draw.colorkey package:lattice R Documentation _P_r_o_d_u_c_e _a _C_o_l_o_r_k_e_y _f_o_r _l_e_v_e_l_p_l_o_t _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n: Produces (and possibly draws) a Grid frame grob which is a colorkey that can be placed in other Grid plots. Used in levelplot _U_s_a_g_e: draw.colorkey(key, draw=FALSE, vp=NULL) _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s: key: A list determining the key. See documentation for 'levelplot', in particular the section describing the 'colorkey' argument, for details. draw: logical, whether the grob is to be drawn. vp: viewport _V_a_l_u_e: A Grid frame object (that inherits from '"grob"') _A_u_t_h_o_r(_s): Deepayan Sarkar Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org _S_e_e _A_l_s_o: 'xyplot'