### Name: packet.panel.default ### Title: Associating Packets with Panels ### Aliases: packet.panel.default ### Keywords: dplot ### ** Examples packet.panel.page <- function(n) { ## returns a function that when used as the 'packet.panel' ## argument in print.trellis plots page number 'n' only function(layout, page, ...) { stopifnot(layout[3] == 1) packet.panel.default(layout = layout, page = n, ...) } } data(mtcars) HP <- equal.count(mtcars$hp, 6) p <- xyplot(mpg ~ disp | HP * factor(cyl), mtcars, layout = c(0, 6, 1)) print(p, packet.panel = packet.panel.page(1)) print(p, packet.panel = packet.panel.page(2))