### Name: grid.ls ### Title: List the names of grobs or viewports ### Aliases: grid.ls nestedListing pathListing grobPathListing ### Keywords: dplot ### ** Examples # A gTree, called "parent", with childrenvp vpTree (vp2 within vp1) # and child grob, called "child", with vp vpPath (down to vp2) sampleGTree <- gTree(name="parent", children=gList(grob(name="child", vp="vp1::vp2")), childrenvp=vpTree(parent=viewport(name="vp1"), children=vpList(viewport(name="vp2")))) grid.ls(sampleGTree) # Show viewports too grid.ls(sampleGTree, view=TRUE) # Only show viewports grid.ls(sampleGTree, view=TRUE, grob=FALSE) # Alternate displays # nested listing, custom indent grid.ls(sampleGTree, view=TRUE, print=nestedListing, gindent="--") # path listing grid.ls(sampleGTree, view=TRUE, print=pathListing) # path listing, without grobs aligned grid.ls(sampleGTree, view=TRUE, print=pathListing, gAlign=FALSE) # grob path listing grid.ls(sampleGTree, view=TRUE, print=grobPathListing) # path listing, grobs only grid.ls(sampleGTree, print=pathListing) # path listing, viewports only grid.ls(sampleGTree, view=TRUE, grob=FALSE, print=pathListing) # raw flat listing str(grid.ls(sampleGTree, view=TRUE, print=FALSE))