### Name: diana ### Title: DIvisive ANAlysis Clustering ### Aliases: diana diana.object ### Keywords: cluster ### ** Examples data(votes.repub) dv <- diana(votes.repub, metric = "manhattan", stand = TRUE) print(dv) plot(dv) ## Cut into 2 groups: dv2 <- cutree(as.hclust(dv), k = 2) table(dv2) # 8 and 42 group members rownames(votes.repub)[dv2 == 1] ## For two groups, does the metric matter ? dv0 <- diana(votes.repub, stand = TRUE) # default: Euclidean dv.2 <- cutree(as.hclust(dv0), k = 2) table(dv2 == dv.2)## identical group assignments data(agriculture) ## Plot similar to Figure 8 in ref ## Not run: plot(diana(agriculture), ask = TRUE) ## Don't show: plot(diana(agriculture)) ## End Don't show