### Name: convertNative ### Title: Convert a Unit Object to Native units ### Aliases: convertNative ### Keywords: dplot ### ** Examples grid.newpage() pushViewport(viewport(width=unit(.5, "npc"), height=unit(.5, "npc"))) grid.rect() w <- convertNative(unit(1, "inches")) h <- convertNative(unit(1, "inches"), "y") # This rectangle starts off life as 1in square, but if you # resize the device it will no longer be 1in square grid.rect(width=unit(w, "native"), height=unit(h, "native"), gp=gpar(col="red")) popViewport(1) # How to use grid.convert(), etc instead convertNative(unit(1, "inches")) == convertX(unit(1, "inches"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE) convertNative(unit(1, "inches"), "y", "dimension") == convertHeight(unit(1, "inches"), "native", valueOnly=TRUE)