package:grid R Documentation _D_r_a_w _a _D_i_a_g_r_a_m _o_f _a _G_r_i_d _L_a_y_o_u_t _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: This function uses Grid graphics to draw a diagram of a Grid layout. _U_s_a_g_e:, newpage=TRUE, bg = "light grey", cell.border = "blue", cell.fill = "light blue", cell.label = TRUE, label.col = "blue", unit.col = "red", vp = NULL) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: l: A Grid layout object. newpage: A logical value indicating whether to move on to a new page before drawing the diagram. bg: The colour used for the background. cell.border: The colour used to draw the borders of the cells in the layout. cell.fill: The colour used to fill the cells in the layout. cell.label: A logical indicating whether the layout cells should be labelled. label.col: The colour used for layout cell labels. unit.col: The colour used for labelling the widths/heights of columns/rows. vp: A Grid viewport object (or NULL). _D_e_t_a_i_l_s: A viewport is created within 'vp' to provide a margin for annotation, and the layout is drawn within that new viewport. The margin is filled with light grey, the new viewport is filled with white and framed with a black border, and the layout regions are filled with light blue and framed with a blue border. The diagram is annotated with the widths and heights (including units) of the columns and rows of the layout using red text. (All colours are defaults and may be customised via function arguments.) _V_a_l_u_e: None. _A_u_t_h_o_r(_s): Paul Murrell _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: Grid, 'viewport', 'grid.layout' _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s: ## Diagram of a simple layout,2, heights=unit(rep(1, 4), c("lines", "lines", "lines", "null")), widths=unit(c(1, 1), "inches")))