_s_a_g_e: smooth.f(theta, boot.out, index=1, t=boot.out$t[, index], width=0.5) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: theta: The required value for the statistic of interest. If 'theta' is a vector, a separate distribution will be found for each element of 'theta'. boot.out: A bootstrap output object returned by a call to 'boot'. index: The index of the variable of interest in the output of 'boot.out$statistic'. This argument is ignored if 't' is supplied. 'index' must be a scalar. t: The bootstrap values of the statistic of interest. This must be a vector of length 'boot.out$R' and the values must be in the same order as the bootstrap replicates in 'boot.out'. width: The standardized width for the kernel smoothing. The smoothing uses a value of 'width*s' for epsilon, where 's' is the bootstrap estimate of the standard error of the statistic of interest. 'width' should take a value in the range (0.2, 1) to produce a reasonable smoothed distribution. If 'width' is too large then the distribution becomes closer to uniform. _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: The new distributional weights are found by applying a normal kernel smoother to the observed values of 't' weighted by the observed frequencies in the bootstrap simulation. The resulting distribution may not have parameter value exactly equal to the required value 'theta' but it will typically have a value which is close to 'theta'. The details of how this method works can be found in Davison, Hinkley and Worton (1995) and Section 3.9.2 of Davison and Hinkley (1997). _V_a_l_u_e: If 'length(theta)' is 1 then a vector with the same length as the data set 'boot.out$data' is returned. The value in position 'i' is the probability to be given to the data point in position 'i' so that the distribution has parameter value approximately equal to 'theta'. If 'length(theta)' is bigger than 1 then the returned value is a matrix with 'length(theta)' rows each of which corresponds to a distribution with the parameter value approximately equal to the corresponding value of 'theta'. _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s: Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997) _Bootstrap Methods and Their Application_. Cambridge University Press. Davison, A.C., Hinkley, D.V. and Worton, B.J. (1995) Accurate and efficient construction of bootstrap likelihoods. _Statistics and Computing_, *5*, 257-264. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'boot', 'exp.tilt', 'tilt.boot' _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: # Example 9.8 of Davison and Hinkley (1997) requires tilting the resampling # distribution of the studentized statistic to be centred at the observed # value of the test statistic 1.84. In the book exponential tilting was used # but it is also possible to use smooth.f. grav1 <- gravity[as.numeric(gravity[,2])>=7,] <- function(dat, w, orig) { strata <- tapply(dat[, 2], as.numeric(dat[, 2])) d <- dat[, 1] ns <- tabulate(strata) w <- w/tapply(w, strata, sum)[strata] mns <- tapply(d * w, strata, sum) mn2 <- tapply(d * d * w, strata, sum) s2hat <- sum((mn2 - mns^2)/ns) c(mns[2]-mns[1], s2hat, (mns[2]-mns[1]-orig)/sqrt(s2hat)) } grav.z0 <-,rep(1,26),0) grav.boot <- boot(grav1,, R=499, stype="w", strata=grav1[,2], orig=grav.z0[1]) <- smooth.f(grav.z0[3], grav.boot, index=3) # Now we can run another bootstrap using these weights grav.boot2 <- boot(grav1,, R=499, stype="w", strata=grav1[,2], orig=grav.z0[1], # Estimated p-values can be found from these as follows mean(grav.boot$t[,3] >= grav.z0[3]) imp.prob(grav.boot2,t0=-grav.z0[3],t=-grav.boot2$t[,3]) # Note that for the importance sampling probability we must # multiply everything by -1 to ensure that we find the correct # probability. Raw resampling is not reliable for probabilities # greater than 0.5. Thus 1-imp.prob(grav.boot2,index=3,t0=grav.z0[3])$raw # can give very strange results (negative probabilities).