quartz package:grDevices R Documentation _M_a_c_O_S _X _Q_u_a_r_t_z _D_e_v_i_c_e _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: 'quartz' starts a graphics device driver for the Mac OS X System. It supports plotting both to the screen (the default) and to various graphics file formats. _U_s_a_g_e: quartz(title, width, height, pointsize, family, fontsmooth, antialias, type, file = NULL, bg, canvas, dpi) quartz.options(..., reset = FALSE) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: title: title for the Quartz window (applies to on-screen output only), default '"Quartz %d"'. A C-style format for an integer will be substituted by the device number (see the 'file' argument to 'postscript' for further details). width: the width of the plotting area in inches. Default '7'. height: the height of the plotting area in inches. Default '7'. pointsize: the default pointsize to be used. Default '12'. family: this is the family name of the font that will be used by the device. Default '"Helvetica"'. fontsmooth: logical specifying if fonts should be smoothed. Default 'TRUE'. Currently unused. antialias: whether to use antialiasing. Default 'TRUE'. type: the type of output to use. See 'Details' for more information. Default '"native"'. file: an optional target for the graphics device. The default, 'NULL', selects a default name where one is needed. See 'Details' for more information. bg: the initial background colour to use for the device. Default '"transparent"'. An opaque colour such as '"white"' will normally be required on off-screen types that support transparency such as '"png"' and '"tiff"'. canvas: canvas colour to use for an on-screen device. Default '"white"', and will be forced to be an opaque colour. dpi: resolution of the output. The default ('NA_real_') for an on-screen display defaults to the resolution of the main screen, and to 72 dpi otherwise. See 'Details'. ...: Any of the arguments to 'quartz' except 'file'. reset: logical: should the defaults be reset to their defaults? _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: The defaults for all but one of the arguments of 'quartz' are set by 'quartz.options': the 'Arguments' section gives the 'factory-fresh' defaults. The Quartz graphics device supports a variety of output types. On-screen output types are '""' or '"native"' (picks the best possible on-screen output), '"Cocoa"' (Mac OS X 10.4 and later) and '"Carbon"' (not currently implemented - potentially Mac OS X 10.3 and earlier). Off-screen output types produce output files and utilize the 'file' argument. 'type = "pdf"' gives PDF output. The following bitmap formats may be supported (on OS X 10.4 and later): '"png"', '"jpeg"', '"jpg"', '"jpeg2000"', '"tif"', '"tiff"', '"gif"', '"psd"' (Adobe Photoshop), '"bmp"' (Windows bitmap), '"sgi"' and '"pict"'. (The availability of some formats is OS-version-dependent.) To reproduce the default of older Quartz devices on-screen, set 'dpi = 72' (for a permanent solution set 'quartz.options(dpi = 72)'). The 'file' argument is used for off-screen drawing. The actual file is only created when the device is closed (e.g. using 'dev.off()'). For the bitmap devices, the page number is substituted if a C integer format is included in the character string, e.g. 'Rplot%03d.png'. (The result must be less than 'PATH_MAX' characters long, and may be truncated if not. See 'postscript' for further details.) If a 'file' argument is not supplied, the default is 'Rplots.pdf' or 'Rplot%03d.type'. If a device-independent R graphics font family is specified (e.g., via 'par(family=)' in the graphics package), the Quartz device makes use of the Quartz font database (see 'quartzFonts') to convert the R graphics font family to a Quartz-specific font family description. On-screen devices are launched with a semi-transparent canvas. Once a new plot is created, the canvas is first painted with the 'canvas' colour and then the current background colour (which can be transparent or semi-transparent). Off-screen devices have no canvas colour, and so start with a transparent background where possible (e.g. 'type="png"' and 'type="tiff"') - otherwise it appears that a solid white canvas is assumed in the Quartz code. 'title' can be used for on-screen output. It must be a single character string with an optional integer printf-style format that will be substituted by the device number. It is also optionally used (without a format) to give a title to a PDF file. Calling 'quartz()' sets '.Device' to '"quartz"' for on-scren devices and to '"quartz_off_screen"' otherwise. _C_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_s: This section describes the implementation of the conventions for graphics devices set out in the "R Internals Manual". * The default device size is 7 inches square. * Font sizes are in big points. * The default font family is Arial. * Line widths are a multiple of 1/96 inch with no minimum set by R. * Circle radii are real-valued with no minimum set by R. * Colour interpretation is by the viewer, including the screen display. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'quartzFonts', 'Devices'. 'png' for way to access the bitmap types of this device via R's standard bitmap devices. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: ## Not run: ## put something this is your .Rprofile to customize the defaults setHook(packageEvent("grDevices", "onLoad"), function(...) grDevices::quartz.options(width=8, height=6, pointsize=10)) ## End(Not run)