Hershey package:grDevices R Documentation _H_e_r_s_h_e_y _V_e_c_t_o_r _F_o_n_t_s _i_n _R _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: If the 'family' graphical parameter (see 'par') has been set to one of the Hershey fonts (see 'Details') Hershey vector fonts are used to render text. When using the 'text' and 'contour' functions Hershey fonts may be selected via the 'vfont' argument, which is a character vector of length 2 (see 'Details' for valid values). This allows Cyrillic to be selected, which is not available via the font families. _U_s_a_g_e: Hershey _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: The Hershey fonts have two advantages: 1. vector fonts describe each character in terms of a set of points; R renders the character by joining up the points with straight lines. This intimate knowledge of the outline of each character means that R can arbitrarily transform the characters, which can mean that the vector fonts look better for rotated text. 2. this implementation was adapted from the GNU libplot library which provides support for non-ASCII and non-English fonts. This means that it is possible, for example, to produce weird plotting symbols and Japanese characters. Drawback: You cannot use mathematical expressions ('plotmath') with Hershey fonts. The Hershey characters are organised into a set of fonts. A particular font is selected by specifying one of the following font families via 'par(family)' and specifying the desired font face (plain, bold, italic, bold-italic) via 'par(font)'. family faces available "HersheySerif" plain, bold, italic, bold-italic "HersheySans" plain, bold, italic, bold-italic "HersheyScript" plain, bold "HersheyGothicEnglish" plain "HersheyGothicGerman" plain "HersheyGothicItalian" plain "HersheySymbol" plain, bold, italic, bold-italic "HersheySansSymbol" plain, italic In the 'vfont' specification for the 'text' and 'contour' functions, the Hershey font is specified by a typeface (e.g., 'serif' or 'sans serif') and a fontindex or 'style' (e.g., 'plain' or 'italic'). The first element of 'vfont' specifies the typeface and the second element specifies the fontindex. The first table produced by 'demo(Hershey)' shows the character 'a' produced by each of the different fonts. The available 'typeface' and 'fontindex' values are available as list components of the variable 'Hershey'. The allowed pairs for '(typeface, fontindex)' are: serif plain serif italic serif bold serif bold italic serif cyrillic serif oblique cyrillic serif EUC sans serif plain sans serif italic sans serif bold sans serif bold italic script plain script italic script bold gothic english plain gothic german plain gothic italian plain serif symbol plain serif symbol italic serif symbol bold serif symbol bold italic sans serif symbol plain sans serif symbol italic and the indices of these are available as 'Hershey$allowed'. _E_s_c_a_p_e _s_e_q_u_e_n_c_e_s: The string to be drawn can include escape sequences, which all begin with a '\'. When R encounters a '\', rather than drawing the '\', it treats the subsequent character(s) as a coded description of what to draw. One useful escape sequence (in the current context) is of the form: '\123'. The three digits following the '\' specify an octal code for a character. For example, the octal code for 'p' is 160 so the strings '"p"' and '"\160"' are equivalent. This is useful for producing characters when there is not an appropriate key on your keyboard. The other useful escape sequences all begin with '\\'. These are described below. Remember that backslashes have to be doubled in R character strings, so they need to be entered with _four_ backslashes. _S_y_m_b_o_l_s: an entire string of Greek symbols can be produced by selecting the HersheySymbol or HersheySansSymbol family or the Serif Symbol or Sans Serif Symbol typeface. To allow Greek symbols to be embedded in a string which uses a non-symbol typeface, there are a set of symbol escape sequences of the form '\\ab'. For example, the escape sequence '\\*a' produces a Greek alpha. The second table in 'demo(Hershey)' shows all of the symbol escape sequences and the symbols that they produce. _I_S_O _L_a_t_i_n-_1: further escape sequences of the form '\\ab' are provided for producing ISO Latin-1 characters. Another option is to use the appropriate octal code. The (non-ASCII) ISO Latin-1 characters are in the range 241...{}377. For example, '\366' produces the character 'o' with an umlaut. The third table in 'demo(Hershey)' shows all of the ISO Latin-1 escape sequences. These characters can be used directly in a Latin-1 locale or on a system with MBCS support. (In the latter, characters not in Latin-1 are replaced by a dot.) Several characters are missing, c-cedilla has no cedilla and 'sharp s' ('U+00DF', also known as 'esszett') is rendered as 'ss'. _S_p_e_c_i_a_l _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s: a set of characters are provided which do not fall into any standard font. These can only be accessed by escape sequence. For example, '\\LI' produces the zodiac sign for Libra, and '\\JU' produces the astronomical sign for Jupiter. The fourth table in 'demo(Hershey)' shows all of the special character escape sequences. _C_y_r_i_l_l_i_c _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s: cyrillic characters are implemented according to the K018-R encoding, and can be used directly in such a locale using the Serif typeface and Cyrillic (or Oblique Cyrillic) fontindex. Alternatively they can be specified via an octal code in the range 300 to 337 for lower case characters or 340 to 377 for upper case characters. The fifth table in 'demo(Hershey)' shows the octal codes for the available Cyrillic characters. Cyrillic has to be selected via a '("serif", fontindex)' pair rather than via a font family. _J_a_p_a_n_e_s_e _C_h_a_r_a_c_t_e_r_s: 83 Hiragana, 86 Katakana, and 603 Kanji characters are implemented according to the EUC-JP (Extended Unix Code) encoding. Each character is identified by a unique hexadecimal code. The Hiragana characters are in the range 0x2421 to 0x2473, Katakana are in the range 0x2521 to 0x2576, and Kanji are (scattered about) in the range 0x3021 to 0x6d55. When using the Serif typeface and EUC fontindex, these characters can be produced by a _pair_ of octal codes. Given the hexadecimal code (e.g., 0x2421), take the first two digits and add 0x80 and do the same to the second two digits (e.g., 0x21 and 0x24 become 0xa4 and 0xa1), then convert both to octal (e.g., 0xa4 and 0xa1 become 244 and 241). For example, the first Hiragana character is produced by '\244\241'. It is also possible to use the hexadecimal code directly. This works for all non-EUC fonts by specifying an escape sequence of the form '\\#J1234'. For example, the first Hiragana character is produced by '\\#J2421'. The Kanji characters may be specified in a third way, using the so-called "Nelson Index", by specifying an escape sequence of the form '\\#N1234'. For example, the (obsolete) Kanji for 'one' is produced by '\\#N0001'. 'demo(Japanese)' shows the available Japanese characters. _R_a_w _H_e_r_s_h_e_y _G_l_y_p_h_s: all of the characters in the Hershey fonts are stored in a large array. Some characters are not accessible in any of the Hershey fonts. These characters can only be accessed via an escape sequence of the form '\\#H1234'. For example, the fleur-de-lys is produced by '\\#H0746'. The sixth and seventh tables of 'demo(Hershey)' shows all of the available raw glyphs. _R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_s: _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'demo(Hershey)', 'par', 'text', 'contour'. 'Japanese' for the Japanese characters in the Hershey fonts. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: Hershey ## for tables of examples, see demo(Hershey)