survival package:boot R Documentation _S_u_r_v_i_v_a_l _o_f _R_a_t_s _a_f_t_e_r _R_a_d_i_a_t_i_o_n _D_o_s_e_s _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: The 'survival' data frame has 14 rows and 2 columns. The data measured the survival percentages of batches of rats who were given varying doses of radiation. At each of 6 doses there were two or three replications of the experiment. _U_s_a_g_e: survival _F_o_r_m_a_t: This data frame contains the following columns: '_d_o_s_e' The dose of radiation administered (rads). '_s_u_r_v' The survival rate of the batches expressed as a percentage. _S_o_u_r_c_e: The data were obtained from Efron, B. (1988) Computer-intensive methods in statistical regression. _SIAM Review_, *30*, 421-449. _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s: Davison, A.C. and Hinkley, D.V. (1997) _Bootstrap Methods and Their Application_. Cambridge University Press.