### Name: pam.object ### Title: Partitioning Around Medoids (PAM) Object ### Aliases: pam.object ### Keywords: cluster ### ** Examples ## Use the silhouette widths for assessing the best number of clusters, ## following a one-dimensional example from Christian Hennig : ## x <- c(rnorm(50), rnorm(50,mean=5), rnorm(30,mean=15)) asw <- numeric(20) ## Note that "k=1" won't work! for (k in 2:20) asw[k] <- pam(x, k) $ silinfo $ avg.width k.best <- which.max(asw) cat("silhouette-optimal number of clusters:", k.best, "\n") plot(1:20, asw, type= "h", main = "pam() clustering assessment", xlab= "k (# clusters)", ylab = "average silhouette width") axis(1, k.best, paste("best",k.best,sep="\n"), col = "red", col.axis = "red")